Volume XV • Issue 35 • 2009 (Already published) |
Interpretations and qualitative methods |
Title : |
thanks |
Abstract : |
no abstract |
Pages : |
11 - 11 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0011 |
Type : |
Thanks |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-11.htm |
Title : |
The unique contributions of qualitative data to study periods and disturbed human phenomena |
Author(s) : |
Christian, Bourion ; Frank, Bournois |
Abstract : |
Any turbulence, all the more any crisis, is preceded by important gaps between mental representations and current norms. The latter, qualitative in nature, are more often than not expressed via a loss of trust, before becoming quantitative. Although the hegemony of positive sciences is not a problem when growth is present and the trend is stable, it becomes catastrophic during globalised periods when there is no longer a trend and theses gaps multiply. And yet, only founded sciences can simultaneously deal with the thousands of gaps between representations and norms, as tales, alert or experience returns, allowing one to predict and pilot major organisational risks and changes. |
Keywords: |
crisis, gaps, norms, positive sciences, risk |
Pages : |
13 - 28 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0013 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-13.htm |
Title : |
Interpretive Research: Characteristics and Criteria |
Author(s) : |
Dvora, Yanow ; Peregrine, Schwartz-Shea |
Abstract : |
no abstract |
Pages : |
29 - 38 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0029 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-29.htm |
Title : |
Presentation of research. A response to expressed needs |
Author(s) : |
Martine, Hlady Rispal |
Abstract : |
no abstract |
Pages : |
39 - 47 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0039 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-39.htm |
Title : |
Pursuing a “Justifiable View on a Particular Organizational Phenomenon”: An Issue Investigated in the Radical Constructivist Epistemological Paradigm |
Author(s) : |
Marie-josé, Avenier |
Abstract : |
This article examines what can be qualified as a “justifiable view on a particular organizational phenomenon” and how to construct such a view in research projects explicitly taking place in the radical constructivist epistemological paradigm. This paradigm neither denies nor asserts the existence of an objective world populated by mind-independent entities—a “world-as-is”. It only postulates that humans cannot know such a thing as an independent, objective world that stands apart from their experience of it, while they can, however, know a “world-as-experienced”. In this paradigm, “a justifiable view on a particular organizational phenomenon” can be defined as a richly informed representation of the phenomenon, where “representation” designates a symbolic construction expressing an interpretation of a subject’s experience. Of particular note, in this paradigm it is not known if a representation is similar, or not similar, to the world that has induced the experience. As a result, such a “justifiable view” remains a situated and goal-oriented construction. The construction of justifiable views concerning organizational phenomena can be considered as a major goal of scientific research in organization studies, no matter the archetype of science in which the research is carried out—be it a science of nature or a science of the artificial. The legitimization of the justifiable character of a particular view concerning a certain phenomenon rests on the ethics, rigor and transparency with which the epistemic and empirical work contributing to the construction of this view has been carried out. |
Keywords: |
methodology, epistemology, radical constructivism, epistemic work, knowledge legitimization |
Pages : |
49 - 71 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0049 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-49.htm |
Title : |
What "quality" data collection strategies are available for the qualitative - 306 - researcher? The specific family firm research case |
Author(s) : |
Céline, Barrédy |
Abstract : |
The methods used to collect qualitative data are highly developed in the scientific literature whereas few papers are concerned by the quality of the data collected. From the specific field of the family business which joins the management of a firm and the emotional characteristic of a family, the purpose of this article is to examine the influence of interactions between the actors and the researcher on the data collection during case studies researches. First, the nature of these influences and their consequences are identified. A typology is proposed: on one hand there are the interactions between actors and researchers, on the other hand we find the ones between the actors. Secondly, ideas and tools are proposed to transform these influences into vectors of knowledge.
Keywords: |
case studies, interaction, family firms |
Pages : |
73 - 94 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0073 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-73.htm |
Title : |
The delinquency cases. Methodological challenges of research on dangerous ground |
Author(s) : |
Anne, Sachet-Milliat |
Abstract : |
The objective of this research is to treat particular difficulties encountered by researchers wishing to carry out investigations in sensitive subjects because of inherent constraints of confidentiality, some taboos in social sciences and threats on research participants. The potential contributions and the limits of the methods in social sciences to collect sensitive data will be studied considering the example of the delinquency of businesses. |
Keywords: |
sensitive information, corporate criminality, unethical behaviors, social sciences methodology |
Pages : |
95 - 115 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0095 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-95.htm |
Title : |
Behind the Scenes of Qualitative Research in Management Science: Combining Reliability, Pragmatism and Rigor |
Author(s) : |
Julien, Cusin |
Abstract : |
This article deals with methodological difficulties of an empirical investigation on learning through failure. Thus, we adopt a pragmatic approach of the research in management science, which is full of compromises, arbitrations and renunciations. Nevertheless, the researcher can satisfy the scientific requirements of quality, reliability and rigour. In this article, we show that it sometimes exists a gap between the ideal described by Eisenhardt (1989) – on theoretical sampling – and Van de Ven (1992) – on the longitudinal study of strategic processes – and what lives the researcher on the ground. This is particularly true when he studies a sensitive topic. |
Keywords: |
pragmatism, sensitive topic, theoritical sampling, lingitudinal study of strategic processes, restropective data collection |
Pages : |
117 - 139 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0117 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-117.htm |
Title : |
How to implement, validate and legitimate a participatory inquiry approach - 307 - in Management Sciences? The case of “competitiveness poles” |
Author(s) : |
Christian, Defélix ; Nathalie, Merminod ; Pierre-Laurent, Félix |
Abstract : |
As Bartunek (2007) underlines, academic management communicationscontinue to lack practice orientation and the gap between theory and practice is enduring. Surprisingly, however, collaboration between academics and practitioners has been well documented. For example, Heron and Reason’s action research paradigm « participatory inquiry paradigm » (1997) - although little known and comparatively unused in today’s Management Sciences - aims to create relationships between academics and practitioners by transforming them into co-researchers. Our study supports this approach by using a specific case: an emergent object called Competitiveness Poles. This study addresses the following question: How can a participatory inquiry approach be implemented, validated and legitimized in Management Sciences? Initial results attest to the validity of the « participatory inquiry paradigm » approach. However, we would like to highlight a necessary and critical step that was understated in the original paradigm, that of “creating community”. This crucial step impacts the value of results stemming from a collaboration. |
Keywords: |
cooperative inquiry, competitiveness poles, methodology, innovation |
Pages : |
141 - 160 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0141 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-141.htm |
Title : |
Analysis of data from an in vivo observatory of the organizing |
Author(s) : |
Géraldine, Rix-Lièvre ; Pascal, Lièvre |
Abstract : |
The purpose of this contribution is to report about an in vivo observatory of “the organizing” (Weick) and its analysis of data. This method consists of two complementary investigative tools, each developed by a different researcher: the Multimedia Logbook focused on the collective level and the Device for Objectifying Situated Practices focused on each person. This observatory, in a constructivist epistemology, is a new kind of qualitative methodology: its aim is to study “the way to do” rather than “the way to tell”. |
Keywords: |
epistemology, methodology, constructivism, organazing, observatory, logbook, subjective re situ interview, practice |
Pages : |
161 - 178 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0161 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-161.htm |
Title : |
The conduct of case studies built. When the researcher engaged in a game assembly |
Author(s) : |
Martine, Hlady Rispal |
Abstract : |
Our article comes within the scope of empirical research undertaken in regards to social organizations. They are small entities committed to social insertion through an economic activity. They are characterized by their interdependence between multiple stakeholders with sometimes contradictory interests (national and local institutional partners, network heads, social and commercial actors, etc). The article describes a specific research strategy: “Embedded Case Study Research”. It can be defined as research relating to several cases each comprising one or several interrelated sub-units and in which investigations are carried out at the main case level as well as at the sub-unit level. Five embedded case studies were undertaken. Our project is to identify the “quality” challenges met during data production for this type of interpretative qualitative method. Their identification is accompanied by a description of the devices elaborated for confronting them. |
Keywords: |
embedded case studies, social organizations, small entities |
Pages : |
179 - 200 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0179 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-179.htm |
Title : |
Multi-Purpose stories and visualization tools for a methodology |
Author(s) : |
Marie-Noëlle, Albert |
Abstract : |
Multiple uses of narratives and visualization tools during a methodological process. Narratives use is often associated to interpretative perspective. Traditionally, these narratives are used as empirical materials. Narratives could be used differently as well. Nevertheless, these kinds of uses are not presented in the same article. The purpose of this article is to show a methodological framework based on narratives with different functions : preparatory reflexive work, information collection, generic knowledge building and knowledge communication. This framework relies also on visualization tools, few are developed nowadays. |
Pages : |
201 - 218 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0201 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-201.htm |
Title : |
A “quality challenge” in the stages of treatment and of interpretation of data: the contribution of NUD*IST software, or ongoing contextualization |
Author(s) : |
Isabelle, Maque |
Abstract : |
This article, relying on a four case-studies research in the banking area, shows how technology (N6) has been used to enhance rather than transform traditional methods. Computers allow us to handle better the conflict between context and comparison: it is possible to abstract both data for the purposes of comparison, but also to recover the context from which these data have been abstracted. So context needs not be lost altogether when we categorize the data. This contribution is all the more significant since the data collected are voluminous. |
Keywords: |
NUD*IST software, case studies, banking relationships, CAQDAS, contextualisation |
Pages : |
219 - 240 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0219 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-219.htm |
Title : |
The steering of small firms and social network: conclusions from a two fold compilation of data from enterprises in the economic fabric of East of France |
Author(s) : |
Arnaud, Guillemin ; Wilfrid, Azan |
Abstract : |
Il has not been much used concerning the analysis of interfirm networks. This paper investigates if, and then why, the IT and the social networks are underevaluated by small firms in a part of Europe. This exploratory study, based on both quantitative and qualitative method, points out that interfirm networks can be built thanks to social actors IT. It may be an explanation of the differences between the Californian technological entrepreuneurship model and East of France model. Interfirm networks development and success seems to be built on a process where IT is the cornerstone. The methodology is a two fold compilation of data from enterprises in the economic fabric of East of France |
Keywords: |
legitimacy, social network, know-how, technology, small firms, entrepreneurship, skills, situated methology |
Pages : |
243 - 266 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0243 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-243.htm |
Title : |
The matter of looking for a review in order to publish a founded article |
Author(s) : |
Christian, Bourion ; Frank, Bournois |
Abstract : |
Drawn up in order to observe the emergences due to complexity, which are currently multiplying, the founded, anchored, fixed approach, in which the results are generally qualified in terms of relevance, interest, originality and scale, are being rejected to classified reviews, via orthodox reviewing, not just in the name of reductionist, cartesian-positivist and hypothetical-deductive norms, but also and especially in the name of an implicit French culture which is rather unfavourable towards a meticulous search for rich data, a reasoning process inherited from the rich tradition of American radical empiricism. By virtue of which, we suggest passing an ethical charter, with an alert system for classified reviews, which follows these lines. |
Keywords: |
criteria, legitimacy, relevance, classified review, reject, reviewer, reviewing |
Pages : |
267 - 294 |
DOI : |
10.3917/rips.035.0267 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-2009-35-page-267.htm |