Manuscript preparation
Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
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Manuscript preparation

Please read and consider the instructions below before submitting your article. Articles must be between 6,000 and 10,000 words, including references.
Three separate documents should be uploaded during submission:

  • title page

    The title page must include the following elements: title, authors (names, affiliations, up-to-date postal addresses and emails), specify the corresponding author, summary and 5 keywords in French, title, summary and 5 keywords in English. The file should be named "Title page".

  • blind version

    Only the blind manuscript is visible to the reviewers and must imperatively be cleaned of elements allowing the identification of the authors of the manuscript. Blindness is the removal of all file metadata and information in the text of the manuscript. The file must be named "Blind manuscript".

  • non-blind version

    The non-blind manuscript must then contain the following elements: title, names and affiliations of the authors, abstract and 5 keywords in French and English, biographies of the authors comprising approximately 150 words, and the body of the article. The file must be named "Non-blind manuscript".

STRUCTURE OF THE MANUSCRIPT: RIPCO favors an academic structure adapted to the methodology used. The manuscript should include the following elements: abstract, introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results, discussion, contributions, limits, avenues for future research, references, and appendix (if necessary).

LAYOUT: While the journal has opted to limit manuscript formatting constraints, authors are nevertheless requested to respect the following instructions:

Times New Roman, size 12; A4 ( 8.27 x 11.69"), line spacing, 2.
Parts, subparts, etc. are numbered (i.e, 1., 1.1., 1.1.1), not exceeding more than three levels.
Diagrams, tables, etc. are inserted into the text, numbered and referenced in the manuscript before they appear. The pages must be numbered.

MAIN TITLE: Two titles will be required when submitting a manuscript: the full title of the manuscript and a short title (running title). The main title of the manuscript should be brief but catchy and with enough information to identify a unique contribution. It is not recommended to use a full question or phrase, but rather to mention the behavior(s) studied and use keywords that readers can search for easily.

RUNNING TITLE: The abbreviated form of the main title appears at the top of each page of an article. Its purpose is to guide readers through the publications of the manuscripts (print or digital version). This title must have a maximum of 50-to-60 characters, including spaces. It can resemble the content of the main title or only include what the authors deem most important to emphasize.

ABSTACT: The abstract provides an overview, highlights the manuscript’s key points, and helps the reader decide if they want to read the full paper. The content of a summary depends on the type of research. Typically, it is a paragraph of 150 to 250 words that describes the main aspects of the entire manuscript in a prescribed order, including: the general purpose of the study and the research question(s), research design and methodology, data analysis approaches. Submissions should also highlight the originality of the manuscript as well as the main findings, conclusions or trends identified, theoretical, and the methodological and / or managerial contributions. The abstract should be self-sufficient and therefore should not contain bibliographic references.

KEYWORDS: The APA reference style doesn’t recommend the use of footnotes and endnotes. They should therefore be used sparingly. Relevant material can often be integrated into the text. However, if an explanatory note is indispensable, an endnote may be used in exceptional cases. Footnotes should never be used to cite sources. 

CHECKING CITATIONS AND REFERENCES: Please check carefully that in-text citations and references comply with the APA Styles. To check the rules specific to citations, please visit the Citation rules page on the journal's website. To check the rules specific to this reference style, please visit the How to write references page of the journal's website. Please also check carefully that there are neither orphan citations nor orphan references (i.e., a reference corresponds to at least one in-text citation and an in-text citation corresponds to a reference at the end of the manuscript).

FOOTNOTES: The APA reference style doesn’t recommend the use of footnotes and endnotes. Consequently, the use of footnotes should be used sparingly throughout the document. Such a layout integrating footnotes and endnotes is often expensive for publishers to reproduce. This is also because any relevant material can, most of the time, be embedded into the text. The use of footnotes must be limited and a discussion using parentheses must rather be favored. Under no circumstances should footnotes be used to cite sources. However, if explanatory notes are absolutely paramount in the manuscript when the latter is under the review process, numbered footnotes can be displayed at the bottom of the page. However, in the published final version, all the elements comprised in footnotes must appear on the manuscript’s last page, (usually located after the references' page).

PLAGIARISM: Manuscripts received are systematically applied to an anti-plagiarism software. In this context, we invite researchers to check similarities prior to submitting their work. The authors are requested to proscribe any practice that does not comply with scientific ethics.

REVIEW PROCESS: Once the manuscript has been submitted, the Editor-in-Chief assigns it to one of the Associate Editors according to the subject area, who steers the review process through to completion, selecting several external reviewers to carry out a double-blind evaluation.
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Derniers numéros
Numéro CFP_SI_IAORGA - Vol. XXXI - 2025 -
Numéro CFP_SI_NORMS - Vol. XXXI - 2026 -
Numéro CFP_SI_RECHSENSOB - Vol. XXXI - 2025 -
Numéro CFP_SI_WELLBEING - Vol. XXXI - 2025 -
Numéro 80 - Vol. XXX - 2024 -
Numéro 81 - Vol. XXX - 2024 -
Numéro 82 - Vol. XXX - 2024 -
Numéro 83 - Vol. XXX - 2024 -
Numéro CFP_SI_CLIMATECHANGE - Vol. XXX - 2024 -
Numéro 72 - Vol. XXVIII - 2022 -
Derniers articles
Olivier, Braun ; Agnès, Cecarrelli ; Christine, Morin-Esteves. The contribution of local NGOs to the credibility of social reporting Read more
Bertrand, Audrin ; Eric, Davoine ; Jean-Claude, Métraux. Losses and mourning processes of digitalization of organizational members: the case of checkout automation in Swiss retailing Read more
. Read more
Marianne, ZOGMAL ; Laurent, FILLIETTAZ. Developing interactional competences in vocational training within work organizations Read more
Aziz, CHTIOUI ; Lamia, HECHICHE SALAH ; Gregor, BOUVILLE. Organizational Causes of "Boreout": An Exploratory Study in the Tunisian Private Sector Read more
Christian, MAKAYA ; Siavash, ATARODI ; Céline, Barrédy. Preventing and Managing Psychosocial Risks: A Challenge for Entrepreneurial Support Organizations Read more
TOP 10 des Most cited papers Cit.
Entrepreneurial representation... 85
The "rationality" of capitalis... 74
Grandeurs and servitudes of en... 73
The image of work according to... 47
Action research. The relations... 43
Subjective moral autonomy and ... 43
Defining life stories... 31
A cultural break: from traditi... 28
Management description and sub... 27
Psychosociology at the crossro... 26
Call for papers
Special issue : Vol. XXX, Num. CFP_SI_CLIMATECHANGE (2024)
Organizational behavior in the face of climate challenges
Le changement climatique et les atteintes à l'environnement sont des sujets récurrents dans les débats actuels, conduisant à une prise de conscience accrue de la nécessité de préserver la planète et ses espèces. Pour relever ces défis, gouvernements, entreprises, mouvements sociaux et ONG s'engagent activement dans une transition vers des modes de vie durables et respectueux de la nature. Dans ce ...
Special issue : Vol. XXXI, Num. CFP_SI_IAORGA (2025)
Artificial intelligence in organisations, how to (better) work with it?
 Christelle MARTIN LACROUX and Fabienne PEREZ
Les organisations connaissent une transformation majeure, qualifiée de quatrième révolution industrielle ou d'ère des algorithmes. L'intelligence artificielle (IA), définie comme une technologie permettant aux machines de reproduire des comportements humains, joue un rôle majeur dans ce processus, avec des technologies désormais largement déployées dans les organisations. Le Machine Learning
Special issue : Vol. XXXI, Num. CFP_SI_NORMS (2026)
Norms and organisationnal behaviour
 Pierre-Antoine Sprimont et Arnaud Eve
Le processus d'évaluation des manuscrits du numéro spécial est le même que pour les numéros réguliers. Tous les articles soumis à la revue sont évalués selon le principe de l'examen en double aveugle. Tous les manuscrits soumis à nouveau passent par le même processus d'évaluation, et les évaluateurs précédemment sollicités donnent une évaluation basée sur la prise en compte des changements suggéré ...
Special issue : Vol. XXXI, Num. CFP_SI_RECHSENSOB (2025)
Sensitive research and organisational behaviour: from dilemma to action
Dans des organisations soumises à un fort environnement concurrentiel, avec un monde du travail de plus en plus fracturé, la prise en considération par les entreprises des sujets sensibles, relevant de questions éthiques (fraude, déviance, jeux de pouvoir), de tabous (addictions), de personnes fragiles (états de santé), désavantagées (discriminations), marginalisées (zone grise de la relation d’em ...
Special issue : Vol. XXXI, Num. CFP_SI_WELLBEING (2025)
Well-being / Ill-being at Work
 Nathalie Bernard et Virginie MOISSON
Si l'étude du bien-être au travail a véritablement émergé au tournant des années 2000 quand la psychologie positive a invité la communauté scientifique à étudier le fonctionnement humain optimal (Seligman, 1999) et quand les échelles de mesure du bien-être au travail sont apparues (Abord de Chatillon et Richard, 2015 ; Bietry et Creusier, 2013 ; Dagenais-Desmarais, 2010) ; aujourd'hui, le bien-êtr ...
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved