Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
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Volume XIX • Issue 47 • 2013 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
Organizational unlearning
Issue content
Title :  Organizational unlearning. The rudology of the mind
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion
Pages :  3 - 3
Type :  Editorial
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Title :  Organizational distraining. Call for Theme
Author(s) :  Daniel, Bonnet ; Isabelle, Barth
Pages :  37 - 45
Type :  Announcement
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Title :  Unlearning, a rudology of the mind
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion ; Frank, Bournois ; Isabelle, Barth ; Sybille, Persson
Abstract :  The authors posit the use of the ‘hope v. disappointment’ curve to describe the life cycle of mental representations. They highlight the fact that at the end of the life cycle, these mental interpretations become first unnecessary and then mentally toxic and must be ‘unlearned’, i.e. eliminated at least, if the person concerned wishes to preserve his mental sanity, and continue to manage the rest of his life in a way that will maintain his employability. The authors consider this elimination as comparable to the treatment of waste: a kind of rudology of the mind.
Keywords:  catecholamine hypothesis, unlearning curve, hope vs disappointment curve, belief, life cycle of mental representations, disappointment, collapse, unlearning, elimination, hope, end of political dogma, waste management, tinkering, reverse Learning, RPS, rudology, mental health, shock theory, grievance theory, intention theory, scapegoat theory
Pages :  47 - 79
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Concept of learning from the point of view of genetic epistemology Some reflections
Author(s) :  Jean-Marie, Dolle
Abstract :  Life being adaptation of a subject living to its mediums of life in the intercation which it establishes with them. The adaptation is in itself an activity which produces “adapted” states known as. However, like any activity of a “subject”, that it is vegetable or animal, develops structures, it is while adapting that it exerts them and gives itself those which are necessary for him for a better adaptation. It is this activity where phenomena of assimilation and accommodation appear which constitutes the training strictly speaking. This last being exerted in the interaction “subject-object” or, more generally, “subject-medium”, means medium as well as “objects” as it contains. The teaching medium, is, by extension, that of the adaptations in which the child then the young adult, “learns” the teaching contents and, in certain cases, the contents and the professional conduits by building them and rebuilding them unceasingly. By doing this, it builds and rebuilds the structures which enable him to learn. If the interaction is thus the brand of any training, that to say teaching methods which, being based mainly on the memory, spread “knowledge” that they ask to repeat or reproduce such as they are, mechanically, to the detriment of the thought? Being based only on the “states” of reality and the knowledge, despising transformations which produce them, wouldn’t contribute they to kill the thought?
Keywords:  adaptation, self-construction, knowledge, figurative-operative, interaction, knowledge, stimulus-answer, structures, learning, operation, auto-construction
Pages :  81 - 104
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Unlearn to be institutionally efficient A reading by the symmetrical anthropology
Author(s) :  Célia, Lemaire ; Thierry, Nobre
Abstract :  This research shows that the introduction of a management system in a whole sector of activity can be a vector of unlearning. Data from a participant observation are analyzed in terms of the symmetrical anthropology, which identifies mechanisms of “mediation” and “purification”.
Keywords:  symmetrical anthropology, management systems, unlearning
Pages :  105 - 124
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Unlearn in order to occupation change Becoming a coach
Author(s) :  Christophe, Vignon ; Fabien, Moreau
Abstract :  Unlearning is predominantly studied as a deliberate managerial phenomenon. We focused on the process which led some managers to withdraw from their career in order to become a coach. We have combined the life narratives of sixteen individuals and their breakaway from the dominant managerial model. This break represents a form of unlearning. We rely on the Lacanian concept of plus-de-jouir to interpret our data which directs us to analyse the coaching training as a transitional space favouring individual unlearning.
Keywords:  coach, work desire, desubjectivation, emancipation, life narratives, unlearning
Pages :  125 - 136
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Unlearning to give and to share Facing a new shape of cooperation between employees within companies, the gift of working time reduction days
Author(s) :  Christelle, Chauzal-Larguier ; François, Blanc
Abstract :  As researchers in management we want to explore a new practice still little spread in France: the gift of RTT (Working Time Reduction Days) between employees. In this way the committed research aims to explain the practice and tries to validate its integration as a sciences management experimental field. Our contribution implies to analyze the gift of RTT between employees not as a philanthropic action but as a real axis of organizational learning and unlearning.
Keywords:  donation, days of reduction of working time, sharing, unlearning
Pages :  137 - 150
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Unlearning what has not been learnt The paradox of conducting organisational change in hospital settings
Author(s) :  Thierry, Nobre
Abstract :  This article proposes a reflection on the organizational unlearning in the process of change management in hospitals and healthcare organizations. Given the configuration of a hospital, described as a professional bureaucracy by Minztberg (1982), it appears that the three main categories of healthcare professionals (management, medical corps and healthcare executives) mobilize differently the three levers necessary to drive change i.e. willingness, power and knowledge. This observation implies that organizational unlearning must adapt to this situation and is different according to stakeholders. This differentiation in the process of organizational unlearning, which is related to the different categories of healthcare professionals, is particularly important because it involves behaviors that are beyond knowledge and skills acquired consciously, but rather concerns the behavior resulting from socialization mechanisms that are integrated into the day to day operating of the hospital.
Keywords:  organizational unlearning, hospital, organizational change
Pages :  151 - 163
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Unlearn psychosocial risk factor From social sciences to management sciences: for a framework to cope with the trap of mechanist risk management
Author(s) :  Mathias, Szpirglas ; Véronique, Attias-Delattre
Abstract :  Psychosocial Risks factors are usually analyzed as illness resulting from labor activities. Few research works are taking into account the “risks” part of PSR management. If they does, the risk part followed is classical and mechanistic which don’t help actors in situation to cope with PSR factors. This paper provides a new framework that raises action levelers to cope with PSR before it becomes catastrophic. To illustrate this theoretical framework, this paper presents a way to implement it with one of the major European model to cope with PSR situations: SOBANE Model.
Keywords:  Human resources management, psychosocial risks, risk management
Pages :  165 - 180
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  To unlearn the traditional hierarchical management Action learning as an effective method
Author(s) :  Daniel, Belet
Abstract :  This article introduces the action learning method which was invented by Revans, and later mainly improved and formalized by Marquardt. This collective intelligence method appears as very operational and powerful in various organisational settings. It is today more and more practiced not only in the anglo-saxon world but also in Asian countries. Among its many benefits, we emphasize the way this method offers an alternative approach to the traditional hierarchical management. It brings about both a new way of collective reflection and learning with small groups. Its process allows a much better valorization of the whole human potential. So it appears as a very good answer to a growing number of employees, especially from the younger generation, that criticizes the traditional hierarchical management.
Keywords:  Action Learning, learner team, collective intelligence, hierarchical management, distraining
Pages :  181 - 200
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Unlearning to learn. Experimenting with art in an entrepreneurship programme
Author(s) :  Sylvain, Bureau
Abstract :  In business schools, learning is traditionally considered to be a linear and incremental process: once basic notions are mastered, students are asked to further develop their knowledge and specific expertise. This approach is relevant in many programmes, but cannot be considered as such at the start of an entrepreneurship course. At such a stage, the most urgent and key stake is to first unlearn. Previously acquired knowledge is not necessarily obsolete but it limits the scope of opportunities, often restricting entrepreneurs to inadequate reasoning and decision-making. To unlearn, that is to say discard some past knowledge, beliefs and routines to develop new heuristics and behaviour, the pedagogical approach must not only break away from traditional pedagogical content but also from usual symbolic codes. In this paper we present an experiment, Improbable, which aims to do this. The principle is two-pronged: it gives students the opportunity to embody a radically different role from what they have been trained to do previously, and it allows them to carry out activities that are similar to those accomplished by entrepreneurs. To do this, we chose to experiment with art: for four days, our students played the role of artists, on the verge of deception.
Keywords:  art, unlearning, pedagogy, entrepreneurship
Pages :  201 - 225
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Communities of practice and unlearning
Author(s) :  Marielle, Metge ; Serge, Agostinelli
Abstract :  This text has for ambition to put in relation communicative skill and organizational unlearning. Indeed, the notion of participation in communities of practice plays a role of socio-cognitive conflict. This conflict creates a sort of destabilization of knowledge and unlearn that allows then, the integration of technical or organizational changes in these communities. The communicative skill while leveraging of unlearning through discourse and the construction of a common sense. The individuals build themselves then the illusion of an informative comprehensiveness dependent on a progress which they “know” logical because socially built. An informational ellipse so forms, a shortcut of the thought which does not affect the intelligibility of all and alleviates the situation.
Keywords:  communicative skill, knowledge, ellipse, sense, unlearning
Pages :  227 - 240
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  An obstacle to unlearning The example of paternalistic culture in Bata Hellocourt
Author(s) :  Antony, Kuhn ; Yves, Moulin
Abstract :  The rapid evolution of economic and technological environment leads companies to ponder over the management of the knowledge threatened with obsolescence. Firms have dealt with the acquisition and preservation of this knowledge, yet the latter cannot be assimilated without abandoning old habits that have become inadequate. In other words, organizational unlearning must often precede organizational learning. Now there is almost no study of what prevents the abandon of routines. The purpose of this paper is therefore to show how organizational culture can hinder unlearning, particularly if it is a paternalistic culture. The example of the Hellocourt shoe factory convincingly illustrates the difficulty that anorganization with paternalistic orientation has in abandoning routines and how such difficulties may lead to closure.
Keywords:  paternalism, organizational unlearning
Pages :  241 - 257
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Lighting of the process of the resistance to change with the ell of the concept of transformations of invariants Concept of developement of the capacity of the transformation
Author(s) :  Daniel, Bonnet
Abstract :  This paper proposes a lighting of the concept of the resistance to change with the ell of the concept of transformations of invariants. It contributes to clarify the distinction between the concepts of change and transformation. It shows the unlearning and the learning must considered in their report of phase. This prospect makes it possible to back up the definition of the concept of learning of the transformation starting from two fundamental assumptions, the transformation in the infrastructures of knowledge and the transformation in the mode of significance.
Keywords:  unlearning, invariance, transformation, Learning, significance
Pages :  259 - 278
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  “Humans cannot be angels, but fallen ones”
Author(s) :  Laurent, Bibard
Abstract :  People nowadays wait for perfection – e.g. full control and transparency of action and results. Morality is highly affected by these expectations, which may contradict its very expectations. It is worth re-learning about the ancient Greek “neutrality“ in order to taste again the meaning of temperance and the related sense of risk.
Keywords:  Expectations, control, perfection, risk, transparency, measurement
Pages :  279 - 298
Type :  Research paper
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved