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Volume XIII • Issue 32 • 2008 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
Representations Entrepreneurial
Issue content
Title :  summary
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  7 - 8
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0007
Type :  Other
URL Cairn:
Title :  The word of the editorial board Setting up a team and a working method
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  9 - 10
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0009
Type :  Editorial
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Title :  Entrepreneurial representations: an emerging field of study
Author(s) :  Louis Jacques, Filion
Abstract :  This editorial chapter introduces “entrepreneurial representations” as an emerging field that has the potential to make a significant contribution to the design of entrepreneurship theory. The chapter is divided into three sections. The author begins by suggesting that the study of representations offers a new and different standpoint from which to examine and understand the entrepreneurial act, based on a better knowledge of the preceding thought process. In addition, given that entrepreneurship is a field in which the actor’s actions can best be understood by first understanding his or her subjectivity, representations can clearly play a role at this level too. The author shows that, although the approaches and methodologies used for research into representations have their own set of vocabulary and their own structure, the way in which they are applied is culturally fairly similar. The second section of the chapter proposes some avenues for research into entrepreneurial representations, along with some specific topics to be explored. Many of these topics will be useful in understanding the representations entrepreneurial actors have of themselves, of the people around them and of their context. The classic subject of opportunity identification is also addressed. However, some lesser-known notions from the field of entrepreneurship, such as self-awareness and self-space, are also highlighted as a means of explaining the learning and other elements leading up to entrepreneurial activity. The third and final section of the chapter emphasizes the importance of action in the entrepreneurial dynamic, and the fact that entrepreneurial thinking is different because it focuses on a future action. The chapter ends by showing how important it is to select research methodologies that are consistent with the research objectives and highlighting the need for new approaches and methodologies for research into representations.
Keywords:  cognitive represenations, entrepreneurial representations, entrepreneurship, emerging science, entrepreneurial process, entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial act, self-space, vision, resilience, metanoia, systemic approach
Pages :  11 - 43
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0011
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Creative representations in the mastery of human destiny. How do creative representations, by increasing the required variety of his behaviors, allow the augmented man to fulfill his post-modern destiny?
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  45 - 66
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0045
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Representations of the entrepreneurial vision. A cognitive analysis
Author(s) :  Babak, Mehmanpazir ; Frédéric, Créplet
Abstract :  The conception of entrepreneurship as an esssential feature in the selection and competence creation process can be considered a reliable new research avenue. However and though often presented as a key-factor in decision-taking, such a conception lacks a well established theoretical framework. In addition, the transition from an individual entrepreneurial concept to an organisational perspective is not always made explicit. A cognitive analysis compensates for such unclearness, as it enables us to ground the concept in a relevant theoretical framework.
Keywords:  mind mapping, entrepreneurship, reprensations, conception
Pages :  67 - 86
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0067
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The process of emergence of entrepreneurial representation. Study rooted in a sample of recent graduates, looking at the sources of their desire to start their own business
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion
Abstract :  Why do Phds in Management Sciences decide to create their company although they could embrace a vast number of more securing professional careers? We carried out a qualitative empirico-inductive Grounded Theory-based analysis of 606 professional related experiences. These accounts were collected from an observatory gathering, at early 2007, 2030 professional experience accounts. This analysis has enabled us to bring the following hypothesis forward – a process of emerging specific entrepreneurial mental representations. The different stages of the process have been described, bringing out the factors that favour entrepreneurship – the simultaneous experience of the subject undergoing an emotional break towards his professional expectations and developing a passionate link with resources leading to project creation.
Keywords:  emergence, entrepreneurship, project, achievement, representation, related experience, dream
Pages :  87 - 118
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0087
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Entrepreneurship as a process of resilience. Basics of a dialogue between two concepts
Author(s) :  Marie-Josée, Bernard
Abstract :  This document aims at presenting a reflection on Characteristics of “Entrepreneurial Resilience”. In today’s society this fashionable concept is often used, criticized or even quoted in an inappropriate way however it helps us to better understand some “entrepreneurial projects”. Based on Boris Cyrulnik’s view, our hypothesis emphasizes the fact that the “process of entrepreneurship” can act as a “support of resilience” among the resilient entrepreneurs so far as it enables individuals to recover from traumatic or negative experiences. We use the term “entrepreneurial process” on purpose to describe all possible ways of creating a sustainable enterprise. Our first step is to establish the connection between “resilience” and “entrepreneurship”.
Keywords:  Resilience, traumatism, support of resilience, the process of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs, decision
Pages :  119 - 140
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0119
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Entrepreneurship as a project activity. Interests, contributions and practices
Author(s) :  Christophe, Schmitt ; Mohamed, Bayad
Abstract :  The purpose of this article is to investigate the commonalities between two concepts: entrepreneurship and project. We will thus closely examine the project concept by way of the phenomena of entrepreneurship. Such a choice reflects our belief that entrepreneurship is a project-centred activity among other activities.
Keywords:  entrepreneurship, project, proces
Pages :  141 - 159
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0141
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Who are the entrepreneurs in France? And how do economists and statisticians represent these people?
Author(s) :  Frédérique, Cornuau
Abstract :  During the Eighties and Nineties, the weight of small and medium-sized companies in France then very small companies increased. For example, the law for the economic initiative (August 5, 2003) brings up the entrepreneurship. The latter, indeed, posts for objective to facilitate creation, development and transmission of companies. France counts today nearly 2,5 million entrepreneurs what represents more than one tenth of the working population occupied having an employment. When we use to the term “entrepreneur”, we generally refer to the “heads of firms” of small size, opposing them with the managers of the large companies. But what do we know about these entrepreneurs ? Who are they? This article attempts to start answering this question. First, we’ll examine the definition of the term “entrepreneur” by supporting us on theoretical and empirical references. As we’ll see, in the first part, define the entrepreneurs is not easy because of multiplicity of the definitions and existing typologies. Many work tried to highlight the characteristics of the entrepreneurs. Who are they? Why do some people become entrepreneurs, when others do not? Which place do we give to the entrepreneurial environment? Certain authors seek the causes in the family history, in family background and difficulties borne during childhood. On the basis of these reflections, we wanted to question us on the socio-demographic characteristics of the entrepreneurs in France and to compare them with people who aren’t entrepreneurs. After a rapid and non exhaustive review of the existing data sources allowing us to treat this question, we have chosen to refer to the datas of the census and of the study of family history (France’s 1999 family survey). Thanks to them, we attempt to draw up the portrait of the entrepreneurs in France and to compare it to the one of non entrepreneurs (sex, age, nationality, marital status). However, the limits of the transversal analysis appear quickly. Thus, we’ll finally discuss the question of the contributions of a longitudinal analysis and we’ll reflect on variables which should be collected for better understanding the wheels of becoming entrepreneurs.
Keywords:  Entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, psycho-sociology, socio-demographic characteristics, France's 1999 family survey
Pages :  181 - 205
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0181
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The entrepreneur in Austrian theory. A man without quality?
Author(s) :  Mathieu, Mucherie
Abstract :  Why do Phds in Management Sciences decide to create their company although they could embrace a vast number of more securing professional careers? We carried out a qualitative empirico-inductive Grounded Theory-based analysis of 606 professional related experiences. These accounts were collected from an observatory gathering, at early 2007, 2030 professional experience accounts. This analysis has enabled us to bring the following hypothesis forward – a process of emerging specific entrepreneurial mental representations. The different stages of the process have been described, bringing out the factors that favour entrepreneurship – the simultaneous experience of the subject undergoing an emotional break towards his professional expectations and developing a passionate link with resources leading to project creation.
Keywords:  emergence, entrepreneurship, project, achievement, reprensation, related experience, dream
Pages :  161 - 180
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0161
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:
Title :  The societal commitment of an SME An approach at the service of the professional integration of public in difficulty?
Author(s) :  Sandrine, Berger-Douce
Abstract :  Though Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the relationship between firms and society, they still receive scant attention from researchers in Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) (Capron and Quairel-Lanoizelée, 2007). This article illustrates how one SME, Triselec-Lille, responds by being engaged in CSR activities. Located in Northern France, the SME is specialized in sorting and recycling of waste. Besides this, the eco-firm is strongly involved in the issue of the professional integration of people with difficulties (long-term unemployed people, ancient prisoners, workers with disabilities). This experience is analyzed through the lense of a potential “CSR champion” (Jenkins, 2006).
Keywords:  case study research, eco-firms, excluded people, exploratory methodology, SMEs, societal commitment
Pages :  207 - 223
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0207
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  When a girl runs her father. The story of Evelyne
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  225 - 230
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0225
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:
Title :  How to direct the son of his boss? Bertrand's story
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  231 - 235
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0231
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:
Title :  A business or a family? The story of François
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  237 - 239
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0237
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:
Title :  The diversity of representations around entrepreneurship
Author(s) :  Sybille, Persson
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  241 - 251
DOI :  10.3917/rips.032.0241
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved