Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
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Volume XIX • Issue 48 • 2013 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
The irrational
Issue content
Title :  Summary
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion
Pages :  3 - 3
Type :  Introduction
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Title :  Irrational and organizations
Author(s) :  Baptiste, Rappin ; Aurélie, Kleber
Abstract :  ESM-IAE Metz and CEREFIGE, with the support of the Society of Philosophy of Management Sciences (SPSG) and the Association for Interdisciplinary Research on Enterprise Management (ARIMHE), organize the first Congress "Philosophy (s) of Management ", thus continuing the business of the three days of study" Philosophy and Management "organized by Pierre Louart and Alain Desreumaux in Lille from 2004 to 2006 (2 years on the theme" Reason and Decision ", 1 year on the theme "Will and representation"). This first messin event marks the beginning of a cycle of reflection in which managers and philosophers will be invited each year to think management from a guideline defining the general direction of the Congress; So, for this first occasion, we propose to venture to deal with the theme "Irrational and Organizations".
Pages :  23 - 26
Type :  Editorial
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Title :  Irrational, dominance and resistance in organizations A trans-disciplinary reading
Author(s) :  Rémi, Jardat
Abstract :  Our purpose consists in thinking organizational irrationality within its ternary contrariety / contradiction relation with rationality and non-rationality. At a first conceptual step, we establish that triad, casting rationality as a regulated string of tokens. At a second anthropological step, we embed that relation within non-rational processes of rationalization, the latter being understood in a double pragmatic and representational sense. The last step consists in illustrating that ternary relation and those processes through a typology of the most obvious manifestations of organizational reactive irrationalism.
Keywords:  dialectic, dominance, irrational, laborit, rationality
Pages :  29 - 42
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Emotions. The “mad housewife” or “career anchor”, a vector of meaning for the public manager in local authorities
Author(s) :  Grégory, Avier
Abstract :  The “mad housewife” or “career anchor”, a vector of meaning for the public manager in local authorities To the World of Ideas and the Kingdom of Reason, imagination was long what emotion represents still today in the world of organisations: “the mad housewife” (Malebranche, 1675). With firmness, Malebranche launched a hierarchical call to order, in which the subtitle of his book “where we deal with the Nature of Man’s mind and the use that he must make of it to avoid errors in the Sciences.” leaves no room for ambiguity: Emotions, like imagination are nothing but the cause of errors and falsity” (Pascal 1669) and should be viscerally removed from the path which leads to scientific truth. Creating in the same way, a duality of the body and the mind inherent in the history of sciences and its epistemological movement until the 17th century, this purely Western concept has long dominated the different disciplines of social sciences, and in doing so, has not spared government sciences. Indeed, the managerial sermons common in the fields of management and HR management give pride of place to the emotional investment of the professional activity, treating emotions as the necessary performance levers for achieving employee buy-in, reflecting a true “emotional revolution” (Barsade &alii, 2003). They nevertheless always consider emotions as a management tool and by using or abusing them to achieve goals which form the very core of the ultimate purpose of management, whether this is profitability or cost effectiveness, or at least performance, try to improve the management of employees and their involvement in their work by systematising emotions and humans who experience them as a means and not an end. The aim of this paper is therefore to invigorate the development of a humanist perspective as Montaigne understood it, in management sciences; It will say “I” and start from the subject, placing the values of the human person and the dignity of the individual above all others. Based on a biographical approach by looking at life histories, it will try to showcase the fundamental role of emotions in building the professional identity of the individual in organisations. By focussing on an area recently taken over by private sector management methods, and by the introduction of New Public Management, local authorities must demonstrate the basis of attachment to the work performed by those who are in charge of directing and implementing public policies at the local level, and what are the consequences and methods of mediation in dealing with organisational change.
Keywords:  emotional attachment, psychological contract, emotion, emotional intelligence, public organizations, clinical sociology, biographical approach
Pages :  43 - 71
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The notion of belief in organization studies Irrational or “simply” unthought-of?
Author(s) :  Yoann, Bazin
Abstract :  The literature in organisation studies often refers to beliefs. Yet, they are rarely examined or even defined; they remain un-thought. The aim of this article is twofold. First, to show how important beliefs are for academic fields such as organisational behaviour or organisation theory. Then to analyse the very concept of belief in a more systematic approach. In doing so, Kant’s Critique of pure reason will appear to be both seminal and structuring. In conclusion, we will show how management science and practices can be based on beliefs without falling into irrationality.
Keywords:  organizational behavior, belief, Kant, reason, irrationality
Pages :  73 - 87
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Personality The irrational in decision making. A highlight by the mental and psychological diversity of the decision-maker
Author(s) :  Ibtissem, Karboul ; Samia, Karoui Zouaoui
Abstract :  This article deals with a principal act in organization which is decision and tries to point out the presence of the irrational character of decision through an analysis of the mental and psychological characteristics of the decision-maker. The analysis of decision-maker’s mental functioning is done with references to the analysis of the human information processing (HIP) that reveals the existence of two different thought patterns. The first one is logic. It treats objective information and is based on a causal and deductive reasoning. The second pattern is non-logic (Barnard, 1936), irrational. It treats subjective information and is based on an inductive reasoning. The analysis of decision-maker’s psychological characteristics and their effect on the decision process is based on the concept of personality of Carl Jung. In fact, the personality of decision-maker dictates the way in which he/she perceives and judges information needed to decide, which leads to various style of decision ranging from a purely intuitive style, characterized by an intuitive perception of facts and events and a non-rational judgment based on feelings, to a purely rational style characterized by a sensory perception and a rational judgment. We aim to show, through the concept of cognitive flexibility, that the complex reality of organizations is favoring the duality, even the co-existence of the rational and the irrational style of decision making. We will demonstrate that the decision-maker in order to optimize his decision in a context of uncertainty has to oscillate between rationality and irrationality, consciousness and unconsciousness by using his cognitive flexibility.
Keywords:  decision, HI duality, cognitive flexibility, intuition, personality, rationality
Pages :  89 - 104
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Improvisation as “part of irrational” Relevance of the phenomenon in the organizational behavior
Author(s) :  Edmond, Passe
Abstract :  Our work tries to explain the relevance of the improvisation in the organizational behavior specifically in the decision—making process. From à railing of observation in the sense of Cunha and his co-authors (Cunha et al 1999) and its conditions of emergence defined by roux-Dufort and Vidaillet (Roux-Dufort and Vidaillet 2003) we try to discover under which conditions the actors within the organization improvise and why? The oursued objective is to discover the explanatory factors of the phenomenon to propose modalities of its integration in the organizational behavior. Our qualitative survey by interview (Einsenhardt K.M and Graebner, M.E 2007, Yin 2003) is interested in a SME on practical lived situations during which It resorted to the improvisation in its decision-making. The analysis allows on one hand to understand better the foundations evoked in the managerial literature, and on the other hand to encircle the impact of improvisation on the smooth running of business. So we highlight the role of normalization played by the improvisation in the process of decision-making. That is a question of establishing the relay between the normal situation and the unforeseen situation.
Keywords:  improvisation, decision-making process, limited rationality, decision-maker behavior
Pages :  105 - 123
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Spiritual organization vs. Rational organization Which places for spirituality in Chinese companies?
Author(s) :  Laurent, Meriade ; Nicolas, Mainetti
Abstract :  Main works on spirituality in organizations provide an essential role in the expression of the spirituality of employees (Karakas, 2010, Mitroff, 2000) or leaders (Voynnet Fourboul, 2011) in their personal or collective success. In this paper, we hypothesize that the exemplary context of Chinese companies offers the possibility to assess this relationship in the perceptions of employees. For this, on a theoretical level, we propose to check relationship existing between the spirituality of Chinese employees and their personal and collective sucess in mobilizing literature on Chinese thought and philosophy (Granet, 1934; Jullien, 1996, 2005, 2009; Gernet, 2001, Barber, 2001; Billeter, 2006). On a practical level we try to describe personal values (Cavanagh, 1999) that guide their behavior and relationships with their well-being and their personal and collective success from an exploratory study among employees of both public and private Chinese companies.
Keywords:  China, culture, employees, spirituality, organization
Pages :  125 - 144
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Straw women in hair fashion
Author(s) :  Laurent, Erbs
Abstract :  The end of the 20th century saw the developing of the hairdressing salon chains. The creator of the label that is to say the hairdresser settled in a unique shop spreads his activity by multiplying sales outlets. He joins with his first hairdresser. Very often the legal assembly of these salons structures is identical. The comment of this contribution is to show that the fraudulent practices as well as a sort of fetishism are its bases. This contribution enforced by the law allows to manipulate the employee legally.
Keywords:  dol, fetish, merchandising, rent, hairstyle
Pages :  145 - 158
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Be responsible for diversity in a large organization A scholarly composition between complexity and reason
Author(s) :  Armelle, Sciberras ; Lidwine, Maizeray
Abstract :  The aim of this paper is to make us understand how complicated it is to successfully run a diversity politic for a diversity manager. Relying on the case study of the company Credit Agricole S.A., we want to demonstrate that the diversity places the diversity manager in a situation where he can only discover how much this subject is way more difficult to rationalize that he might have consider : diversity escapes our thoughts. Through a dialogue, we can see the conflicting feelings that this leads. The diversity manager must define precisely a subject which, by nature, shouldn’t be rationalized at the risk of losing it.
Keywords:  dialogue, diversity, elusive, sense of contradiction, rationality
Pages :  159 - 169
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  To be faithful volunteer in the "no-profit system"
Author(s) :  Marie, Cousineau
Abstract :  This study displays the contents of the organizational loyalty of the volunteers and their limits. That’s why; we realized an exploratory study concerning two associations with common points: Artisans of the World and the Red Cross. Twenty two semi-structured interviews have been established and drove us to discover three dimensions of the organizational loyalty and its specific limits. Then, volunteer classification has been realized through the identified profiles of loyal volunteers. Finally, tracks of managerial recommendations have been suggested thanks to the huge choice of technical tips from Marketing and human Resources Fields.
Keywords:  volunteer management, HR marketing, organizational loyalty
Pages :  171 - 190
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Place of the irrational in lifelong learning Search for meaning or expectation of acknowledgment
Author(s) :  Philippe, Ganier
Abstract :  The evolution of the field of public education in recovery of study is spent in 40 years from a processing logic of mass to an attempt of individualized course whose rationality is disputed. The example of the Accreditation for Work Experiences, whose impact remainds marginal, shows the difference between an incantatory intentionality of change and a reality that must lead the multiplicity of actors to overcome their fragmentation and facilitate accompaniment. The expectation of acknowledgment, in the central search for meaning in Lifelong Learning, must be at the heart of an ethics of coaching.
Keywords:  accompaniment, lifelong training, path, recognition, ethics
Pages :  191 - 200
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Personal development The rational to the irrational?
Author(s) :  Franck, Jaotombo
Abstract :  Despite an extensive use of personal development practices in institutions and in organizations, one can easily confuse the said practices with the very concept of personal development which is far from being clearly defined. In this research we first of all operationalize personal development as an integrated concept of flourishing. Secondly, we explore the rationalities behind the use of personal development in organizations such as employee well being, human management and work place health. The third part investigates the actual irrationalities generated by those organizational rationalities.
Keywords:  managerial drift, personal development, fulfillment, eudemonic, hedonic, occupational health, well-being
Pages :  201 - 219
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  When the search for well-being jeopardizes performance The case of “No e-mails on Friday” or “Friday email embargo”
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion ; Stéphane, Trébucq ; Sybille, Persson
Abstract :  In 2006 Sumantra GHOSBAL published in Academy of Management Learning and Education, (vol. 4, no. 1 75-91) the article ‘Bad Management Theories Are Destroying Good Management Practices’ in which the author seriously questions management theories contradicted by good management practice. In this article we also examine the relationship between theory and practice, but we reach the opposite conclusion to Sumantra GHOSBAL. We demonstrate that a particular bad management practice, No Email on Friday or Friday Email embargo, which is more often than not abandoned very quickly, requires the manager to transgress, or deviate from, 8 good management theories: the scapegoat theory, the theory of Work Desire, the theory of the Black Market, the ‘Millefeuille’ theory of communication layers, the Hierarchy of Needs, the double bind theory, the theory of the Infernal Triangle and finally the Grief or Bereavement theory.
Keywords:  scientific management practice, Friday without email, Friday email embargo
Pages :  221 - 241
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The irrational in the coordination of work An economic approach to the irrational : For the acceptance of a plurality of modes of coordination
Author(s) :  Marie-Pierre, Philippe-Dussine
Abstract :  This article underlines the plurality of an economic approach of rationality, which far from the caricature of homo economicus model in which it is too often shut up, has evolved in an attempt to understand, thanks to a very fruitful interdisciplinary exchange (Kahneman, 1979), a wide range of human choices, which may have their "reasons" (Mises, 1949, Boudon, 2004), even if they follow other goals than simple search of a personal well-being and an other logical than pure reason. The irrational choices, characterized by an inadequation of goals and means, concern therefore economists, who by trying to understand them, can probably bring some ideas to management (Sen, 1993).
Keywords:  economic approach, choice, irrational, decision-making, management
Pages :  243 - 257
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The figure of the circle of governance for Adriano Olivetti and Carl Gustav Jung
Author(s) :  Bruno, Traversi
Abstract :  For Adriano Olivetti, an emblematic character of Italian entrepreneurship in the twentieth century, management means, on the one hand, rationalizing tasks as in Taylor’s model and on the other hand, is based on the principles of individuation that are widely inspired by Carl Gustav Jung’s analytic psychology. Taylor’s Scientific Management of Work can be described as a process of subjugation, which is represented in Michel Foucault’s perspective by the circular architecture of Bentham’s Panopticon. On the contrary, Jung’s individuation shows a process of liberation aiming at the autonomy of the subject that can be pictured by another type of circle, i.e. the mandala. Both types of circles refer to two types of central power: the first one is a directive power with a watchful eye, the second one is an introspective power with a contemplative gaze. While the directive power relies on a relation of sensitivity and causality, the efficiency of the introspective power consists in a “silent influence”, which implies the existence of a non-causal link, or a link of correspondence or “synchronicity” between individuals. Jung developed the concept of synchronicity between 1932 and 1958 in a joint work with Wolfgang Pauli, the Nobel Prize for Physics. Regarding non-causal phenomena that can be observed in subatomic physics as well as in psychology, the psychologist and the physicist agreed on the need for making a transcendent area of psyche, which links immediately the physical and the psychical sphere, i.e. interiority and exteriority. Therefore, the both personal and collective aspect that Jung et Pauli give to collective unconscious seems to create a model of centralised governance whose legitimacy and efficiency paradoxically rely on the virtue and the non-interference – whose Chinese paragon is the Yellow Emperor.
Keywords:  acausality, subjection, China, Foucault, governance, Guerra, unconscious, Jung, mandala, Olivetti, Pauli, psychology, Robur, synchronicity, management
Pages :  259 - 276
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Leadership and leaders in management: an opportunistic-collusive «invention» of a super-supra managerial-man ?
Author(s) :  Omar, Atkouf
Abstract :  The objective of this contribution is to try to expand and explain Alexis de Tocqueville «intuition» about the apparition of a sort of «new aristocracy» in United States, instead of «new democracy» since the 19th century. The main hypothesis or the author is that the so called «leadership theory» may be the key of the explication around this issue : to «invent» a sort of new kind of human being that is «naturally» above the common human condition... that’s the so called «leader» which is, according to the argumentation developed, a sort of «collusive» transposition to the new wealthy businessmen – in order to justify their pretention for an «absolute» power and endless privileges-, the so called fiction of «the double body» of the British kings, since the Tudor’s. This new aristocracy had to face the problem of how to justify / legitimize that pretention... it was, according to the author the role that have assumed the early «leadership theories» makers : inventing various «intrinsic qualities» located «in» the businessmen person – personality, just as the second divine body of the British king was located into her proper person to legitimize his pretention to the absolute power that needs qualities that «transcend» what the simple mortal is. Is not that the main – «hidden-collusive» purpose of all kind of leadership theory ?
Keywords:  leader, absolute power in management, pseudo intrinsic qualities of the leader, collusive theories, leadership
Pages :  277 - 290
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Irrationality and organization, a fruitful duality
Author(s) :  Damien, Dandelot ; Faouzi, Bensebaa
Abstract :  This paper examines the necessity and complementarity of irrationality in the organization context. Indeed, informal, and irrational can accompany it, is in our opinion, not a component of the organization, but an object that lives and exists in equipollence of the actual and rationality. Both influence each other and allow both the evolution and change of each other’s existence. However, it should be noted that this paper focuses on the characteristics of the relationship between the rational and the irrational. The main purpose here is to show that although a prima facie it may seem that irrational acts against the organizational rationality in a desire to transgress it, irrationality may also seek to digress rationality in order to make change where it would not have thought to go. In this vein, the philosophy of concrete is solicited to indicate that the organization and its rational intention can be conceived as equipollent and thus as complementary. Returning to the basic concepts of the WE and I, the research aims to reconstruct the process that allows the organization to exist, and live by itself through the individual, in order to highlight the inseparability and indissociability relationship. Therefore, the individual actions (rational or not) are not and cannot always be understood as a willingness of transgression of the social reality, but rather as a willingness of digression. In other words, beyond the conception of the gift, there is another conception that moves towards something that is not possible to trade or exchange.
Keywords:  act of digression, act of transgression, individual, informal, irrational, prescribed, rational, organization
Pages :  291 - 311
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Pessoa's “disquietness” at work. A liminal approach to instrumental organisational engagement
Author(s) :  Nuno, Guimarães-Costa ; Miguel, Pina E Cunha
Abstract :  Inspired by the “Book of Disquiet” from the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, we use the apparently disengaged figure of Bernardo Soares to explore the liminal cases in which individuals are intrinsically detached from the organisations while at the same time they behave as if they were deeply involved with them. We argue that awareness of this liminal condition leads to the instrumental convergence between the individual and the organisation by means of extrinsic engagement coupled with focused disengagement. As a result, disengaged organisational members are able to benefit from the new wave of contractual arrangements based on commitment and identification between the organisation and the individual while organisations protect themselves from negative forms of engagement and disengagement.
Keywords:  commitment, liminality, Pessoa, organizations
Pages :  313 - 325
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  When driving people too many reasons full of it ends with miss of mind The leader of men today. The disposition to independence of mind. When the unconscious makes responsible, independent and creative. Possible psychoanalytic clinical management?
Author(s) :  Georges, Botet-Pradeilles ; Jean-Pierre, Dumazert
Abstract :  This philosophical essay reveals a gateway to a possible psychoanalytic clinical management. Bearer of questions, concerns and promises, the word management is first meaning of skills, efficiency and guarantee the economic result. But the indomitable human to its purely functional version, just create a mess in the practices most optimized and controlled management. It must be admitted, the reasons are too often a symptom of obsessive concern generator and inhibitions. The return of the relational dimension with fuzzy time and efficiency reports, presents the link and ambivalences where we thought that the method and good intentions suffice. The unconscious of each expects the other something of the order of desire is concerned. Without the circulation of these implicit signs, often ignored by players, the sense of an act is lost or lost in the misunderstanding.
Keywords:  alienation psychoanalysis, unconscious, management
Pages :  327 - 346
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Everything rational The irrationality of managerial rationality?
Author(s) :  Baptiste, Rappin
Abstract :  This paper bases on a Pierre Legendre (this iconoclastic lawyer) work’s presentation in order to question the management place in the civilization. More precisely, how does the industrial empire collide with the anthropological foundations of mankind in general and Western in particular? What effect do the managerial practices have on Reference, Institution, Representation and Genealogy?
Keywords:  management, Pierre Legendre, dogmatic anthropology
Pages :  347 - 366
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Sensitive organizations, lands of affects Research strategies in the “Affects Turn”
Author(s) :  Isabela, Paes ; Jean-Luc, Moriceau
Abstract :  If organization behavior is shaped by a set of rational tools and processes, it is yet grounded on a sensitive and affective web. Left bare of this web, organizations are pictured in-sensitive, an-aesthetized, dis-affected. However, including affects as objects of study bears the risk of distorting and thus lose what we wish to comprehend. We thus propose three research strategies that try to respect organizational dynamics imposed by affects, preserving affects’ intensities and dualities. We conclude by calling for organizational behavior researches open both to rationality and affects, intelligible and sensitive.
Keywords:  ordinary affects, autoethnography, performance ethnography, sensitive, turning to affects, affects
Pages :  367 - 379
Type :  Research paper
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
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