Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
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Volume I • Issue 01 • 1994 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
Positions of psychosociology
Issue content
Title :  Editorial
Author(s) :  Gilles, Amado ; Eugène, Enriquez
Pages :  3 - 4
Type :  Editorial
Title :  Psychosociology at the crossroads
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez
Abstract :  For years, psychosociology's preferred objects of research and action were the group, the organization, the institution. Although there is no question of giving up these objects, psychosociology must, nevertheless, adopt new perspectives, take an interest in global social phenomena, as well as groups with a history, changing communities and daily practices of subjects who contribute to the construction of the social link; psychosociology is therefore at the very centre of the issue of democracy, citizenship and the appearance of the subject. By his intervention, the psychosociologist has to share his knowledge with others, to be as far as possible homo viator and homo ludens, to accept the situation of a mediator, to take on the role of "annalist allowing" each group to reconstitute its history and adopt projects for the future.
Keywords:  psychosociology, social phenomena, groups, communities, practices
Pages :  5 - 16
Type :  Research paper
Title :  The « unobtainable objects of psychosociology
Author(s) :  André, Lévy
Abstract :  During its (very brie!) history, psychosociology has experienced many changes, affecting its methods as well as its goals. Throughout these changes, it has nevertheless consistently held a place apart amongst the other social sciences ; its specificity does not so much rest upon the objects, - groups. institutions, organisations - , which it has chosen to study, as upon the manner according to whitch they have been approached, linking field and theoretical work. As a result a different view of these objects has been evolved. if not their dissolution as such. Social organisations, in particular, have appeared as complex constructs defying any general definition and, thereby, any general theory. In return, they have revealed themselves as being the locus of events, or processes, through which history, - individual and social -, is in the making.
Keywords:  psychosociology, social sciences, field work, theoretical work, social organizations
Pages :  18 - 12
Type :  Research paper
Title :  About an origin of psychosociology
Author(s) :  Jean, Dubost
Abstract :  The division of ground between psychology and sociology and the definition of their respective objects, in France, in the days of Tarde and Durkheim, reproduced the ideological opposition between individualism and societarism which accompanied the double political and industrial revolution. Psychosociology was born partly from the refusal of this division but was notable truly to release itself from it, and this accounts for the definitions that place it in a function of hinge, bridge, articulation or that attribute to it the object of interaction between what is psychic and what is social. However, the best of its work situates is not on the periphery of sociology or at its intersection with psychology, but at the very heart of the processes of the functioning of societies and the problems of our time.
Keywords:  psychology, functioning, society, origins
Pages :  27 - 36
Type :  Other
Title :  Social units, meaningful units
Author(s) :  Jacqueline, Barus-Michel
Abstract :  The great structured groups such as institutions and organisations serve as a framework and define a certain belonging. At the othcr extreme, the subject himself may be considered as a social unit. However, the unit where he retrieves some meaning and some recognition, the unit that is meaningful, functional and affective is the team. There, the psychosociologist, close to his object, is called to support the advent of social subjects.
Keywords:  unity, society, team
Pages :  37 - 44
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Teaching social psychology ... trying to go beyond illusions
Author(s) :  Maurice, Jeannet
Abstract :  As a human being interested in concrete interaction between his fellows, the psychosociologist cannot, a priori, claim more naivety, innocence and objectivity than most of them. The main part of his work consists in trying to organize his encounter with others and to clarify its meaning. Although the methods at his disposal can certainly allow him to increase his knowledge, they can also be a source of misunderstanding and therefore of misappreciation and illusion. An important part of his task therefore is to go beyond the illusion of a coïncidence between the real object and those he tries to see, to clarify the meaning of the part he plays unknowingly in the construction of his objects of knowledge and in the sharing that he has to do with those who have cooperated in their emergence. The risk for the psychosociologist is that he might resemble Oedipus who was able to answer impeccably all the questions about man, but who was completely blind to the part he played in the origin of the calamities that fell upon his kingdom. Clarifying a meaning that keeps recreating itself puts the psychosociologist in the situation of Sisyphus rolling his rock: even though he chooses when to retire, he knows he will not escape his destiny. But Sisyphus is at least aware of his fate, and Camus invites us to believe that he is happy.
Keywords:  social psychology, meeting, the Other, meaning, illusions
Pages :  45-54
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Access to subjectivity, a social necessity
Author(s) :  Florence, Giust-Desprairies
Abstract :  As a social practice, a psychosociological intervention may be considered to be clinical insofar as it meets a need arising from suffering. Saying it is clinical poses the question of the meaning and the subject as it emerges in situations. Working to understand the internal logic of people and groups in their links with the internal logic of organizations necessarily implies taking into account the subjective components. Nevertheless, the question of meaning is not only private or individual, but also social.
Keywords:  access, subjectivity, need, social, psychosociology
Pages :  55 - 64
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Clinical study of the psychological and occupational itinerary of nurses caring for aids patients
Author(s) :  Claude, Veil
Abstract :  The material analysed is derived from the RITS survey (with Alain Giami, Catherine Veil-Barat, Claudine Smamalin-Amboise et al. : 108 individual and group interviews) among a sample of nurses and social workers in and around Paris. Between the first approach with AIDS patients and specialization in the field, there is a four-stage evolution toward self-control and professional qualification. Stage 1. Until the first encounter, nurses are psychologically close to the lay population. Stage 2. The first contacts, sometimes dramatic, give rise to preservation, self-protection and avoidance reactions that are more or less relevant. The patients are chiefly perceived through the screen of the disease. Stage 3. Experienced nurses acquire a deeper knowledge and partially change their behavior. The workload is heavy with terminally ill patients. The relationship with the patients is more individualized, and its breaking off through death is painfully felt. The ego defence mechanisms are quite efficient, but often costly in terms of energy. Stage 4. Sorne nurses attain a high level of qualification, their training is better integrated, and their professional behavior is more rational. They master better their relation with the patients, who are viewed more as persons. This has been noted in intensive care units which are «democratically» organized and given strong psychological support.
Pages :  65 - 70
Type :  Research paper
Title :  A setting for intervention in hospitals
Author(s) :  Florence, Oualid
Abstract :  The setting that we present was proposed several years running in universtity hospital units belonging to the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (Paris hospital board). Its capacity to be renewed leads us to think that some elements can be transfered to oher contexts ; and that makes us want to present it. It seems to us that its originality is to be found in : - the combination of the rigorous form of its framework and the flexibility of its content which is not pre-defined ; - the association of characteristics of inter - and intra-organizational interventions ; - the alternance of groups that are open to any person working in the unit and a semi-open group made up of a sub-group of people with responsibility in the hierarchy ; - and the clinical approach which accompanies it. By promoting work on different registers, this arrangement offers both a local and a global vision of the problems tackled.
Keywords:  process, intervention, services, hospital, assistance,
Pages :  71 - 86
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Psychosocial resonance at the heart of life and death
Author(s) :  Gilles, Amado
Abstract :  The suicide of the French Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy on 1 May 1993, apart from the emotion it created, gave rise to many analyses in the heat of the moment proposed by journalists, sociologists, philosophers, psychoanalysts, among others. Reviewing the press reports of the time, the author shows that the too affirmative side of certain analyses necessarily comes up against the intimate mystery that brought about such an act, product of what he calls "psychosocial resonance". An investigation of this phenomenon which is situated between the social and the psychological should enable us to have a better understanding of individual and collective crisis situations.
Keywords:  psychosocial, resonance, life, death, phenomena
Pages :  87 - 94
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Law and choice
Author(s) :  Véronique, Guienne-Bossavit
Abstract :  The document "Law and choice" is made up of a short article followed by the synthesis of a debate organized by the CIRFIP. The subject is the recent French laws concerning the code of Nationality which stipulate that the children of foreign parents, born in France, must take steps to choose their nationality. From a socio-political point of view, there is a debate about the significance of a law that acts downstream of individual choices. This subordination of the law to choice, like a psychologization of a society issue, has effects both on democracy and identity dynamics. Psychologically, this setting up of the question of liberty is in fact due to psychosocial blindness both with reference to the mechanisms of the constitution of identity and by the moment concerned by this choice, i.e. adolescence.
Keywords:  rights, choice, nationality,individual, democracy
Pages :  95 - 104
Type :  Research paper
Title :  From the revolt against the father to the revolt of the fathers
Author(s) :  Marcel, Bolle de Bal
Abstract :  Many of the children of May 68 have now, in 1994, become fathers. Then they were mobilized by what Gérard Mendel has called a "revolt against the father". Today we can wonder, like Evelyne Sullerot, whether they should not work, beyond the classic theories of "murder of the father'', towards a "re-birth" of the father and the paternal fonction, organize a "revolt of the fathers", in particular of these "new fathers" who are threatened by the success of feminism, female emancipation - in other words the "victory of the mothers" - and the reversal of the balance of power between the sexes. What do psychosociologists think? What have they to say about this ?
Keywords:  mother-figure, father-figure, family, gender politics
Pages :  105 - 118
Type :  Research paper
Title :  The "International Center of Research, Training and Intervention in Psychosociology" (CIRFIP)
Author(s) :  André, Lévy
Abstract :  The 'International Center of Research, Training and Intervention in Psychosociology' (CIRFIP) was founded last year in Paris by a group of eighteen professionals, several of them former directors and founders of the Association ARIP. The members of the CIRFIP, all engaged in research and professional activities in the realm of social sciences, in different countries of Europe and of America, wish to maintain and pursue the psychosociological tradition, in research and consulting, convinced that it has a specific role to play in the world today.
Keywords:  international, research, intervention, training, psychosociology
Pages :  119-124
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Lévy, A. (1994) Le Centre International de Recherche, de Formation et d'intervention Psychosociologiques (CIRFIP). Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), I(01), pp. 119-124
Title : 
Author(s) :  André, Lévy
Pages :  123 - 126
Type :  Book review
Title : 
Author(s) :  Gilles, Amado
Pages :  127 - 130
Type :  Book review
Title : 
Author(s) :  Jean, Dubost
Pages :  131 - 132
Type :  Book review
Title : 
Author(s) :  Christiane, Veauvy
Pages :  133 - 135
Type :  Book review
Title : 
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez
Pages :  135 - 137
Type :  Book review
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved