Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
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Volume VIII • Issue 19 • 2002 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
The understandable and the unacceptable
Issue content
Title :  Introduction
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez ; Véronique, Guienne
Pages :  5 - 8
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0005
Type :  Introduction
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Title :  What can we understand?
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez
Abstract :  Can all social or psychological processes be comprehended? Some offend man so much that he tends to remain astonished, to mask them or suppress them. Yet, however unacceptable they may be, to a conscience, whether they appear in the very depths of an individual or on the social scene and despite the repugnance they might provoke, it seems necessary to try at least to clarify them so as not to suffer their eternal return.
Keywords:  understand, understanding, process, conscience, individual
Pages :  9 - 21
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0009
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The unacceptable in itself
Author(s) :  Florence, Giust-Desprairies
Abstract :  Based on her research into the imaginary significances of the French republican school system which have led her to raise the question of malaise in the school institution as a paradigm of contemporary malaise about the issue of otherness, the author continues her thinking about the changes in the social link by questioning the deadly consequences of a representation of the relation with others conceived as in oneself. Using a concrete situation of intervention with a group of teachers in difficulty in a class, she explores how this representation, although it makes it possible to neutralise the conflictual and contradictory movements that are felt inside oneself, engages the teachers in a dehumanising relationship, cut off from the others that they claim to understand.
Keywords:  French, Republican, school, otherness, the Other
Pages :  23 - 32
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0023
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  "Blessed outrage" or the dilemmas of a clinical teacher
Author(s) :  Mireille, Cifali
Abstract :  The author starts from her experience as a university teacher to question her belief that knowledge can make the unacceptable recede and at the same time her conviction that such a transmission is not enough. Although she tries stubbornly to make the so-called negative realities of what is human understandable, some students refute this and call her thinking “pessimistic”. In this way the author exposes some of her dilemmas, and in particular a situation in the teaching field where cowardice and impotence are experienced to explain how ethical feelings can be worked out in the framework of training.
Keywords:  teaching, teacher, knowledge, clinical, university
Pages :  33 - 44
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0033
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The silence of psychologists. Why does not there exist a 'post-Zionist' psychology?
Author(s) :  Dan, Bar-On
Abstract :  Unlike certain Israeli historians or sociologists who have developed a Post-Sionist critical approach, only a few signs of a comparable critical trend are to be found in Israeli psychologists. This is particularly worrying in the light of the recent transition from war to the peace process. This transition has been the source of many new social and individual dilemmas which would benefit from an open debate within social and clinical psychology. This essay tries to report on this lack by linking it to its historical, political and cultural roots. The historical aspects concern the influence of the European and American psychological traditions. Two remarks of a political kind are presented: Israeli psychologists, because of their involvement in the military field and their acceptance of the Sionist security claims, tend to belong to the dominant political trend (Gergen, 1973; 1989). A hyper-politicised atmosphere has forced Israeli psychologists to adopt a position of neutrality and objectivity. This has provided a convenient rationalisation of an apolitical position, in particular in so far as Israeli political polarisation during the 1980s and 1990s was perceived as a threat for the professional authority of psychologists. Culturally, the psychologists, like the European social milieux from which most of them have come, have tended to adopt the North-American individualist tradition, as a reaction to the powerful collectivist trend which dominated Israeli society in its early years. This may explain the weakness and the slowness of their social reaction, in terms of humanism, feminism and constructivism. Exceptions to this general tendency are revealed and we will explore the question: how to reach a change in Israeli psychology such that it becomes more politically sensitive and critical. It may be supposed that this reflection has some pertinence for the development of a political psychology in other societies, particularly in those that experience a period of transition of values, or which suffer violent and lasting social conflicts.
Keywords:  psychologist, post-Zionist, Zionist, psychology
Pages :  45 - 66
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0045
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  What "political" psychology?
Author(s) :  André, Lévy
Abstract :  “To face the unacceptable is the very place where thinking begets”. This reflection from H. Arendt concerns particularly those sociologists and psychosociologists who question their rapport to politics in their intervention practices. Why, and how to “comprehend” what cannot or should not be “accepted” or tolerated? To excuse it or explain it, to denounce it, to fight it better, or to engage a process of analysis on the conditions of its appearance and perpetuation? If “scientific” psychology, traditionally individualistic, is condemned to act in the frame of social status quo, clinical psychosociology can open another field of activity and of thought, taking into account its implication in the complex situations in which it intervenes, crossed by contradictions and conflicts where “social” and “political” issues are closely imbricated.
Keywords:  H. Arendt , Hanna Arendt, psychology, politics
Pages :  67 - 76
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0067
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The micrologic gaze. The Legacy of Reflection of Critical Theory on Suffering
Author(s) :  Estelle, Ferrarese
Abstract :  An idea of Critical processes based on bare suffering can be made clear in the work of Adorno, Horkheimer, and some other authors of the Critical Theory. The “micrological look”, as I call this idea, implies that a strong attention is paid to the detail as such, to the particular as opposed to the general. It founds their theories on the concern to let suffering express itself. The risk of pity is preferred to the risk of indifference. The current attempt by Axel Honneth to construct a theory of society on the experience of social scorn could open a path to put together the elements of a contemporary micrology.
Keywords:  Adorno, Horkheimer, suffering, micrologic, Theory of Suffering
Pages :  77 - 86
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0077
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  From one unacceptable to another or the avatars of workplace bullying
Author(s) :  Annie-Charlotte, Giust-Ollivier
Abstract :  This article will examine how the notion of “moral harassment” has emerged from the unacceptable placed on perverse actions and has produced in the social field effects that lead to the protection and defence of victims. Based on an attempt to understand engaged with a group of people claiming to have been “harassed”, the author will try to show how the refusal of these people of the status of victim and the treatment which they received, has led to another unacceptable which allows a new field of comprehension and other forms of identification at work.
Keywords:  the Other, workplace bullying, workplace, moral
Pages :  87 - 110
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0087
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Understanding the unacceptable: the case of abuse in geriatrics
Author(s) :  Marie-Anne, Dujarier
Abstract :  This article is a contribution to the understanding of the phenomenon of abuse in geriatric practice. Our thesis is that the institutional idealisation of the possibilities of action, that is the denial of limits, favours the appearance of abuse to oneself and to the patients. We will begin with a clinical grasp of the situation of staff in contact with the patients and by listening to their own analysis of the dynamics which lead to acts of abuse. For them, abuse arises when they feel that they “are not up to the task”, or when they have got caught up in professional “routine”. These two subjective situations are frequent in an institution which, by idealising its possibilities of action implicitly formulates a prescription of omnipotence for its staff: they must be “up to” an ideal. Either they subscribe to this prescription – and we shall see how they can believe and subscribe –, or they protect themselves from it. The former case seems to lead to abuse through a feeling of helplessness (not being up to the task), the latter to abuse by negligence (being in a routine).
Keywords:  abuse, old people, elderly, geriatric, institution, patients, limits
Pages :  111 - 124
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0111
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The sociology of the witness: an issue of civilization
Author(s) :  Jacques, Broda
Abstract :  Immersion in reality, immersion in writing, immersion in the reality of writing. After twenty years of research and actions, we reveal writing as hymen. Between cry and unveiling. Writing has become a stake for those who are called to disappear, be born, live, survive. The sociologist is more than a witness, he acts as passer from one language to the other. The real gives way before the word which names, designates, trans-names. Around the words to tell it, write it, convey it, a merciless battle is waged. Poetry helps us because it opens, innovates, invents, resists in the language. That is what Mallarmé called the Foundation of the Modern Popular Poem.
Keywords:  witness, witness sociology, civilization, sociology, writing
Pages :  125 - 136
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0125
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Ethics and speech acts: the example of September 11, 2001
Author(s) :  Marie-Louise, Pellegrin-Rescia
Abstract :  This article would like to show how representing (seeing, unveiling) a fact (an event), by trying to understand it or to explain it, is ineffective. Considering it, on the contrary, as an act of enunciation or shaping of the world, allows us to take into account the radical changes that this act brings – provided, we say, we do not take it for a “fact”. The use of certain signifiers, such as “terrorist” among others, used in different contexts – the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and above all the events of September 11, 2001 –, constitutes a significant demonstration of this.
Keywords:  ethics, speech act, 9/11, September 11, 2001
Pages :  137 - 156
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0137
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Perversion and sublimation
Author(s) :  Jacqueline, Barus-Michel
Abstract :  Under this title the intention is to examine relations between perversion and creation. The pervert mimes the castration of the strict Father, he does not stop, jubilant and sarcastic. Charged with embodying a Judeo-Christian scenario, he acquits himself of it and plays at the Devil. He defies God, the Law, Love, and claims to appropriate pleasure. Of course, there are ordinary perverts who wear themselves out trying to perpetrate bilious pleasures that they believe to be sulphurous. But there are admirable perverts who renounce all contracts, deconstruct all the self-evident to act differently, in jubilation. In this deconstruction-action, perversion and sublimation are linked. Perverts and creators, are Sade, Picasso, taken as examples, damned or are they heroic adventurers? Do they revive the myth of Prometheus grabbing from the gods power and freedom with fire? At the cost of suffering, their own and the suffering of others, their burning work resurrects the real, instruments death and offers a human form of transcendence.
Keywords:  perversion, sublimation, Sade, Picasso,
Pages :  157 - 175
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0157
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Biotechnological domestication of humans
Author(s) :  Jean-Luc, Despois ; Philippe, Robert-Demontrond
Abstract :  The dawn of an information economy means a new “heroic era” for employees. This idea is not new since we find the expression used regularly by authors – whether scientific or not – who have tried to define the spirit of the industrial age in successive periods of the past. It consists of saying that surely too many demands are weighing down on the human being, who is definitively too human. In this light, finally, modernity appears inhuman. This poses a problem, for which we may envisage two major types of solution that are discussed here in their extreme forms. One solution consists of striving to adapt working conditions to human possibilities. Here we have the essence of the ergonomic approach, which places humans at the centre of the economic system attempting to plan their environment. The other approach, on the contrary, is concerned with the inadequacy of humans to transform the environment. This is the essence of the bio-engineering approach, which moves the human to the periphery of the economic system. This approach has the status of a paradigm, and is not at all marginal. The essential outlines of these solutions are described, so we can then explore the main issues at stake.
Keywords:  biotechnological domestication, biotechnological, human, transformation
Pages :  177 - 201
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0177
Type :  Studies
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Title :  Messianic hope: a psychoanalytical approach
Author(s) :  Jacquy, Chemouni
Abstract :  The study of messianism demands a multidisciplinary approach which combines history, sociology and psychology. The objective of this article tries to contribute to the understanding of messianism by a psychoanalytical approach which emphasises the regressive dimension of the phenomenon and to show that the psychological registers (ideal of the Ego and ideal Ego) on which it is founded are universal. The question of hope as an a priori and its relations with time and death seemed to us to be essential. We end by suggesting the hypothesis of the existence of an original unconscious.
Keywords:  Ego, ego, Messianic hope, hope, psychoanalytic
Pages :  203 - 221
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0203
Type :  Studies
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Title :  Book review. Gilles HERREROS, POUR UNE SOCIOLOGIE D’INTERVENTION, Eres – Collection Sociologie clinique, 2002, 220 p.
Author(s) :  Philippe, Robert-Demontrond ; Jean-Luc, Despois
Pages :  222 - 227
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0222
Type :  Book review
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Title :  Gauchet, M. (2016). La démocratie contre elle-même. Editions Gallimard.
Author(s) :  Olivier, Fressard
Pages :  228-231
DOI :  10.3917/rips.019.0222
Type :  Book review
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
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