Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
The fifth RIPCO research day, focused on "well-being/malaise at work," brought together 93 participants and featured 35 presentations from 63 international contributors at the ICN campus in Paris-La Défense on June 6, 2024, and the editorial committee is considering transforming this annual event into a two-day academic congress. SUBMIT
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Volume XVI • Issue 38 • 2010 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
Is CSR Psychosocial Responsible ?
Issue content
Title :  Abstract
Abstract :  abstract
Pages :  5 - 6
Type :  Other
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Title :  Back cover
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  7 - 7
Type :  Other
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Title :  Thanks
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  19 - 20
Type :  Thanks
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Title :  Crossing perspectives on human and organizational issues
Author(s) :  Marc, Bonnet
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  21 - 22
DOI :  10.3917/rips.038.0021
Type :  Prologue
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Title :  Become an ideological weapon of combat, CSR introduces new psychosocial risks
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion ; Frank, Bournois
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  23 - 30
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The field challenges corporate social responsibility
Author(s) :  Julienne, Brabet
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  31 - 41
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Looking for New Boundaries to Suit Companies
Author(s) :  Jean-Claude, Dupuis ; Marie, Eyquem-Renault
Abstract :  This paper highlights that the dynamic conveyed by the Corporate Social Responsibility questions the accounting boundaries of the company and that this framing-overflowing strategy is connected to the fact that firms are organized today in networks. It stresses that CSR seeks to bring such an expansion of spatial boundaries of the accounting framework in order to reflect the emergence of a model of responsibility related to the influence. It also seeks to reflect the fact that it may remain largely in a theoretical blind spot by showing that the design of the company incorporated in main works of the CSR field leads to a number of cognitive biases. Thus, the article highlights the particular need to rethink the embeddedness of the company so as to show and take into account that the company accounting boundaries are built.
Keywords:  CSR, boundary, accounting, framing, overflowing
Pages :  43 - 62
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Rhetoric strategies to legitimize corporate social responsibility
Author(s) :  Patrick, Gilormini
Abstract :  We aim at understanding how storytelling contributes to the institutionalization process of corporate social responsibility. Starting from CSR viewed as a sense making process, we analyse how new rules, norms and cognitive frameworks get institutionalized to understand sustainable development principles adoption in management practices. Selecting and introducing new texts in the discourses used when facing sustainable development issues, is a key to legitimize new organizations and methods. This rhetorical moment hinges on argumentation methods. Inspired by the Actor Network Theory, we suggest a model to understand how rhetoric helps to establish assemblies around sustainable development matters of concerns and how these assemblies justify their positions and get legitimized by enrolling or excluding stakeholders. Focusing on communication between stakeholders, our approach underlines the political role of the corporation. This constitution of new public spaces is eventually assessed in relation with Jürgen Habermas discussion ethics.
Keywords:  actor network theory, argumentation, discussion ethic, corporate social responsibility, rhetoric, institutionalization
Pages :  63 - 84
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Neither debate, nor controversy: sustainable development, csr and communication
Author(s) :  Céline, Pascual Espuny
Abstract :  Can corporate social responsability be considered as the product of a period of debate and negociation concerning sustainable development in an identified public space? We focus on the notion of a period of debate and negociation and try to define it. We consider by way of an example, REACH, how CSR can be embedded in a discursive interaction where communication plays a strategic role. We follow these changes through an analysis of communications in order to achieve an understanding of the dynamic in action. At the end, we try to understand the practices it creates and how it influences the CSR of the industrial sector.
Keywords:  CSR, period of debate and negaciation, communication
Pages :  85 - 98
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  At the confluences of CRS discourses in Canada
Author(s) :  Corinne, Gendron ; Emmanuelle, Champion ; Haykel, Najlaoui ; Sophie, Lévesque
Abstract :  Often regarded as a privileged instrument in the conciliation of private and common interests, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has allegedly become a panacea for globalization problems. It would even fill the regulatory void left by the dislocation of Fordism and the globalization of the economy. This article examines these contentions with a view to determining whether CSR could effectively bear the hopes of a redefined regulation system based on such conciliation. To better understand the dynamics of rupture and adhesion between actors such as corporations, employer organizations, trade unions, and non governmental organizations, we have analyzed their respective discourses, as offered in memoirs to the Canadian Democracy and Corporate Accountability Commission. The analysis reveals profound divergences on the subject of corporate role and responsibility. Results also suggest that compromises can more easily be established on the production of "triple bottom line" reports, without yet tackling the central problem of defining CSR.
Keywords:  Canada, public debate, companies, NGOs, employers, regulation, corporate social responsibility, unions, speeches
Pages :  99 - 117
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  On-line representations of 313 organizations. Carroll's Pyramid: Actor's Game
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion ; Sybille, Persson
Abstract :  In order to update the knowledge of the debates likely to impact the regulation carried out under the aegis of Corporate Social Responsibility, the study establishes a 2008 report of the Francophone stakeholders. After recalling Carroll's model which establishes a hierarchy of different representations in terms of Corporate Social Responsability, the research explores the Internet web to select 313 sites that identify and categorize the actors in the presence from the CSR content of their speech. It appears that at the end of a late and hesitant evolution, the Corporate Ethical Responsability tends to assert itself as the majority representation in France. While the voluntary CSR (Soft Law) seems the most legitimate in Europe, the discussion highlights the diverging visions that still exist (People vs Profit orientation) but also the new conflicts of interest in view (People vs Planet orientation) maintaining and resuscitating possible ideological cleavages between Stakeholders in France.
Keywords:  Carrol, CSR
Pages :  119 - 146
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The social responsibilization process of the firm
Author(s) :  Denis, Gnanzou ; Jean-Jacques, Pluchart
Abstract :  The academic litterature relative to social responsible firms points out the analysis of contents rather of process, the observations of industrial groups rather of SME, and the synchronic rather diachronic approaches of organizing. The aim of this paper is to propose a global representation of the process reengineering of SRE and a typology of the oppositions to the organizational change. The research is organized in two sequences of exploration and confirmation.
Keywords:  sustainable development, SME, process engineering, social responsibility, change
Pages :  147 - 169
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  A company of retailer sector; between csr’ initiatives and pressures upon costs
Author(s) :  Antoine, Baur ; Denis, Coëdel
Abstract :  While more and more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives appear in companies, evolution and deeper approach are being noticed. We study in this case the dynamics of implementation of one of these initiatives within a multinational company of the retailer sector. In fact, moulded by the multiple interactions with the social, political and economic environment of the company, the CSR initiative develops gradually and tends to become more accurate with each exercise. The issues specific to the sector and the importance of the business model of this type of company deeply influence the initiative and its implementation, but also determine the position granted to CSR in the strategy of the company.
Keywords:  social construction, dynamics, corporate social responsibility, retail industry
Pages :  171 - 190
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Perception and legitimating of CSR within a multinational firm: the case of the DEXIA Group
Author(s) :  Isabelle, Nicolaï ; Michel, Barabel ; Monique, Combes ; Olivier, Meier
Abstract :  This article provides an analysis of the CSR strategy and practices of a multinational company using the example of the “sustainable development bank” Dexia. It is based on examination of some thirty interviews with directors and managers of the Dexia Group (levels n-2 to n-4), as well as the use of various secondary sources (activity reports, sustainable development reports, specific memoranda, workshops, etc.). We conducted a two-fold inquiry, one in terms of theory and the other in terms of practice: first, what are the most useful analytical frameworks for examining the emergence and structuring of a sustainable development and corporate responsibility programme for a company such as Dexia? Second, does Dexia operate a bona fide sustainable development strategy or is this position simply a reflection of the context and systems adopted by those with whom the company interacts?
Keywords:  CSR, institutional entrepreneur
Pages :  191 - 208
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Socially responsible practices and their effects on the behavior of employees in daily work: an exploratory study
Author(s) :  Najoua, Tahri
Abstract :  Recent years have witnessed a considerable resurgence of interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Organizational Behavior (OB) in management literature. Most of the studies remain, however, quite silent about the CSR-OB relationships. Our paper tackles these issues by testing the soundness of the theorical constructs underlying our two variables. Data from 20 interviews shed light on the impact of CSR on employees? behavior in daily work. We draw a series of lessons beneficial both to management theory and practice.
Keywords:  social exchange, social identity, perceptions, CSR, organizational behavior
Pages :  209 - 228
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Psychodynamics, games and stakes of actors around international framework agreements
Author(s) :  Angélique, Ngaha ; Léa, Gissinger
Abstract :  Other papers have already compared and analysed the content of international framework agreements on corporate social responsibility and the issues they raise, but few of them consider the dynamism they generate and evaluate the way in which they enable (or do not enable) a new balance in the power relationship between management et employees. We therefore intend to consider from this viewpoint the international framework agreements of two French-based multinational companies. We will begin by telling their story and how these agreements are changing their systems of industrial relations. We will show too, how these agreements are mobilised by the signatory parties.
Keywords:  international framework agreement, social dialogue, trade unions, multinational firms, corporate social responsibility
Pages :  229 - 246
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  One way to respond to growing social demands. Chinese government policy on CSR
Author(s) :  Michel, Doucin
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  247 - 254
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Integrating national contexts into theoretical frameworks for a better understanding of corporate social responsibility practices.The case of the emerging countries
Author(s) :  Astrid Mullenbach, Servayre ; Sandra, Rmadi Said
Abstract :  The social responsibility of companies is a dynamic concept which has given rise to numerous definitions and theoretical models and to a variety of company practices. As if to prove the point, its main advocate considers it to be a concept in the process of definition (Carroll, 1999). The theoretical models that are ’traditionally’ deployed to define the dimensions of CSR or the socially responsible types of behaviour of companies (Carroll, 1979, 1991; Wood, 1991) are rooted in debates as well as in analyses concerning ’western’ organizations (Europe and North America). However, it now seems clear, following the media coverage and recent interest in CSR practices outside these confines that there are important differences in terms of the nature and the content of such practices which cannot be accounted for in these theoretical models. It is true that such differences can be explained by a number of factors directly linked to the field of CSR (the context of emergence, problems of definition, etc.) but they can also be viewed in terms of the social and political context (Matten and Moon, 2008) and of the nature of national institutions. Yet so far, little research has taken into account the influence of national models and proposed a theoretical overhaul in the field. We therefore intend to explore the question of updating the theoretical frameworks with regard to current practices in CSR in order to integrate within them the national models which direct the socially responsible behaviour of companies. This exploration will be based on an analysis of various so-called ’emerging’ countries within the two distinct geographical zones of Asia and Latin America.
Keywords:  corporate social responsibility, national context, national institutions, emerging countries
Pages :  255 - 273
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The Origins of Corporate Social Responsibility : an Approach by the History of Management Thought
Author(s) :  Joan, Le Goff
Abstract :  This historical analysis of management as a combination of Roman law and medieval Christian thought allows one to put in perspective the spiritualist approaches of the Corporate Social Responsibility and to demonstrate its structural ambivalence. As a management tool, CSR intimately relates benevolence with surveillance. Finally, this research draws the attention to a potential failing of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Keywords:  christianity, management, corporate social responsibility, surveillance, history
Pages :  275 - 291
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Revue internationale de psychosociologie". Review of the 14 files (Autumn 2005, Winter 2009) of the journal that cross the eyes of management and psychosociology
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion ; Frank, Bournois
Abstract :  no abstract
Pages :  292 - 310
Type :  Epilogue
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
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