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Volume XXIII • Issue 56S • 2017 (Already published)
Guest editor(s): Daniel, Bonnet ; Isabelle, Barth
The factory of the reflexive manager
Issue content
Title :  The factory of the reflexive manager. Summary
Author(s) :  Baptiste, Rappin
Abstract :  Dear friends and readers of RIPCO, The present RIPCO file focuses on managers' reflexivity, its development as well as its impacts. Too often, unfortunately, the actors are engaged in the routines without taking the necessary step back to the good conduct of their actions. Necessary, habits become sclerotic when it comes to adapting to an environment that has become turbulent no longer exceptionally, but recurrent or even constant. It is then, it would be the key to managerial success, not only to think the action, but also to think during the very course of action to adapt it to the many contingencies of management situations. Good reading to one and all.
Pages :  3 - 44
Type :  Editorial
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Title :  Reflexivity and reflective work. A perspective for the management of organizations
Author(s) :  Daniel, Bonnet ; Isabelle, Barth
Abstract :  It is urgent to look into what is certainly one of the most anticipated managerial skills in the years to come. This thematic issue of the Journal of Psychosociology and Management of Organizational Behaviors puts into perspective two key axes, that of understanding the concept of reflexivity and that of methodologies (postures, frameworks, devices) of reflexive work.
Keywords:  reflexivity, reflexive work, reflective learning, reflective activity, reflective awareness
Pages :  45 - 56
Type :  Prologue
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Title :  Why create reflexive managers ?
Author(s) :  Sylvie, Deffayet Davrout ; Juliette, Fronty ; Nicolle, Browne
Abstract :  This article proposes to outline the reasons why “The Fabric of the Reflexive Manager” edition is especially relevant for today’s Managers. In this edition, the origins and the motivations and expectations of developing reflexivity in Managers of organizations are addressed.
Keywords:  reflexivity, reflective practices, self-leadership, authentic leadership, servant leadership
Pages :  57 - 71
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Is reflexivity the new soft skill of the next managers-to-be ?
Author(s) :  Juliette, Fronty
Abstract :  Is reflexivity a future soft skill of tomorrow’s managers ? The literature in research is very keen on voting in reflexive managers, but it demands a real implication from organizations, for it to support, legitimate and make being reflexive possible, especially because management students are rarely trained to reflexive practice. The education system is more about hard skills, interestingly though companies are very interested in soft skills development that are the infrastructure of quality, effectiveness of management and potentially may open to new ways of leading our companies and making business. However, where are we exactly ? Do we have reflexive managers in our companies ? Do companies stimulate reflexivity ? Do they reward it ? This article is about interviews with HR Directors who testify about their interest in reflexivity and having reflexive managers, in order to better evaluate the longer of the road to promote reflective managers in organizations.
Keywords:  reflexivity, soft skills, management, leadership, change
Pages :  73 - 90
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Management of the transformation and change management. The spatial conditions of reflexivity
Author(s) :  Daniel, Bonnet
Abstract :  This article aims to clarify the conditions of reflexivity in collaborative or inter-organizational cooperation environments. The research fields are, on the one hand, a consortium of agricultural cooperatives, and on the other a collaborative platform for digital processing of tourist information. In both cases, the conduct of a strategic change implies the implementation of a reflexive work, aiming at the merger of the cooperatives in the first case, and the reorganization of the governance of the digital platform in the second case In these contexts, the implementation of projects poses the problem of defining and structuring an area of efficiency. Research shows that the structure of this space is built within the framework of the clinical device of the intervention, if the device makes it possible to project the work of reflexivity in a space of efficiency.
Keywords:  reflexivity, contradictory intersubjectivity, chreod, space of efficiency, hodology, enantiology
Pages :  91 - 111
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The guild leader, a reflexive manager represented by his virtual double
Author(s) :  Jean-Pierre, Dumazert
Abstract :  This study concerns the factors of influence for the reflexivity of the leader in virtual context. The ground is constituted by a sample of 75 Heads of Guild and Officers. Our results show that the influence on the reflexivity concerns five main items : representations, faiths, development of skills, interactions appropriate to the speech and to act into the core of relational situations at work. The major contribution of this research is to rethink the reflexivity of the leader when an individual works and acts in an dematerialized environment, distant and convenient to a certain furtiveness (hidden, secret and fast).
Keywords:  reflexivity, leader, guild, game, virtual, stealth
Pages :  113 - 132
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Dumazert, J. (2017) Le leader de guilde, un manager réflexif porté par son double virtuel. Retour d’expérience à partir des Jeux Massivement Multi-Joueurs. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXIII(56S), pp. 113-132
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Title :  When otherness needs reflexivity. Survey over managers of international companies
Author(s) :  Sandra, Fagbohoun
Abstract :  This article aims to show how the reflexivity approach is favored in an evolving organizational context, in a situation of cultural and religious diversity, in the event of merger or internationalization of activities. To this end, we propose a qualitative analysis of the interviews we have conducted with managers whose reflective practices come together, even though they come from three very different organizations. Some of the executives interviewed work in a consulting firm of seven hundred collaborators in nearly eighty countries of the world ; others are members of an automotive supplier group on four continents ; others are employees of an international group specialized in energy and transport infrastructure, which has more than 80,000 employees.
Keywords:  corporate culture, identities, diversity, reflexivity, intercultural competence, management
Pages :  133 - 144
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Fagbohoun, S. (2017) Quand l’altérité exige ma réflexivité. Enquête auprès de managers d’entreprises internationales. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXIII(56S), pp. 133-144
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Title :  Management consulting : proposal of an ethnographic method for a consultant reflexivity
Author(s) :  Thomas, Sorreda
Abstract :  The consulting sector is a subject studied historically (O’Shea & Madigan, 1997), as well as from a sociological point of view (O’Shea & Madigan, 1997, Pluchart, 2005) responsible of many risks (Mamavi & Zerbib, 2014, Villette, 2003) but which still attracts many students from the best business schools (McKenna, 2006). Through an ethno sociology, we try to show the consequences of the paradoxical injunctions experienced by the consultants through a non-participating observation carried out during one year in a firm of 250 consultants.
Keywords:  consulting, emotions, social criticism, ethics, ethnography
Pages :  145 - 162
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Autopraxeography. Reflexivity to build scientific knowledge or to step back from previous challenging experience
Author(s) :  Marie-Noëlle, Albert ; Pierre, Cadieux
Abstract :  Autopraxeography is a method used by researchers, who are former or current practitioners, to build generic knowledge. This document aims to demonstrate how the use of reflexivity within this approach allows a scientific exploration of new practices and provides insight into challenging circumstances. To this end, this first-person method adopts a pragmatic constructivist epistemological perspective. Thus, the purpose of knowledge is not to generate an accurate depiction of reality, but to give meaning to situations involving human depictions. This method is also based on the distinction between the concepts of “reflectivity” and “reflexivity”. Autopraxeography features three characteristics not found in other first person approaches. The first has to do with the epistemological paradigm in which it is rooted. Indeed, the knowledge generated is neither nomothetic, nor idiographic (as is the case with most first person approaches). The second characteristic arises from the first. Indeed, with a view to producing generic knowledge, this method uses external reflexivity based on extensive literature. The third characteristic stems from the obligatory past tense writing of the testimony. These characteristics allow us to explain the methodological process, as well as its limitations. Hence, the use of multiple reflexivity allows researchers to gain perspective on a specific challenging experience and to build actionable generic knowledge.
Keywords:  autopraxeography, constructivism, self-studies, reflectivity, reflexivity
Pages :  163 - 175
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Albert, M. et Cadieux, P. (2017) L’autopraxéographie. Des réflexivités comme moyen de construire du savoir scientifique ou de prendre du recul par rapport à une pratique difficilement vécue. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXIII(56S), pp. 163-175
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Title :  Prevention of drownings in public swimming pools. A systemic analysis of the detection of users in distress within the facilities of an intercommunality in the west of France
Author(s) :  Élie, Vignac ; Pascal, Lebihain ; Bastien, Soulé
Abstract :  In France, in order to prevent drownings in public swimming pools with entry fees, the regulation requires a constant monitoring by qualified personnel. 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted with lifeguards and equipment managers in five public swimming pools of a western city. The analysis of the interviews with the STAMP accident analysis model shows that managerial arbitrations (prescribed operation, human resource management), organizational dynamics (social, individual and collective forms of appropriation of the lifeguard’s work) but also the representations of the pool surveillance and the situation of drowning among lifeguards may result in a loss of control. The latter is likely to put lifeguards in difficulty to detect and interpret a drowning accident, when a swimmer is in distress. This work demonstrates, in a preventive view, that what is happening upstream accidents is of first importance ; it is thus crucial to understand the genesis of mismatches and constraints weighing on operators. The challenge is to develop intellectual tools aiming to explore the combinations of factors and causal networks of accidents. The interest of such analysis also lies in the detection of forerunner signs of vulnerability on which it is sometimes possible to act cheaply.
Keywords:  drowning, public pool, lifeguard, surveillance, STAMP
Pages :  177 - 205
Type :  Research paper
APA :  Vignac, É., Lebihain, P. et Soulé, B. (2017) Prévention des noyades en piscine publique. Une analyse systémique de la détection des usagers en détresse au sein des équipements d’une intercommunalité du Grand Ouest de la France. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXIII(56S), pp. 177-205
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Title :  The influence of proactive socialization behaviors on the development of commitment through short term contracts
Author(s) :  Antoine, Pennaforte
Abstract :  This paper investigates the commitment target free concept and its antecedents in the context of short-term contracts. In our model, proactive socialization behaviors might lead to commitment toward team and work. Our results, based on an empirical survey on 808 engineers enrolled in short-term contracts in North America, supported our model. Theoretical and practical implications are provided.
Keywords:  unidimensional target-free commitment, proactive socialization behaviors, short-term contracts
Pages :  207 - 228
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  From the boredom to the bore out
Author(s) :  Delphine, Hosy ; Christian, Bourion
Abstract :  This article traces the discovery of the bore-out syndrom and explores the societal consequences it suggests. From the burn-out of the 30 Glorious to the bore-out of the 30 Unfortunate (30 Piteuses in French), the pace of activity has been collapsing and a new alliance must be concluded with work if we want to establish the 30 Happy in France. Distributed between 2015 and 2017 by more than 111 journalists and 200 media, the discovery of Christian Bourion and Stéphane Trébucq revealed by RIPCO in 2011 establishes a media awareness that should accelerate the managerial emergence of reflexivity as a major concern. Feedback on a research experience.
Keywords:  boredom, boredom at work, bore out syndrome, territorial authority, ladder of disposition to boredom, boredom to black, gluing at work, quest for meaning, link with work, have nothing to do, reaction to boredom, illegal work, culture intrinsic, factors extrinsic, factors attention, deficit disorder, theoretical model
Pages :  229 - 296
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Some reflections about french history of management thought
Author(s) :  Cédric, Poiret
Abstract :  Management sciences, conversely to the other social sciences, have not developed in France research about the French history of their discipline. In this communication, we try to this prove this weakness, and to find elements of explanation.
Keywords:  history of managerial thought in France, management sciences, forgetting history
Pages :  297 - 326
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The reincarnations of the incarnation. About Pierre Musso's « La religion industrielle »
Author(s) :  Baptiste, Rappin
Pages :  327 - 336
Type :  Book review
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved