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Volume IX • Issue 21 • 2003 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
Metaphor, Knowledge and Interpretation
Issue content
Title :  Introduction
Pages :  5 - 9
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0005
Type :  Introduction
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Title :  Where does the noumenon the metaphor?
Author(s) :  Rachel, Simbü
Abstract :  Relations of the metaphor and its equivalents with reality, with the imaginary and the real, relations of these between themselves. What can the scientific validity of the use of the metaphor be? What accounts for its effects of knowledge or change? Apart from pedagogy, aren’t its most legitimate fields art and poetry, in other words the temptation to seize what is real, which explains the reference to noumenon [play on words in French: noumenon / noumène / takes us] in the title?
Keywords:  metaphor, imaginary, poetry, writing
Pages :  11 - 26
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0011
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The boundaries of metaphor
Author(s) :  Jean-Philippe, Bouilloud
Abstract :  The debates around the use of the metaphor in social sciences reveal the tensions at work in the collective perceptions of what these sciences ought to be. Mere image, vehicle of meaning, can the metaphor go beyond its role, perceived as legitimate, of illustration, even become a substitute for analysis? Does the heuristic dimension of the metaphor allow us to justify these uses? By means of the analysis of the controversy opened by A. Sokal and J. Bricmont, we try to show the difficulty in establishing clear boundaries for the legitimate use of the metaphor, and how the discussions about the metaphor focus and concentrate many other debates, both epistemological and political.
Keywords:  metaphor, analysis, writing, A. Sokal, J. Bricmont, Sokal, Bricmont
Pages :  27 - 37
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0027
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Praise of a metaphorical thought
Author(s) :  Mireille, Cifali
Abstract :  By taking the metaphor out of its poetic field, we question the practices of scientists: the metaphor upsets and can thus reveal the fragility of some of what we consider obvious. It provokes a shock that shakes the habits of an approach that is structured according to a scientific model. It is as if it discovered its sensitive points one by one, and it forced open what we try to keep at a distance. The author re-examines the usual dichotomies which place the metaphor in the poet’s camp. Through fiction, concept, model, affect and writing, it seeks its place. As in a “country dance” in the space of science..., that could be its position in its own practice: constructing and conveying knowledge within the framework of a university institution. This practice requires taking up a position in the language. Its position could be supported by praise for metaphoric thought.
Keywords:  metaphor, scientist, knowledge, poet
Pages :  39 - 51
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0039
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Woven loincloths: identity construction and transcoloniality
Author(s) :  Sophie, Grossmann
Abstract :  Based on an empirical study I conducted among West African schoolchildren, this paper explores how metaphoric thought and interpretive research interact. I first consider the links between research, interpretation and metaphor. Then, I show how root and cloth metaphors have been widely used in colonial and postcolonial paradigms of African culture and identity. Taking into account how I, as a researcher, encountered children’s narratives, I examine the use of metaphor as both theatrical (staging) and scientific production (revealing). The weaving metaphor is used to reveal the multiple dynamics of self and culture processes. Originally used as a culturally relevant analytical theatricality, the weaving metaphor re-acts as theoretical feedback vis-à-vis analysis of transcolonial African culture and identity processes.
Keywords:  woven, loincloths: identity construction and transcoloniality,
Pages :  53 - 66
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0053
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Image and Metaphorical Thinking in the Clinical Approach
Author(s) :  Florence, Giust-Desprairies
Abstract :  The clinic, which bases its intervention on the analysis of language and on meaning, offers a space for listening and being present for words which are more associative than explanatory. These words make it possible to advance in several directions and to dissociate the established links in order to have others appear that are unknown. They engage the exploration of these redeployed arrangements in an intersubjectivity that creates the conditions for the dynamics of a shift away from the centre. Its aim is to re-establish the game, the sliding of differentiated, fluid representations, a condition of physical elaboration. However, although metaphoric thought, as a process, constitutes a means of access for the subject to what makes the truth for him by putting back into circulation what was blocked or has got carried away, it is to be differentiated from a thought of the image which poses as a word of truth by imposition of figurability.
Keywords:  image,metaphorical, metaphor, clinical, clinical approach
Pages :  67 - 75
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0067
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Human sciences, analysis and metaphor
Author(s) :  Jacqueline, Barus-Michel
Abstract :  Through myths, metaphoric thought appears to be central in psychoanalysis, leading to equivalences between imaginary scenarios and psychological reality and making the transition between religion and science. This article discusses the basis and the role of the metaphor as a process of interpretation in the course of a cure, as well as in a social situation, in group analysis or during intervention.
Keywords:  human sciences, metaphor, myth, analysis
Pages :  77 - 90
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0077
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Institutional babelism: the metaphor at work in the intervention
Author(s) :  Annie-Charlotte, Giust-Ollivier
Abstract :  Called to set up groups to analyse practices in several establishments of an association for maladjusted children, the author was struck by the critical co-existence of several points of view testifying to a plurality of values, ideologies and theoretical references. In this climate of generalised cacophony, the myth of Babel appeared as a means to treat incommunicability between one group and another. This detour by the Biblical metaphor made it possible to touch the narcissistic dimensions of the exchanges between professionals and to explore how they came to prevent their desire to cooperate.
Keywords:  métaphor, intervention, Babel, children,
Pages :  91 - 102
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0091
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Resistances of metaphors
Author(s) :  Pierre, Ansart
Abstract :  Many were the forerunners of social sciences who condemned the use of metaphors, which were considered as obstacles to the search for truth. These exhortations were not listened to at all as far as familiar language is concerned and only imperfectly in the linguistic usages of human and social sciences today. We propose to reconsider the importance, in knowledge and action, of metaphoric figures by taking a particularly significant example, the human body.
Keywords:  social sciences, metaphor, linguistics, human body
Pages :  103 - 110
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0103
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The educational discourse: to think its metaphors
Author(s) :  Daniel, Hameline
Abstract :  Anyone who is trying to think about education must define concepts, isolate them and protect them from the contamination of trivial ideas. But this elementary rule quickly reaches its limits: educational practices depend first of all and durably on public opinion, its debates and its commonplaces. Persuading occupies more space than administering proof. Rhetoric and its figures inhabit the dialectics and lines of argument. Metaphors precede the concepts, accompany them and survive them. All that remains is to think the metaphors when it is not possible to imagine doing without them.
Keywords:  educational discourse, metaphor, rhetoric, opinion
Pages :  111 - 122
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0111
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The aesthetics in and of metaphor
Author(s) :  Rafael, Ramirez
Abstract :  In this paper, I argue that metaphor is a useful tool in advancing scientific understanding because of its aesthetic characteristics. My argument is grounded on the transition from ‘gene’ to ‘genetic program’ in scientific development. I propose that metaphor provides language with the possibility of integrating discursive and presentational symbol systems – the latter are used to represent experiences we qualify as aesthetic ones. These jointly permit felt experience to be shared, for metaphor allows both forms of symbolization to be integrated.
Keywords:  aesthetics, gene, genetic program, metaphor, science
Pages :  123 - 132
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0123
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The socially responsible enterprise: from the ideal of citizenship to the question of ordinary incivilities
Author(s) :  Philippe, Robert-Demontrond
Abstract :  After drawing a picture of the efforts firms make to appear good citizens – by drawing up and publishing social charters, codes of conduct -, in this article we set out to show that, beyond their words and their public commitment with regard to respecting human rights, it is still respect for man himself that raises a problem.
Keywords:  social, responsible, enterprise, ideal, citizenship, incivilities
Pages :  133 - 155
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0133
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The carnival of Guyana: a question of cultural identity
Author(s) :  Érick Jean-Daniel, Singaïny
Abstract :  By means of “Touloulou”, a mythical character in the carnival in Guiana, the author tries to reveal the “shadow” of the Guiana carnival by a sociocultural and psychological approach to the phenomenon.
Keywords:  carnival, Guyana, cultural identity, sociocultural, psychological
Pages :  157 - 161
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0157
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Analysis of the role of fake and pseudo. The case of Achilles diagnosed possessed, then pseudo-possessed, by Pierre Janet
Author(s) :  Stéphane, Laurens
Abstract :  At the beginning of his career Pierre Janet had the opportunity to observe a patient, Achille, who seemed to be demon-possessed. After acquainting himself with old studies on this theme, Janet observed that his patient indeed presented all the classic signs of possession. He concluded therefore that Achille was possessed. But this diagnosis was immediately criticised by theology specialists who asserted that Achille was in fact only pseudo-possessed. Thirty years later, without ever having re-examined this patient, Janet admitted that he had been mistaken: Achille was only pseudo-possessed. Using this change in diagnosis, I will first of all emphasise the importance of institutions and their agents in establishing pertinent and legitimate diagnoses. I will then try to grasp the interest that two sub-universes of meaning in competition might have (here the church and medicine) in qualifying together an object as fake or pseudo. It is possible that the acceptance of this designation as fake or pseudo might correspond to a particular moment in the relations between two sub-universes of meaning in competition to define and institute reality. Between phases of confrontation to grab reality and eliminate competing sub-universes appear phases where reality is negotiated. These phases are probably marked by the use of notions such as pseudo, fake, simili...
Keywords:  fake, pseudo, pseudonym, Achilles, possessed, Pierre Janet, Janet
Pages :  163 - 177
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0163
Type :  Studies
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Title :  Book review. Ahmed Lamihi et Gilles Monceau (Sous la direction de), INSTITUTION ET IMPLICATION – L’ŒUVRE DE RENÉ LOURAU. Editions Syllepse, 2002, 212 p.
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez
Pages :  178 - 181
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0178
Type :  Book review
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Title :  Lhuilier, D. (2002). Placardisés: des exclus dans l'entreprise. Paris: Seuil.
Author(s) :  Eugène, Enriquez
Pages :  181 - 184
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0178
Type :  Book review
URL Cairn:
Title :  Enriquez, E., & Haroche, C. (2002). La face obscure des démocraties modernes. Eres.
Author(s) :  Jean-Philippe, Bouilloud
Pages :  184 - 186
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0178
Type :  Book review
URL Cairn:
Title :  Max Pagès, Jacqueline BARUS-MICHE, Dan BARON, Fethi BEN SLAMA, Charles ROJZMAN, Patrick SCHMOLL, André SIROTA et Edgar MORIN (2002). La violence politique. Editions Erès
Author(s) :  André, Lévy
Pages :  187 - 189
DOI :  10.3917/rips.021.0178
Type :  Book review
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
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