Volume XXII • Issue 54S • 2016 (Already published) |
Risk in organizations |
Title : |
Exposing corporations to the philosophers’ truth-telling: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of parrêsia. |
Author(s) : |
Lidwine, Maizeray ; Anne, Janand ; Thibaud, Brière ; Yoann, Bazin |
Abstract : |
This article investigates the field of management philosophy. This research aims to highlight the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats associated with the presence of a philosopher in a company. Based on an interpretativist approach, the strategic importance of the presence of a company philosophy will be questioned through a qualitative analysis of an auto-ethnographic narrative. The article points out how a business philosopher finds himself in a position to say true. It then considers the advantages and disadvantages of using the service of a philosopher, which can be both “parrèsiaste” or skillful consultant. |
Pages : |
43 - 60 |
Type : |
Prologue |
APA : |
Maizeray, L., Janand, A., Brière, T. et Bazin, Y. (2016) L’entreprise au risque du dire-vrai du philosophe : forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces de la parrêsia. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXII(54S), pp. 43-60 |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-43.htm |
Title : |
CSR as project: a way to “regenerate” the strategic management? |
Author(s) : |
Philippe, Schäfer ; Dimbi, Ramonjy ; Pierre, Baret ; François, Petit |
Abstract : |
This article aims to demonstrate that CSR, as a project, could "regenerate" strategic management. Through the prism of the "Project-Based View" approach, we analyze the "ISO 26000" way to implement CSR within an organization. With doing this, we demonstrate that this approach is a project. This project can change the structures of the organization because their aims are not limited to the shareholder’s expectations, but integrate all the stakeholders, social issues and the long term. This research is based on two longitudinal case studies: two action-research carried out for three years in the food industry and of an in the social economy. |
Keywords: |
CSR, organizational behavior, strategic management, project-based view, ISO 26000 standards, longitudinal case studies, action-research |
Pages : |
61 - 84 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-61.htm |
Title : |
Management strategic of risk. The lighting in the myth of beliefs |
Author(s) : |
Daniel, Bonnet |
Abstract : |
This article provides illumination of the genesis of a situation of competitive deadlock in a cooperative consortium, in terms of the impact of the myth of the beliefs in which cleave relations between actors in local competition. Research shows that the development of the strategy to prevent the refusal to believe that the whole set is possible, for human reasons. It shows that this reversal comes satisfy narcissistic development of competitive differentiation. |
Pages : |
85 - 108 |
Type : |
Research paper |
APA : |
Bonnet, D. (2016) Management du risque stratégique : éclairage à l’aune du mythe des croyances . Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXII(54S), pp. 85-108 |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-85.htm |
Title : |
Thinking risk mastering with Aristotle : contributions to nuclear safety control independence |
Author(s) : |
Agulhon, Sophie ; Leboyer, Olivia |
Abstract : |
Can we still refer to fundamental values to make decisions and find one’s position in complex socio-technical systems ? This work analyzes an internal inspectorate functioning and its contribution as a risk mastering defense-in-depth line regarding Aristotle’s activity categories. It concludes on a ethics and practical wisdom reflexion to think action. |
Pages : |
109 - 128 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-109.htm |
Title : |
Thinking risk mastering with Aristotle : contributions to nuclear safety control independence |
Author(s) : |
Olivia, Leboyer ; Sophie, Agulhon |
Abstract : |
Can we still refer to fundamental values to make decisions and find one’s position in complex socio-technical systems ? This work analyzes an internal inspectorate functioning and its contribution as a risk mastering defense-in-depth line regarding Aristotle’s activity categories. It concludes on a ethics and practical wisdom reflexion to think action. |
Keywords: |
Aristotle, Control, Nuclear, Pratice, Safety, Risk |
Pages : |
109 - 128 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-109.htm |
Title : |
Preventing psychosocial risks through professional well-being dimensions: an overview |
Author(s) : |
Christian, Prat dit Hauret |
Abstract : |
Psychosocial risks overall cover occupational risks of nature and of various origins. They can alter the physical and mental health of employees. PR has an impact on the functioning and performance of companies. After some concepts such as leadership, motivation or involvement, the notion of well-being at work is an interesting way to try to reduce this risk. One of the current difficulties is in our ability to evaluate it objectively. This article is part of a larger study. He proposed to visit two key concepts: psychosocial risks and wellbeing at work. In addition, it presents a scoping study leading to the identification of the dimensions that make up the well-being at work. Each can be seen as an axis of prevention of psychosocial risks. |
Pages : |
129 - 144 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-129.htm |
Title : |
The dimensions of well-being at work: areas of prevention of psychosocial risks? |
Author(s) : |
Abaidi-Ben Nasr, Jamila ; Drillon, Dominic |
Abstract : |
Psychosocial risks (PSR), globally, cover occupational risks of various kinds and origins. They can alter the physical integrity and mental health of employees. PSR have an impact on the proper functioning and performance of companies. After notions such as leadership, motivation or involvement, the notion of well-being at work is an interesting way to try to reduce this risk. One of the current difficulties is our ability to measure it objectively. This article fits into a larger study. He proposes to visit two key concepts: psychosocial risks and well-being at work. In addition, he presents an exploratory study that leads to highlighting the dimensions that make up well-being at work. Each can be considered as an axis of prevention of psychosocial risks. |
Pages : |
145 - 172 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-145.htm |
Title : |
Macro or micro? Which one is the most relevant level to prevent psychosocial risks? |
Author(s) : |
Durand-Moreau, Quentin |
Abstract : |
Epidemiologic data indicates an increase of work-related mental disorders. Our aim is to study the contributions of both levels – micro and macro – for understanding and acting on psychosocial risks. Is the enterprise able to allocate resources to prevent psychosocial risks or is it only a victim, unable to fight against the market’s laws?
Concerning the macro level, we discuss the contributions of epidemiologic data, which help tailoring public policies. This level allows to write new laws (e.g. on the “right for employees to disconnect”). But these new sources of law have to be linked altogether. Some of these are opposite to some other. How can we cope with these contradictions at the enterprise’s level? If laws may highlight occupational health issues and improve the working conditions for employees, a non-global approach will just product new laws, instead of creating the conditions of a discussion on this topic.
Concerning the micro level, as an occupational physician, we had a look on possibilities offered by occupational health services (OHS). Employers do not really perceive OHS as useful resources. From this level, it is possible to bridge real work and health, using the theoretical frame of clinics of activity. The role played by work-related issues is discussed regarding interpersonal conflicts. Health issues may be externalized. Propositions of tailored improvements on working conditions may be performed. The OHS may help employees to benefit from compensations for their occupational diseases or accidents.
In our way to consider this question, these two levels have raised two different topics: the employment at a macro level, the real work at a micro level. We hereby state that employment and real work bring different elements to better understand psychosocial risks in the enterprises. |
Pages : |
173 - 187 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-173.htm |
Title : |
When dysfunctional behaviors become a significant collective issue. Political and regulationist analysis of psychosocial risks. |
Author(s) : |
Vernazobres, Philippe |
Abstract : |
The purpose of this article consists in investigating dysfunctional behaviors, regarding their context of occurrence : the team or the group. Specifically, we study the social processes at work within teams concerned by behavioral and relational dysfunctions that lead to consider them in situation of psychosocial risks. These risks are addressed in a decidedly sociological prism, highlighting their construction process, which is a social process, and proposing to deal collectively with interventions focused on social regulations. A case study, designed on the basis of an experience of intervention research, allows analysis from within these social processes and propose ways for systemic and « regulation-focused » intervention on psychosocial risk situations. |
Pages : |
188 - 220 |
Type : |
Research paper |
APA : |
Philippe, V. (2016) Quand les comportements difficiles deviennent un enjeu collectif sensible. Une analyse politique et régulationniste des risques psychosociaux. . Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXII(54S), pp. 188-220 |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-188.htm |
Title : |
Religious guru, secular gurus : the example of the Bordeaux wines sector |
Author(s) : |
Gintrac, Alain |
Abstract : |
The guru wording, used for a long time in the religious area in India, has gradually become of a commonly usage in the day-to-day life. Did this usage expansion affected sufficiently the guru concept to distort it, or did it remain align to its original religious meaning? Does the secular guru have the same influence than the religious one? We have tried to answer to these two questions through a focus on the Bordeaux wine industry where two well known influencers, Robert Parker and Michel Rolland have been qualified for many years as guru. Based on the detailed review and analysis it appears that both show great similarity to the typical characteristics of the religious guru. |
Pages : |
221 - 240 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-221.htm |
Title : |
The influence of better place’s founder. A quick consent tarnished by slow implementation. |
Author(s) : |
Springuel, Aubry ; Zerbib, Romain |
Abstract : |
When consent is transformed into illusion, the relational approach can observe a dynamic adaptation of persuasion. The fundraising $ 650 million start-up Better Place in 2007-2008 represent a persuasive capacity of the founder. Its failure is emblematic of the distance between persuasion and ability to exercise real influence. Using socio-cognitive theories we propose to highlight the mechanisms causing an individual to disseminate to opinion leaders collective representation. The description of the mechanisms highlights the obstacles to transform collective representations in economic reality, and emphasizes that the influence without commitment leads to a phenomenon of adaptation. |
Keywords: |
influence strategy, better place, sociocognitive theory, consent |
Pages : |
241 - 252 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-241.htm |
Title : |
A luhmannian reading of difficult behavior |
Author(s) : |
Muriel, de Fabregues ; Catherine, Voynnet Fourboul |
Abstract : |
The aim of this paper is to apply the social systems theory of Niklas Luhmann in situations of difficult behaviours and more particularly to use the interaction system in order to demonstrate how the Luhmann theory can be applied in the realm of management. Organizational behaviors are observed in the context of a case study in terms of communications that occur between people. The Luhmannian approach of what happen in the organization allows a step back useful to consider the detection of faults and malfunctions and to apprehend them differently. |
Pages : |
256 - 279 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-256.htm |
Title : |
Narcissistic perverts : an organizational reality ? Semantic and clinical examination of personality’s protean profile met in organizations |
Author(s) : |
Antoine, Masingue ; Luce, Janin Devillars |
Abstract : |
Who are precisely the narcissistic perverse personalities ? Does their existence really correspond to an organizational reality ? The purpose of this article consists, on the one hand in clarifying on strong clinical bases, and according to an approach of semantic and theoretical examination, what really recovers this expression « narcissistic pervert », highly polysemous. It aims, on the other hand , from cases studies , stemming from an intensive clinical practice anchored in organizations, to show the protean aspect of the notion in order to grade some typical method of action from those « narcissistic perverts « and the organizational impacts involved by their behaviour. Eventually, the managing aspects will be considered. Are narcissistic perverts useful to an organization ? How to approach and manage them ? |
Pages : |
280 - 304 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-280.htm?contenu=resume |
Title : |
From deviance to conflictual harmony |
Author(s) : |
Michel, Maffesoli |
Pages : |
305 - 314 |
Type : |
Epilogue |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2016-Supplement-page-305.htm |