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Volume VI • Issue 15 • 2000 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
Private domain - public sphere
Issue content
Title :  Introduction
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez ; Dominique, Lhuilier
Pages :  3 - 6
Type :  Introduction
APA :  Enriquez, E. et Lhuilier, D. (2000) Introduction . Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), VI(15), pp. 3-6
Title :  Private-Public: Limits of opposition
Author(s) :  Sonia, Dayan-Herzbrun
Abstract :  It is nowadays necessary to question the paradigm of separation between private and public, according to which women are ascribed to the private sphere. This paradigm is related to a dualistic logic, that neglects many phenomena observed in the Near and Middle East. Hannah Arendt's theorisation, which gives a central position to the notion of politics, shows that a citizen, in the full meaning of the word, belongs to two orders of existence: family and politics. Where it is impossible to establish a distinction between private and public, there is no real political life. So one has to invent other conceptual categories.
Keywords:  Hannah Arendt, Middle East, private, public, opposition
Pages :  7 - 18
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Thoughts on the anthropological and political constants of civility
Author(s) :  Claudine, Haroche
Abstract :  Rules of precedence in 17' century French parliamentary etiquette demonstrated the social order. They illustrate the profound continuity that links individual bodies and political bodies. They are social and political forms that link and separate men, by gestures and postures, in an institutional space, establishing distance and closeness between them. This preoccupation with behaviour is to be found in Hobbes and Tocqueville, in the self-control studied by Elias, and which he links to the construction of the State, in the government of others in Foucault, and finally in the wider analyses of the rituals of power and the order of bodies (Balanclier, Firth, Sewell). In contemporary democracies, the behaviour of each person in society, fashioned by the public sphere, questions of civility, courtesy, consideration, dignity or politeness, remains a central topic.
Keywords:  Foucault, Balandier, Tocqueville, anthropological constants,political constants, civility
Pages :  19 - 34
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Human rights and rights of the person: Thoughts on the imprudence of a lack of distinction
Author(s) :  Geneviève, Koubi
Abstract :  The discourse which consists in assimilating the expressions "human rights" and "rights of the person" leads to a deforming of the relations between public space and private sphere. Yet the distinction is capital for studying this confrontation. Human rights are powers of action against the State; "rights of the person" are centred on the individual only, and ignore his quality as a citizen. This notion of "rights of the person" belongs to liberal thinking and criticism of the welfare state. It is based on the determination of means of protection of certain social situations by the institutions of Power. Protecting the person then takes precedence over guaranteeing human rights. The rights of the person are part of the field of civility and not sociality. The private sphere is shrinking and no longer has openings on to public space other than by means of demands and solicitation. Thus rights of the person make the individual a fragile being to whom the obliging assistance of private firms as well as public administrations grants a relative strength. And the aim of political action then becomes that of "maintaining order and safety to the detriment of solidarity".
Keywords:  rights, human rights, rights of the individual, individual, public space, private sphere
Pages :  35 - 44
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Private/Public dichotomy: A possibility of going further
Author(s) :  Marie-Louise, Pellegrin-Rescia
Abstract :  Private/public: it still seems impossible to go beyond this dualism, recognised in philosophy, sociology and linguistics (up to and including Saussure). Examination of language will allow us to see what the situation is provided, however, it is conceived as an act of expression (Austin) carried out according to common rules (Searle): indeed, parole, even the most private, is always public. As what is personal, individual, in a word private, is expressed by rules that are necessarily public, the dichotomy individual/society, private/public, parole/langue loses its raison d'être. Hence the need to question this dichotomy as well as, for example, the notion of private property: in the age of Internet and these networks can we continue to express or shape society by the same categories of thought, the same criteria?
Keywords:  private dichotomy, public dichotomy, Saussure, dichotomy
Pages :  45 - 58
Type :  Research paper
Title :  From the total institution to mass individualism
Author(s) :  Dominique, Lhuiler
Abstract :  The dissolution of boundaries between private area and public sphere is at the basis of the hold that the total institution has on recluses. From an analysis of the prison project for homogenisation and control of prisoners, we will take an interest in the defensive strategies mobilised by imprisoned people to defend their interiority on the double support of the corporal envelope and group envelopes. The evolution under way in prison is similar to that which is observable outside where personalisation appears as a new impersonal rule threatening the membership of work collectives and promoting mass individualism. The political area disappears into it for the benefit of confinement in the subjectivity of singular experiences.
Keywords:  total institution, mass individualism, private area, public sphere, prison, jail
Pages :  59 - 70
Type :  Research paper
Title :  A democratic stake for social housing developments
Author(s) :  Joëlle, Bordet ; Jean, Dubost
Abstract :  The classic opposition between public and private applied to the spheres of active life was examined again by Hanna Arendt to compare the ancient city of the Greeks with our modern societies in her studies of the totalitarian system (1951) and the human condition (1958). We give a glimpse here of an application of this contribution to recent studies devoted to the inhabitants of social housing developments faced with exclusion. The fact of being deprived of any access to salaried work, linked to xenophobia, racism and ethnicisation leads to an evolution of the relation to the spaces in the town (housing, district, urban context) and the dialectic of private life-public life. This affects differently young men, girls, elderly people, adults. The democratic stake appears to be linked also to the fate of the resistance to the process of massification.
Keywords:  democratic, social housing, housing, Hanna Arendt
Pages :  71 - 84
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Process of militant commitment as a passage from the individual private sphere to collective (public) action
Author(s) :  Jean, Vincent
Abstract :  Processes of trade unionist commitment are an example of the ways of crossing from an individual (or private) frame, the one of an ordinary worker, towards the tasks of a delegate known by anyone in the firm and in charge of collective action, so then public. The processes involved in the socialisation of workers becoming trade unionists are both psychological and social and can be studied by clinical sociology and clinical social psychology using theories of social movements such as those developed by the "collective identities" approach (Gamson, Melucci. .. ). These socialisation processes are mainly three-fold: splitting of the affects between the "good group" formed by the fellow workers united to face up to the management, which in turn makes up the "bad group". This splitting is usually initiated by a change in frame of analysis being used: a new "alternative mobilising frame" is applied to an experience of social injustice (cf. Goffmann, Gamson...); identifications with this idealised group of fellow workers also take place, thus renewing the identifications formerly directed towards important figures of chilhood (parents...) or early trade unionist career (for instance, older unionists taken as models).
Keywords:  Process, militant commitment, commitment, individual private sphere, collective, public action, public, action
Pages :  85 - 94
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Vincent, J. (2000) Processus de l'engagement militant comme passage de la sphère individuelle-privée à l'action collective (publique). Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), VI(15), pp. 85-94
Title :  Despair and the public eye
Author(s) :  Véronique, Guienne
Abstract :  The analysis deals with the new forms of workers' revolt, threatening and violent. The account of the workers' revolt at the Cellatex plant in Givet (July 2000) shows how the determination and despair of these people erupt in the public eye, in a spectacular, therefore visible, form. The situation is first analysed from the point of view of the various protagonists: the spectators (all of us) and the actors in these revolts. More theoretically, three directions for analysis are then proposed: as a form of struggle for recognition; as a way of passing from private to public; as a dramatised means of expressing social resistance, allowing public debate about it.
Keywords:  despair, public eye, scene, uprising, expression
Pages :  95 - 108
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Guienne, V. (2000) Désespoir et scène publique. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), VI(15), pp. 95-108
Title :  Customs of the intimate
Author(s) :  Jacqueline, Barus-Michel
Abstract :  The intimate, the narrowest circle of the private, where Christianity tried to control the formidable struggles of the soul and the body, shows itself today, set free from all traces of religion, both as the space of greatest freedom for the subject and as the last circle of hell. The history of manners mixes the territories of the public and the private according to the statures of power and norms: for example dictatorship crushes them. Whereas the private, domestic, retains a socialised form which is therefore permeable with regard to the law, the intimate, linked to enjoyment, self-truth always escaping, that psychoanalysis has taught us is foreign and fleeting, with no word to express it, paradoxically incites a subject who is now avid for expression to expose his feelings. Enjoyment is frantically stalked to the point of scandal and for that the intimate has to burst into public view and art, in turn, throws itself into the shock effects which telescope violence and enjoyment, and lay bare even the horror of the intimate.
Keywords:  customs, intimate, religion, enjoyment, freedom
Pages :  109 - 130
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Psychoanalysis: A private practice
Author(s) :  Jean, Cournut
Abstract :  While psychoanalysis is a cultural fact and the carrying out of psychoanalysis is a profession, analytical practice belongs exclusively to the private register. Confidentiality is the strict condition for the method of free associations.
Keywords:  psychoanalysis, private practice, pratice, confidentiality
Pages :  131 - 138
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Cournut, J. (2000) La psychanalyse : une pratique privée . Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), VI(15), pp. 131-138
Title :  Unease in privacy
Author(s) :  Paul, Denis
Abstract :  Psychoanalysis is only feasible in a private space. Today's trends in social functioning are deinstitutionalizing the family and are extending the wilfulness for "transparency" to private spaces. These trends expose us to different risks: reciprocal playfulness between "public" and "private" tends to disappear, giving familial hyponomy or anomy. Couple sexuality, under Eros, tends to be replaced by group sexuality, under Anteros. Psychoanalytic practice may become impossible because of lack of privacy.
Keywords:  Uneasiness, privacy sexuality, psychoanalysis
Pages :  139 - 150
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Claimed subjectivity and its consequences. The responsibility of a psychoanalyst in the field of teaching
Author(s) :  Mireille, Cifali
Abstract :  The separation between private and public, between private life and social life, between function and person seems to have been more marked in the past. School taught and parents brought up; there was no interest in a pupil's private life and no attempt was made to train teachers in the zones of a pupil's personal sphere. This clear demarcation seems blurred today. In this evolution, psychoanalysis has played a role by the emphasis it puts on the subjectivity of our gestures, the affectivity that governs our actions, which include learning and teaching. How has psychoanalysis broached this separation in the field of teaching, what are the social spin-off and consequences, those are the questions the author tries to deal with by reconsidering the academic and research positions that she has help in the name of psychoanalysis.
Keywords:  subjectivity, psychoanalyst, teaching field, teaching
Pages :  151 - 162
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Beneficiaries of RMI and social workers: Joint building of places in spheres outside work
Author(s) :  Frédéric, Blondel
Abstract :  The failure of the arrangements for professional reinsertion of those who receive the RMI (minimum revenue for reinsertion) makes social workers all the more reserved about the world of work in that they themselves experience failure in the carrying out of their job. While the unemployed are exclucled from social consideration, the social workers suffer from social discredit. Thus, some social workers would like to go back to the private sphere. That would be the best way to get out of their state of unstable identity. As for the long-term unemployed, who are searching for a social existence, they are more and more willing to accept a place in the spheres outside work so long as it is accompanied by some sort of social legitimacy. So, when they meet, some professionals propose to the unemployed to accompany them in working on refashioning their social identity, by helping them to give up their former pretensions and agree, in a vein of assent rather than assignment, to enrol in a sphere of existence that they are prompt to qualify positively because of their position regarding work. This new enrolment will be perceived as acceptable by the beneficiaries if it guarantees them a certain continuity in their identity.
Keywords:  allowances, social workers,spheres, work, reinsertion
Pages :  163 - 178
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Between private space and public space: Social work
Author(s) :  Elian, Djaoui ; Pierre-François, Large
Abstract :  The social workers' practice enables us to analyse the interferences between the private sector and the public space. These professionals, commissioned by their organizations, are representative of the public power. They intervene in the privacy of families who suffer great psychological and social distress. Their intervention gives rise to a new space, a hybrid, an in-between, which belongs both to the private space (one must talk about oneself, unveil what is usually kept secret) and to the public space (the collective one controlled by the law and social norms). On this stage, each one plays a part and uses strategic means; the user tries to protect his private life which is strongly threatened, the professional must respond to the demand of his organization. The user's suffering, expression of intimacy, undergoes a change which infers the construction of a new subject: the "social case". This "bureaucratie" subject justifies the existence and perpetuation of the organisation.
Keywords:  private space, public sphere, social work, private, public
Pages :  179 - 198
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Intermittent employment: An experience of socioprofessional descent in the 45-60 age group
Author(s) :  Lucie, Mercier ; Romaine, Malenfant ; Andrée, Larue ; Michel, Vézina
Abstract :  This article deals with the socioprofessional course of twenty people aged 45 to 60. The account of their work experience shows that, among them, eleven first of all had a stable itinerary until they lost their jobs in the 1990s. The nine others experienced a rather more intermittent course since coming on to the job market. Today, what these men and women have in common is that they are living with intermittence, a situation that has contributed to placing them in a process where their work and other dimensions of their lives have become precarious. Analysis of their biography enables us to reveal an event that marked a break or a series of events the conseqeunce of which was a socioprofessional descent and a more fragile state of well-being. The experience of intermittent work reveals demonstrations of suffering which affects self-esteem and the feeling of identity.
Keywords:  Intermittent employment, experience, socioprofessional descent, in the 45-60 age group
Pages :  197 - 208
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Overture for an ambiguous suite
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez
Abstract :  It seems that we are witnessing the interminable agony of the dichotomy between private domain and public sphere. Private issues tend to be spread out in public which, except in a few precise cases, serves to distract individuals from questioning the phenomena of society and their role in social processes and public life. Our civilisation is becoming one of proximity and transparency and men are considered as the managers of their own lives. This evolution is not inescapable since each human being is "condemned" to the unconscious which refuses to say everything and the political which catches up with him again even when he wants to forget it or repress it.
Keywords:  openness, public sphere, private sphere, intimate, phenomena
Pages :  209 - 216
Type :  Research paper
Title : 
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez
Pages :  217 - 219
Type :  Book review
Title : 
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez
Pages :  219 - 222
Type :  Book review
Title : 
Author(s) :  Véronique, Guienne
Pages :  222 - 223
Type :  Book review
APA :  Guienne, V. (2000) Djaoui, E. (2002). Les organisations du secteur social:approche psychosociologique.. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), VI(15), pp. 222-223
Title : 
Author(s) :  Gilles, Amado
Pages :  223 - 226
Type :  Book review
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
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