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Volume XVI • Issue 40 • 2010 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
New Behaviors, New HRM ?
Issue content
Title :  Acknowledgments from editors
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion ; Frank, Bournois
Pages :  19 - 20
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0019
Type :  Announcement
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Title :  Perspectives crossed for a HRM of tomorrow ...
Author(s) :  Dominique Philippe, Martin ; Lionel, Honoré
Pages :  23 - 26
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0023
Type :  Editorial
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Title :  Which regulations of the religious fact in company?
Author(s) :  Géraldine, Galindo ; Joëlle, Surply
Abstract :  Although plural religious convictions have always existed in companies, the proportions and behaviors of the believing employees have, however, changed in France in a few decades. Religious diversity has thus become a new but also taboo characteristic of private enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the emergence of the religious fact in companies and the way in which this emergence leads to reconsider the rules in force. Human resources managers are in the forefront of managing the organizational or human effects of the growing diversity of beliefs, as well as rising demands. In a first part, we will analyze the needs of a new regulation facing the religious facts in business, by relying on Reynaud's theory of regulation. In a second part, we will present the three possible paths of regulation.
Keywords:  religious management, autonomous rules, control rules, Religion, regulation
Pages :  29 - 54
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0029
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Donation and counter-gift. To shed light on the crisis of the wage relationship
Author(s) :  Laetitia, Pihel
Abstract :  This paper focuses on the modern employed relationship and the crisis that has developed between employees and the company. She proposes to demonstrate the relevance of the gift-giving theory to analyze the employee / company relationship and understand the current stumbling blocks of it. After positioning this theory in terms of management literature (organizational involvement, psychological contract), it shows from a study of the modern context, how the gift / counter-gift sheds light on the current behaviors of employees and their reactions .
Keywords:  donation / counter-gift, dead ends, modernity, salary relationship, involvement
Pages :  55 - 72
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0055
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Restructure the business. Polysemic analysis of the stakes for the employees brought to live the transformations.
Author(s) :  Laetitia, Pihel ; Maryse, Dubouloy
Abstract :  This communication proposes to go to the heart of the experience of internal restructuring in what they induce for the employees brought to stay in the company and live the reforms decided by the management (transformation of values, work, management, etc. .). More concretely and based on a clinical approach, she is interested in the symbolic dimension of the wage exchange, the link woven between the individual and the organization over time. She analyzes the implications on the employee / business relationship of the transformation of the exchange space from anthropological theories of gift and psychoanalytic theories of transitional space, narcissism and mourning. This theoretical and disciplinary opening then allows an analysis of the ills of the employees by revealing the deep meaning of their speeches, of what is played in the exchange and of what is not played anymore when the company changes the rules. She calls for her results and positioning to rethink the traditional tools of change management by presenting veiled issues that if not seized impede the success and future success of the organization.
Keywords:  mourning, gift / counter-gift, transitional space, social bond, narcissism, restructuring
Pages :  73 - 94
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0073
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The spiritual odyssey of the leaders. 5 passages of leadership
Author(s) :  Catherine, Voynnet Fourboul ; Quentin, Lefebvre
Abstract :  This qualitative research conducted with 20 leaders aims to tell the spiritual activation of leaders during the tests they go through: the leadership passages. Located within the framework of spiritual leadership, this communication focuses on 5 cases of leaders for which monographs by case and theme are proposed to demonstrate the nature of the relationship between leadership transition and spirituality. The discussion focuses on unveiled experiences that reflect the transforming and empowering responses of leaders in a context that is not open to spiritual guidance in the workplace.
Keywords:  leadership development, leadership, serving, spirituality, leadership
Pages :  95 - 115
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Manage the volunteer's involvement. The case of firefighters
Author(s) :  Sébastien, Chevreuil
Abstract :  80% of French firefighters have a voluntary status. The increase in the operational activity of fire and rescue services (SDIS) raises the question of the reasons for their involvement. It constitutes a fundamental lever to reduce the risks of abandonment, to encourage more intense activity and a better adequacy of these individuals to the goals of the organization. We present and discuss the results of a research supported by a qualitative survey (n = 47) in 3 SDIS on the organizational involvement of volunteer firefighters. It shows that this involvement is influenced by environmental variables such as family, economic and local surroundings of the volunteer firefighter, as well as by organizational variables covering operational, functional and voluntary-professional activities. For these various variables, we propose certain recommendations that can maintain and develop the involvement of volunteer firefighters.
Keywords:  non-profit organization, firefighters, volunteering, organizational involvement
Pages :  119 - 141
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0119
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Satisfaction, involvement, commitment, rootedness and intention to leave young managers. An ambiguous relationship
Author(s) :  Charles-Henri, Besseyre Des Horts ; Véronique, Nguyen
Abstract :  In a context where managerial practices are questioned (Thévenet, 2009), the question of the study of the relationship between the individual and the organization remains central, judging by the growing interest of researchers and practitioners. in the tradition of the theoretical current of the psychological contract (Rousseau, 1995), for the themes of the engagement and the rooting of the employees (Mitchell and Al, 2001, Bakker & Schaufeli, 2008) following several decades of work of research on the themes of satisfaction (eg Igalens, 1999, Locke, 1976) and work involvement (eg Morrow, 1983, Thévenet, 1992, etc.). Moreover, one of the dimensions of the relationship between the individual and the organization among the most studied is undoubtedly the intention and / or the decision to voluntarily leave the organization: the voluntary turnover has indeed made the This is the subject of a great deal of empirical research to evaluate both the causes and the consequences (eg Dreher 1982, Mobley 1982, Neveu 1996, Price 2000). Drawing on these diverse streams of research, this contribution aims to re-examine the relationship between satisfaction, engagement, commitment, rootedness and intention to leave executives in the first phase of their professional career in the context of a research conducted early 2009 on the Internet with a population of more than 200 graduates from a large business school, most of whom are under 30 years of age. The results show that the impact of job satisfaction on intention of departure is much stronger than those of other explanatory factors: involvement, commitment and rooting.
Keywords:  Satisfaction, involvement, commitment, rootedness and intention to leave young professionals
Pages :  143 - 160
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0143
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Dimensions and consequences of job satisfaction of apprentices. The case of higher education
Author(s) :  Bérangère, Gosse ; Pierre-Antoine, Sprimont ; Sarah, Alves
Abstract :  The assessment of the quality of the work experience experienced by an apprentice is expressed in particular by his satisfaction at work. What are the dimensions of job satisfaction among apprentices in higher education? What are the consequences of these dimensions on the satisfaction for learning and its emotional commitment to the company? An investigation by survey and interviews with apprentices of higher education reveals the facets of job satisfaction in terms of expectations and their consequences.
Keywords:  higher learning, emotional commitment, satisfaction
Pages :  161 - 180
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0161
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Gender and leadership The importance of introducing the personality traits of leaders.
Author(s) :  Sarah, Saint-Michel
Abstract :  French companies are confronted with a problem of balanced representation of men and women in positions of leadership and power. Faced with the phenomenon of the glass ceiling, women remain underrepresented in positions of power and direction. To partly explain this phenomenon, some researchers highlight the weight of stereotypes in terms of gender and the "dominant managerial model" that would hinder women's access to these positions of power and leadership. Thus gender seems to be an important variable that structures organizations and, we feel it is important to introduce, to explain and understand the potential impact of gender on leadership style. Moreover, in the face of growing interest in research on individual differences and leadership through the "Big Five" model (Costa and McCrae, 1992), it is important to understand and explain the impact of genre on the personality traits of leaders. This paper attempts to draw up an inventory of theoretical and empirical research on the links between the leader's gender, leadership and personality traits.
Keywords:  Gender, Leadership - Leader's Personality Trait, Big Five
Pages :  181 - 201
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0181
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Leading: between compromise and transgression
Author(s) :  Christel, Beaucourt ; Laëtitia, Laude
Abstract :  Successive reforms of health organizations have increased the management instrumentation (T2A, contracting, quality requirements). By revealing some of the problems, but not necessarily resolving them, they have increased the need for health professionals to understand the meaning of the changes that are required of them. It is interesting to understand how leaders cope with situations that may seem problematic or inconsistent, without much inconvenience to them. We have been observing these arrangements for four years with six leaders in the health sector. Between compromise and transgressions, their analysis constitutes the object of this article. In our opinion, there is a dynamic relationship between the need for compromise and the need for transgression. Through this relationship, leaders manage to combine the institutional, organizational and individual levels of their practices, while managing the controversies and contradictions they contain.
Keywords:  compromise, transgression, leader
Pages :  205 - 220
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0205
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Deviant behavior to the rule.The impact of working conditions and remuneration: An application to a trading room
Author(s) :  Christelle, Havard ; Matthieu, Poirot
Abstract :  The environment and the execution of the banking activity are reputed to be hyper-regulated environments. Yet the recent events that have been the subject of the news have shown that, despite this hyper-regulation, deviances exist substantially and can lead to excesses. Beyond current events, the purpose of this paper is to analyze how one can understand and explain deviance behaviors in relation to the rule in an environment characterized by hyper-regulation. The chosen theoretical approach combines psychological and sociological elements of reflection and proposes a contextualized grid of deviance reading. The latter is then mobilized to analyze the situation of a banking establishment. The analysis shows that deviant behaviors can be generated in part by the working and remuneration conditions prevailing in the organization.
Keywords:  working conditions, Deviance, HRM, management, rule
Pages :  221 - 244
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0221
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Satisfaction at work. A consequence of the choice of statistical tools and measuring instruments in HRM
Author(s) :  Franziska, Tschan ; Katia, Iglesias ; Olivier, Renaud
Abstract :  Job satisfaction is a central concept in human resources management. In spite of this, the relations found between this concept and other variables of the field remain sometimes uncertain or even contradictory in certain cases. This article identifies three problems: the first, which can directly affect the links between job satisfaction and other variables in the field, concerns the statistical tools used to analyze job satisfaction. To discuss this point, we assess the needs of researchers to answer their questions, as well as the contributions and limitations of the different statistical tools used. The second and third problems concern job satisfaction itself and concern the definition as well as the instruments for measuring job satisfaction. Once these problems were stated, based on an empirical dataset and using the appropriate statistical tools to answer researchers' questions, we analyzed four measures of job satisfaction with mixed effects models. To analyze these two groups of determinants were used: work-related factors and person-related factors. It appears that for the determinants strongly related to job satisfaction, the results are close for the four scales of job satisfaction. On the other hand, for the explanatory variables whose link with job satisfaction is lower, the significance will depend on the choice of the instrument for measuring job satisfaction. As a result, the different scales of job satisfaction analyzed do not operationalize the same definition of job satisfaction.
Keywords:  mixed effects, measuring instrument, models to, job satisfaction, definition
Pages :  245 - 270
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0245
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Grh and behaviors: beyond the crossing of looks ...
Author(s) :  Dominique Philippe, Martin ; Lionel, Honoré
Abstract :  To the many complex questions posed in the prologue of this issue, the articles presented offered answers as well as avenues for reflection. They can be organized according to multiple perspectives and we will try to synthesize them around a main axis of tension. To sum up the essentials, there is a fundamental movement of HRM and management practices in general, which consists of apprehending the question of HR performance by ultimately bringing it back to the issue of the contribution versus reward ratio.
Pages :  273 - 278
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0273
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Reading note
Author(s) :  Sébastien, Chevreuil
Pages :  281 - 284
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0281
Type :  Book review
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Title :  Presentation of the International Journal of Psychosociology of Organizations (RIP)
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion ; Frank, Bournois
Pages :  285 - 311
DOI :  10.3917/rips.040.0285
Type :  Announcement
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
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