Volume IV • Issue 08 • 1997 (Already published) |
The resistible hold of instrumental rationality |
Title : |
Tribute to Cornelius Castoriadis |
Author(s) : |
Eugène, Enriquez |
Pages : |
3 - 4 |
Type : |
Tribute |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Florence, Giust-Desprairies |
Pages : |
5 - 6 |
Type : |
Tribute |
Title : |
Editorial |
Author(s) : |
Florence, Giust-Desprairies ; André, Lévy ; André, Nicolaï |
Pages : |
7 - 12 |
Type : |
Editorial |
Title : |
Logic of the system and instrumental reason |
Author(s) : |
André, Nicolaï |
Abstract : |
Economists today are seriously correcting the two fundamental postulates of neo-classical theory: the optimizing rationality of agents and the unique and optimal balance of perfect competition, which brings them closer to other human sciences. This is happening at the very moment when the present phase of capitalism is characterized by an unegalitarian globalization of the system and by a growing dependence by the other social spheres on its logic and the instrumental rationality that it implies. A reminder of the facts that led to this situation and the history of relations between cognitive rationality and behavioural rationality allows us to explain how it has been transformed into instrumental rationality, which increasingly subordinates cognitive rationality. However, the present functioning of the system encounters resistance on the part of society and states and above all produces contradictions : the destruction of Nature and the discordance between the growth of production capacities and the slowing down of the capacity to absorb the goods produced. This gives rise to conflictual situations which should incite psychosociologists to reinforce their intervention which, in turn, would allow a renewal of theory. |
Keywords: |
system logic, instrumental reason |
Pages : |
13 - 31 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
The "rationality" of capitalism |
Author(s) : |
Cornelius, Castoriadis |
Abstract : |
Capitalism's claim to rationality cannot hide the fact that it is historically contingent: economic "efficiency" and the maximization of profit, which it sets at the center of its system, were in no way key features of previous regimes. Moreover, its theoretical constructs, and notably the recourse to mathematical models, prove to be meaningless and incapable of offerring an adequate description of its operation. As of its "superiority", as claimed by neoclassical
economists, the impoverishment already under way of the countries that built its "success", the massive and irreversible destruction of natural resources, and the production/accumulation of standardized junk are, among other things, what make any further discussion derisory. |
Keywords: |
rationality, capitalism |
Pages : |
31 - 52 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
The sprawling logic of the market and negative individualism |
Author(s) : |
Guy, Roustang |
Abstract : |
There is a tendency for the logic of goods to spread to every area of social life. Moreover negative individualism is extending, based on distance and distrust towards others. These two evolutions, which reinforce each other, are fed finally by the desire of the masses to consume more and more. Those who call for more soul to question these evolutions, without questioning economism are barking up the wrong tree. Resetting economics within politics is the prerequirement for on meaning. That supposes that we multiply the possibilities for debate between citizens on many aspects of our common life. |
Keywords: |
sprawling logic of the market, negative individualism |
Pages : |
53 - 64 |
Type : |
Research paper |
APA : |
Roustang, G. (1997) Logique tentaculaire du marché et individualisme négatif
. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), IV(08), pp. 53-64 |
Title : |
Meaning or efficiency Clinical approach and instrumental rationality |
Author(s) : |
Jacqueline, Barus-Michel |
Abstract : |
Rationality implies necessary sequences, subject to rules, which avert what is hazy and uncertain and claim to reach what is true. Control by thought leads to the temptation of efficiency in action. Reason then instrumentalizes and transforms knowledge into power. What does this mean when the object to which it is applied is a subject, defined as being in search of meaning ? A rationality subordinated to the logic of proof has no need of subjectivity, but, applied
in human sciences, it reifies the subject caught in the net of laws which. while claiming to
contrai it, give it over to undesirable effects. However, listening to the subject is not irrational;
it follows the processes by which it tends to make sense, the sequences hy which it
links its expe rience. The clinical approach. by following this consrruction/ deconstruction,
is placed, not within contrai but in the deciphering and in a logic of experiencing which
operates as recognition as well knowledge. |
Keywords: |
clinical approach, instrumental rationality |
Pages : |
65 - 72 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
The notion of rationality, in the perspective of clinical sciences |
Author(s) : |
André, Lévy |
Abstract : |
Instrumental rationality, the results of which are quite rigthly denunciated, is certainly one of the many figures of rational thinking, as it has been developped since Jewish and Greek antiquity. Its importance has growed, particularly with the generalisation of experimental sciences and techniques, to such a point that it is many times identified with rationality as a whole, leading to the increasing influence of irrational or a-rational trends of thought. founded on subjective experiencing. Human sciences, in particular the clinical approach, intervening on the processes of production of meaning, suggest however new paths towards a more modest and open rationality, which can contribute to fight the overwhelming domination of a rationality serving the manipulation of human beings. |
Keywords: |
notion of rationality, clinical sciences |
Pages : |
73 - 80 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
Rationality as a defence. ln an educational relationship |
Author(s) : |
Florence, Giust-Desprairies |
Abstract : |
ln order to cope with the emotional difficulties caused by the transformations that affect schools, teachers often turn, as a defence, to a thinking that is submitted to causal or explanatory rationality. The transformations that collide with the cultural logic which reigns in their professional activity, produce phenomena of anxiety that they cannot integrate into a bearable representation of their identity. They involve, in fact, the internal imaginary meaning of their place and their status, as well as their idealized function. Although this approach in terms of causal rationality allows them effectively to protect themselves against the threat of exhausting their investment, it is also an obstacle to advancing in the treatment of the problems encountered. |
Keywords: |
Rationality as defence, educational relationship |
Pages : |
81 - 92 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
The perverse effects of modernization in Mexico. Assessment of professors (at UNAM) |
Author(s) : |
Elvia, Taracena |
Abstract : |
This article presents the assessment method used for professors working in UNAM (National lndependent University of Mexico) within the economic and social context of this country. We analyse the conditions of implementation of this system decided within the framework of the modernisation of education in Mexico. Using interviews with professors and
lecturers, we discuss the consequences and perverse results of using bonus system in University which is a transposition of productivity performance monitoring and excellence concepts used by companies. We question the conditions to produce knowledge, the social function of University and all the changes that such a system could generate. |
Keywords: |
effects of modernization, Mexico. Assessment of professors, UNAM |
Pages : |
93 - 104 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
Instrumental rationality and health at work. The case of the nuclear industry |
Author(s) : |
Annie, Thébaud-Mony |
Abstract : |
In the years 90, competitivity is the main value which guide the social tranformations of the industrial work organization. This can be illustrated by the evolution of maintenance of organization in the nuclear industry. To face contradictions and constraints of such a necessary maintenance activity, in the nuclear plants. the firm EDF did the choice of subcontracting jobs exposed to ionizing radiations. This article emphasizes the organization of the maintenance work in the nuclear plants in France, and, relying on worker's interviews, shows how is built a social division of work and hazards. For public health, to obtain information on health consequences of such an organization of work is an urgency. |
Keywords: |
Instrumental rationality, health at work. nuclear industry |
Pages : |
105 - 118 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
Consumers of gifts and producers of Causes. Philanthropy and the market |
Author(s) : |
Jacques T, Godbout |
Abstract : |
Rational choice therapy is built on a supposed independence between ends and means. This article tries to show that in fact ends tend to become means in this model. An analysis of philanthropy is pretented as an illustration of this tendency. |
Keywords: |
consumers, producers, philanthropy, market |
Pages : |
119 - 126 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
Oblativity and instrumental rationality in work and cooperation |
Author(s) : |
Jean-Paul, Dumond |
Abstract : |
Many acts, which form the basis of or facilitate the cooperation process, are built like gifts: mutual aid, self-sacrifice, conversation, acknowledgement. transmission of symbolical power. trust, etc. They proceed accorcling to the gift cycle and imply freedom and commitment. Thus, these acts are founded on a relational rationality as opposed to the instrumental rationality nevertheless, in the cooperation process, these two rationalities must be articulated, confronting people with a serious contradiction. This confrontation is taking place both on the intra-psychic and inter-subjective levels. |
Keywords: |
Oblativity, instrumental rationality, work, cooperation |
Pages : |
127 - 138 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
An alternative to instrumental rationality in management |
Author(s) : |
Jean-Philippe, Bouilloud |
Abstract : |
Instrumental rationality has been widely criticized since mid XIXth century; through Nietzsche's analysis of the development of modern economy, or the criricism of modern societies by Horkheimer and Adorno, or the evolution of "animal laborans" by Arendt, we still have pessimistic perceptions with few alternatives. The "world of business administration linked to the economic area develops this instrumental rationality in our daily lives : this induces many violences despite some (rare) new orientations among businessmen, such as corporate governance. |
Keywords: |
alternative, instrumental rationality, management |
Pages : |
139 - 152 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
Overcoming poverty in subsaharan Africa. The logic from the inside and the outside |
Author(s) : |
Philippe, Engelhard |
Abstract : |
ln this paper, we are hoping to demonstrate an alternarive adjustement in Subsaharian Africa is possible and realistic. This Alternative Adjustment Model is starting with an evidence: poverry has to be eradicated. Two principles are following that. In first. the informal economy, in fact the real economy of the continent and the poors econorny, has to be developped. The second, it 's necessary to reduce strongly the cost of basics goods (water, energy, health and cares, transportarion, roads, education...) transferred without precautions from North Economies where income is more great thirty tirnes. To achieve these goals, it's necessary to enhance the global demand with some relaxations of the classicle adjustrnents. Without a suffisant developrnent of exportations, it will be difficult to perform in this strategy, bur we have not to sacrify the topic of the internal market development to the external competitivness. The reason is so clear: withour internai development it woulcl be a little chance to push clown poverty strongly and to achieve a sustainable growth. |
Keywords: |
poverty, Africa, subsaharan, subsaharan Africa |
Pages : |
153-178 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
The set-back of the utilitarist paradigm versus the collective approaches: the example of the social movements |
Author(s) : |
Jean, Vincent |
Abstract : |
Recent history ( 1965-1995) of theories dealing with social movements illustrates an important fall clown of the rational-utilitarist paradigm versus sociological identity-oriented models. Whereas utilitarist trends (especially the ressources mobilization one) are dominant between 1965 and 1980. the collective identities models (or the cultural ones) have developped since 1980. They did so by criticizing utilitarian approaches (about hypothesis undermining their validity. their narrow relevance and their genuine although restricted hermeneutic qualities) and mainly by cleepening their analysis of collective identities (cf for example, their process of bulding-up according to A. Melucci, 1995). |
Keywords: |
utilitarist, paradigm, utilitarist paradigm, collective approach, social movement |
Pages : |
179 - 192 |
Type : |
Research paper |
APA : |
Vincent, J. (1997) Le recul du paradigme utilitariste devant les approches identitaires : le cas des mouvements sociaux
. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie (RIP), IV(08), pp. 179-192 |
Title : |
Instrumental rationality and Jewish thinking |
Author(s) : |
Eugène, Enriquez |
Abstract : |
Instrumental rationality is alleged to have a close relationship with Jewish thinking. Their entrepreneurial dynamism is said to prove this. Yet, it is above all philosophers and sociologists having a link with Judaism who hegan to criticize this type of thinking. Furthermore. if one examines the hasic texts of Jewish thinking, the Torah and the Talmud, one can realise that it consists essentially in an art of interpretation that aims to find for each person
the meaning of life and to promote an ethic. It is close to that practised by the researchers of modern science. It has its place, therefore. in a prospect which is very clifferent from chat
put forward by instrumental rationality. |
Keywords: |
instrumental rationality, Jewish, jewish, Jewish thinking |
Pages : |
193 - 206 |
Type : |
Research paper |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Jean, Dubost |
Pages : |
207 - 210 |
Type : |
Positions |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Maurice, Jeannet |
Pages : |
211 - 216 |
Type : |
Positions |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Jacques, Ardoino |
Pages : |
217 - 222 |
Type : |
Positions |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Jacques, Broda ; Hakim, Badjoudj |
Pages : |
223 - 227 |
Type : |
Positions |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Alain, Le Guyader |
Pages : |
228 - 232 |
Type : |
Book review |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Eugène, Enriquez |
Pages : |
233 - 236 |
Type : |
Book review |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
André, Lévy |
Pages : |
237 - 239 |
Type : |
Book review |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Eugène, Enriquez |
Pages : |
240 - 242 |
Type : |
Book review |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
André, Nicolaï |
Pages : |
243 - 244 |
Type : |
Book review |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Marcel, Bolle de Bal |
Pages : |
245 - 246 |
Type : |
Book review |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Marcel, Bolle de Bal |
Pages : |
247 - 248 |
Type : |
Book review |