Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
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Volume XXI • Issue 52S • 2015 (Already published)
Guest editor(s): Isabelle, Barth ; Christian, Bourion ; Frank, Bournois ; Baptiste, Rappin
The Power of Evaluation
Issue content
Title :  The Big Data
Author(s) :  Wilfrid, Azan ; Serge, Bolidum
Abstract :  This communication, based on a research in progress, aims to answer the following research question : “To what extent do current technological architectures have the capability to manage Big-Data ?”. After a case study in the pharmaceutical sector, we can state that nowadays Big-Data requires a technological leap that businesses will have to pass and which will be of the same magnitude as used to be Internet integration in companies.
Pages :  31 - 45
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:ément-page-31.htm?contenu=resume
Title :  The Marchesnay Diamond A research evaluation grid to mobilize knowledge: how do our works benefit society?
Author(s) :  Michel, Marchesnay
Abstract :  This strategic diagnostic grid, especially in TPE has been the subject of numerous publications and applications. Its primary objective is to provide a tool of reflection, individual and / or collective, prior to the decision, which puts in relation the, or the logics of action, and the practices, envisaged, or effective. It is part of a pragmatic conception of research, which we have been following for exactly half a century
Pages :  47 - 55
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:ément-page-47.htm?contenu=resume
Title :  Mythical figurations in the organizational power exercise
Author(s) :  Adel, Aloui
Abstract :  Organizational theorists and researchers have been showing increasing interest in the subject of power. Understanding its basis and its mechanisms is important not only theoretically and conceptually, but is also of practical import for managers. Power is a complex and multifaceted concept, as is evidenced by the number of definitions to be found in recent studies. This paper proposes having recourse to mythical references to heroes and hierarchy, in order to bring out two essential elements of power in organizations. We will show how these two myths have contributed to the foundation of power, and lend a mythical aspect to some managerial practices.
Pages :  57 - 75
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:ément-page-57.htm?contenu=resume
Title :  Recognition in the managerial power exercice What is happening in individual annual interviews ?
Author(s) :  Jocelyne, Yalenios
Abstract :  The lack of recognition is a main issue to explain the phenomena of suffering at work. The distinction made by Honneth (2006) between “fair recognition” and “ideological recognition” opens an alternative in analyzing performance appraisal which is often criticized. Our study aims to analyze the dimensions and the consequences of intersubjective behaviors during individual interviews in terms of recognition. It appears that formal interviews may offer a space for discussion and recognition depending on the discretionary power of the manager.
Pages :  77 - 94
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:ément-page-77.htm?contenu=resume
Title :  The vocational training as a system of psycho-power. Between formatting and subjection ?
Author(s) :  Mathias, Naudin ; Philippe, Fache
Abstract :  These last thirty years, the vocational training has an increasing impact on the career path of the employees through the inculcation of social skills. In an unstable and evolutionary organizational context, it acts as a normative system showing the implicit representations of the good organizational behaviours. This paper tackles the situation of vocational training as such by looking at it as a psycho-power system. The goal of this system seems to be the “production of the support”, which is the sign of the new forms of social control and regulation. By plunging into the small theatre of the trainings, with his actors and his masks, it shows how, beyond its contents and its explicit functions, the vocational training, in order to perform a function of managerial acculturation, is ending up in the subjective casualization of the employee.
Pages :  95 - 118
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:ément-page-95.htm?contenu=resume
Title :  Constructing an exploratory methodology regarding to the workers’ needs The case of the permanent contract workers’ needs in terms of flexibility and employment security
Author(s) :  Fabrice, Travaglianti ; Jean-François, Orianne ; François, Pichault ; Isabelle, Hansez
Abstract :  While a lot of studies have already highlighted some indicators of work flexibility/employment security, few empirical studies have taken the workers’ needs into account. Therefore, the aim of this study is to better understand how work flexibility and employment security may be complementary in order to define a good job, by highlighting the workers’ needs in these terms. To this end, we carried out sixty interviews in twelve Belgian’s organizations. Results show : (a) the complementarity of work flexibility/employment security and employment quality, (b) the workers’ needs in terms of flexibility/security and (c) an homogeneity concerning the needs, regarding to the gender or the status.
Pages :  119 - 146
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:ément-page-119.htm?contenu=resume
Title :  Machiavel caught in the Web
Author(s) :  Isabelle, Choquet
Abstract :  The network society opens clearly the way to transverce and decentralized powers which question little by little the tranditionnel power of domination. The example of a crowd funding platform wich meets the frictions between the company ands its communities, but also within the company itself, will allow us to bring to light how a hybrid, unstable power, in permanent reorganization operates and to wonder about its effects in a managerial context. To do it, the angle of approach of this paper proposes the following red wire : individual symptom and social link with for backdrop the new technologies that, in the context of the soft power, modify the social link and hightlight the informal power. This will allow us to show at the same time a managarial and psychoanalytical approach of the topic of power.
Pages :  147 - 162
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:ément-page-147.htm?contenu=resume
Title :  The phenomenon of cooperation and coordination in collective action Exploring the umbrella partnership in academic social networks
Author(s) :  Audrey, Morgand
Abstract :  The literature perceives the social network as a model of coordination and an alternative to the hierarchy and contractual relations. However, this approach doesn’t explore the cooperative phenomenon. This article seeks to highlight the complex nature of cooperation and coordination in the social network. We invest an original field : academic social networks employability. The practice of collective action are studied through the Sociology of Organized Action. The research identifies a particular phenomenon : the umbrella partnership. We report three mechanisms of this cooperation : complementarity, common purpose and reciprocity.
Pages :  163 - 181
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Morgand, A. (2015) Le phénomène de coopération et de coordination dans l’action collective. L’exploration de la coopération coordinatrice dans les réseaux sociaux universitaires . Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXI(52S), pp. 163-181
URL Cairn:ément-page-163.htm?contenu=resume
Title :  Fort Da Syndrome (SFD)
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion
Pages :  183 - 210
Type :  Epilogue
URL Cairn:ément-page-183.htm?contenu=article
Title :  Return on experience medical institutional Fort Da When two state organizations play “Fort Da” or “coil game”, “I take you, I throw you, I take you, I rejected you,” with a staff, to the final breaking of the link which brought together
Author(s) :  Valérie, Arnould Iltis
Abstract :  While a state administration, occupational medicine multiplying work stoppages for a seriously ill employee, another administration that where she works, a prefecture multiplies police visits and set Demeur, small "game" for the da that ends with the dismissal of full despair official.
Pages :  211 - 218
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:ément-page-211.htm?contenu=resume
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
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