Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
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Volume III • Issue 05 • 1996 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
Psychodynamics of work
Issue content
Title :  Editorial
Author(s) :  Gilles, Amado ; Eugène, Enriquez
Pages :  3 - 4
Type :  Editorial
Title : 
Abstract :  The Covid-19 pandemic forced organisations to implement telework. Some companies that were not in favour of it before the crisis had to adapt. In this context, this new form of work has significantly changed the interactions between the actors in the organisation. There was a lot of literature on telework before 2020, but social scientists had found that despite the technological feasibility, telework was not being implemented in organisations. One of the reasons for this is the fear of losing control by managers. Managers are used to controlling by sight. The advent of Covid-19 has forced teleworking on these organisations. Companies that are used to face-to-face management are implementing a new regulation to continue to monitor the execution of tasks. Due to this development, new areas of uncertainty are being created in the organisation and this opens up new perspectives for employees to renegotiate their position and power in the company. The case study of an SME shows that physical or digital visibility is an important issue in renegotiating one''s working environment. It was found that the introduction of telework changes the power relations between the actors in the company.
Keywords:  Key words :Telework, visibility at work, organisational regulations, case study, Covid-19
Pages : 
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Introduction
Author(s) :  Christophe, Dejours
Pages :  5 - 16
Type :  Introduction
Title :  New work organizations : paradoxes and suffering
Author(s) :  Marie-Claire, Carpentier-Roy
Abstract :  At the turn of the century, while true to the economic logic that drives them, business enterprises develop new management methods and lay down work organizations which draw increasingly on the subjectivity of individuals considered as free actors and subjects, responsible, autonomous and showing solidarity. In theory, such views cannot but ennoble work, revitalizing trade culture, giving back a significant status to the symbolic level (on which identity is founded) and reintroducing the subject in the collective work relationships. But that appeal to the actor/subject subjectivity is made in such a way that it perverts the desire of every individual to define himself and be recognized as a subject. Consequently, harmful effects appear through distressing splits (actor/subject, individual/work collective), producing identity losses and psychic sufferings.
Keywords:  new work organization, paradoxes, suffering
Pages :  17 - 24
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Plato's cave or the defensive strategies of executives in the banking sector
Author(s) :  Michel, Vézina ; Louise, Saint-Arnaud
Abstract :  A study of the psychodynamics of work was conducted in a banking sector enterprise to investigate the origin of mental suffering among managerial staff, causing an increased rate of absenteism. Group interviews were conducted to provide a better awareness of the subjective aspects of human behaviour, i.e. to "objectivise subjectivity". The results of the analysis, validated by each group, confirm that managerial staff rationalizes their helplessness and underestimates the work load of their employees, as defensive strategies to protect themselves against the psychological strains related to their work organisation.
Keywords:  Plato's cave, Plato's Cave, defensive strategies, banking sector
Pages :  25 - 32
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Management description and subjective description of work : differences ? An automobile assembly plant
Author(s) :  Michel, Llory ; Annick, Llory
Abstract :  A field survey in industrial ethnography was carried out in the automobile sector, using the concepts of work-related psychodynamics. An analysis could thus be made of the attitudes of production-line operators, foremen and executives towards their work. Operators and foremen both give a subjective description of the work which is preoccupying on a number of points : operators suffer from mental and physical hardship and exhaustion ; there is strong organisational and managerial pressure and a worse factory climate in general. It seems clear from this that sociotechnical aspects of the production-line system have not been fully mastered. In contrast, executives give a purely technical and procedural description of the work which largely contradicts the one above. They deny the difficulties encountered by field personnel in their work, but also their own. On one hand we have the operators' and foremen's complaints and criticisms and, on the other hand: the executives'silence. The contradictions brought to light here have important implications in an understanding of present-day limitations of the production-line system.
Keywords:  management description, subjective description of work, automobile assembly factory
Pages :  33 - 52
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Subjective moral autonomy and the construction of sexual ldentity : the contribution of the psychodynamics of work
Author(s) :  Pascale, Molinier
Abstract :  Work sometimes involves having to carry out acts that are in contradiction with the moral values that govern social links. Clinical research in the psychodynamics of work suggests that men manage better than women to blot out their moral sense and justify their participation in injustice and violence. The hypothesis defended is that these differentiations are probably not in the nature of men and women, but bear the mark of the social relationships of sex and the sexual division of work.
Keywords:  subjective and moral autonomy, identity construction, sexual identity, psychodynamics of work
Pages :  53 - 62
Type :  Research paper
Title :  The founding of the group "Paroles" and the new psychological problems encountered in the practice of industrial medicine
Author(s) :  Dominique, Huez
Abstract :  The dynamic that gave rise to the network "Paroles de médecins du travail sur la précarisation" was strongly based on the contributions of the psychodynamics of work, the essential foundation of a developing "health clinic" alongside the "medical clinic" usually set up by industrial doctors. These doctors in this way have been able to start to report on the increasing effects on mental health of work that in all its forms is becoming more and more precarious. In doing this, they were confronted with paradoxical situations in which the comprehension of the meaning of the events by the actors does not mechanically entail the process of reducing the organizational constraints. The size of the precariousness process, the weight of the apparent economic inevitabilities demands the basing of the action of industrial medicine once again within the framework of a public health approach which involves the main questions in industrial health. The question of social citizenship is thus raised as the fundamental question of the centrality of work.
Keywords:  psychopathological problems, occupational medicine
Pages :  63 - 76
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Huez, D. (1996) La fondation du groupe « Paroles », et les nouveaux problèmes psychopathologiques rencontrés dans la pratique de la médecine du travail . Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), III(05), pp. 63-76
Title :  Accepting doubt to build protessional rules and to escape the denial of work
Author(s) :  Anne, Flottes Lerolle
Abstract :  The consultants' praxis can be modified when they become aware that participatory management has failed because it did not take into account the fact that work organization itself was an obstacle to individual mobilization and not because of resistance against change. They can also gain from the realization that an understanding rather than an expert attitude can be adopted in the exercise of their profession. However, a consultant who considers management as genuine work is confronted with a lack of tools to analyze it and, on the other hand, with attitudes developed by managers consisting in denying any work in order to try and contain sufferings which are specific to their position. Such sufferings echo the pains experienced by consultants. Accepting to express their doubts and to exchange on their 'metis" is for consultants a necessary step towards structured discussion and the elaboration of protective rules for their profession. But the question must be raised under what conditions can trust be established?
Keywords:  psychodynamics of work
Pages :  77 - 92
Type :  Research paper
Title :  The first formulations of the psychopathology of work in the post-war context : 1945-1965
Author(s) :  Isabelle, Billiard
Abstract :  This paper questions on the historical and social conditions of appearance of a work psychopathology, in France, after the second world war. Political and social choices which had an impact on work, on the one hand, evolution of different schools in psychology, in the other hand, allow to understand the major role of psychiatry in the formulation of the issue. The second part presents essential trends in work psychopathology, location them in the mean pratical and theoretical debates which divided french psychiatry at the same period.
Keywords:  psychopathology of work
Pages :  93 - 106
Type :  Research paper
Title :  An epidemiological approach to suffering at work: is the objectivation of experience possible ?
Author(s) :  Francis, Derriennic
Abstract :  Is it possible to quantify the psychological suffering that is revealed by clinical qualitative analysis when listening to a subject talking about his state, his joumey through life and his desires within the framework of his work? But what is subjective does not lack "regularities" in the relations with the physical and human environment. Quantitative epidemiological approaches can highlight these regularities. The thesis that is developed to understand certain epidemiological results is based on an analysis of work which makes it necessary to take into account the experience of work situations in relation to the objective characteristics of work and the self-declarations of the subjects on items of perceived health related to the working of the psyche.
Keywords:  epidemiological approach, suffering at work, objectivation of experience
Pages :  107 - 126
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Between the spectacle of suffering and participation in action. Sociology of suffering and psychodynamics of work
Author(s) :  Thomas, Perilleux
Abstract :  The psychodynamic analysis of work proposes original instruments for understanding and denouncing the suffering felt at work. We discuss these in this text. After describing the "schema actanciel" on which C. Dejours approach is built, we examine it in the light of recent organizational transformations. As the experience of "modemization" of a firm that we mention shows, managerial models now make autonomy and creativity paradoxical requirements. They produce new suffering, while questioning its coverage by the community. Suffering is at the heart of social and political links. How can this link be understood and renewed today at work?
Keywords:  spectacle of suffering, involvement in action, sociology of suffering, psychodynamics of work.
Pages :  127 - 142
Type :  Research paper
Title :  From objectives of production of knowledge to methodological orientations : a controversy between anthopology and psychodynamics of work
Author(s) :  Alain, Morice
Abstract :  Based on research carried out in anthropology, this article proposes some questions for the psychodynamics of work. These questions involve : the universality and exclusiveness of the defensive ideologies, in particular in situations of precarious employment ; the particular epistemological status that this science attributes to work in relation to other forms of human activity ; the methodological exclusiveness it grants itself in the screening and analysis of relations between the psychological processes and the organization of work. To end with, it is suggested that the collaboration between anthropology and psychodynamics would be richer if a more problematic rather than disciplinary position was adopted on both sides. and if, for their part, the anthropologists were willing to question their fictitious neutrality.
Keywords:  knowledge-production, methodological orientations, work anthropology, work psychodynamics
Pages :  143-160
Type :  Research paper
Title : 
Author(s) :  Christophe, Dejours
Pages :  161-168
Type :  Book review
Title : 
Author(s) :  Jean-François, Chanlat
Pages :  169 - 173
Type :  Book review
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved