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Volume XXVI • Issue 65 • 2020 (Already published)
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Issue content
Title :  French museums directors: Mutations in activities and managerial practices
Author(s) :  Corinne, Baujard ; Joëlle, Lagier
Abstract :  Over the past twenty years, museums have undergone profound changes. The decline in public funding forces them to develop their resources in order to diversify their cultural offer for national and international visitors. Museographic projects thus multiply public or private partnerships in a competitive environment. These changes raise questions about the profession of museum directors within the museum institution and heritage governance. How do managers cope with the managerial challenges of institutional change? An ethnographic survey of five major French museums, supplemented by documentary materials (professional journals, press conferences), offering an international comparison, reveals that the scientific function of curators tends towards missions that evolve, in front of the audiences’ social and educational expectations becoming less and less homogeneous.
Keywords:  museums, directors, strategic, management, education
Pages :  5 - 23
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Mapping the meanings of a “good manager”: a contribution to clarify an ideological confusion
Author(s) :  Bernard, Guéry
Abstract :  This work aims at clarifying the meaning of an expression which is often employed in managerial speech. But this expression is not enough analyzed. The expression « bon manager », is analyzed from a corpus of 50 French-speaking publications in management among the academic journals available on the Cairn website. The objective of this paper is to show the ideological presupposition of this expression. Six groups of meanings emerge from our work, according to cognitive status and relativeness. Thus, the expression doesn’t have the same meaning if it refers to a reality or a representation, if goodness is absolute or relative, and if it is relative to a situation or to a particular perception we have of it. We show in this work that the managerial ideology would have an interest to maintain the confusion between those meanings, because it allows to require excellence for managers, because it takes fiction as a reality, like it did with the Stakhanovian figure.
Keywords:  good manager figure, semantic analysis, ideology, social representation, situational management
Pages :  25 - 40
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Raising awareness of Entrepreneur to CSR by business incubators through the sensemaking.
Author(s) :  Rosalie, Douyon ; Agnès, Paradas
Abstract :  Research on CSR in SMEs has increased in recent years, focusing on the profile of managers and on SMEs as a structure. However, this study has paid little attention to entrepreneurs in business start-ups and the business incubators that support them. Many questions persist on the training of entrepreneurs in CSR and therefore on the role of business incubators. Thus, this study aims to understand the process of CSR awareness of entrepreneurs by business incubators through the sensemaking. A conceptual analysis on sensemaking and an exploratory study conducted with 20 actors (10 business incubators and 10 entrepreneurs), showed that the actors have a mechanism for creating CSR meaning based on the social dimension and the process of raising awareness of entrepreneurs by business incubators about CSR is formal and dissociated.
Keywords:  CSR, Sensemaking, Raising Awareness, Business Incubators, Entrepreneurs.
Pages :  41 - 68
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:
Title :  Efficiency, advice and supervision - Instrumental determinants of the territorial management controller
Author(s) :  Laurent, Lavigne
Abstract :  This article is at the crossroads of the fields of sociology, local public management and management control. Its objective is to shed sociological light on the contribution of management tools in the role of the territorial management controller in France. In other words, how the latter uses its instruments to act in the organization. This research is initially based on a cross-explanatory analysis of the role of the management controller, management tools and their connectedness; then, a quantitative empirical study on these instruments in municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. The interest of this research is the highlighting of the critical, institutional and interactional syntheses of Chiapello and Gilbert (2013) linked to our conceptual framework built around the theory of organizational learning, which offers us the possibility of bringing out the sociological perimeter “efficiency – advice – supervision”, reinforcing the definition of the territorial management controller.
Keywords:  Management tools, management controller, local public management, organizational learning, municipal organizations
Pages :  69 - 89
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Unmaking the place: The non-place as a practice of organizational resistance
Author(s) :  Delphine, Minchella ; Thomas, Sorreda
Abstract :  This article describes how employees resisted a collective space imposed by the management of an international banking group. By depriving this space of their regular presence, they prevented it from emerging as a place in its own right, thus transforming it into a non-place. Thanks to an original methodology combining research in the organization’s archives and documentary study, interviews and non-participant field observations, the authors were able to better understand the mechanisms of spatial resistance at work, and propose in this article the analysis of an organizational failure in a new workplace’s creation. The case studied by the authors shows different practices of resistance to an imposed space which was supposed to become a place of major importance. From this observation, the authors support the idea that Marc Augé’s concept of non-place (1992) should be more often mobilized in management sciences because it offers a particularly relevant reading grid at a time when organizations multiply collective spaces supposed to federate employees and optimize their skills.
Keywords:  space, resistance, non-place, Marc Augé, headquarters
Pages :  91 - 106
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Emotions set in motion: The self-triggering vigilance of police first responders
Author(s) :  Hélène, Monier
Abstract :  Since the beginning of 2019, the dramatic number of police suicides has led the government and police unions to consider psychosocial risks (PSR) in this sector and this suicidal phenomenon as national emergencies. The strong emotional requirements associated with first respondent occupations involve emotions in a large spectrum of intensity and valence. To meet these requirements, the individual and collective resources of first responder officers should be explored, made aware, and verbalized. Faced with the weight of emotional demands, what resources do police officers have at their disposal? Especially, how are the training institutions, the management and human resource (HR) professionals contributing to the integration, the mobilization, and the development of their emotional competencies? Here, we explore and define a notion absent in the literature on organizational behavior: self-triggering vigilance, and we explain the role of training entities for supervisory and management officers in the managerial development of work regulation zones and cognitive and physical preparation for action in work situations. Our results highlight the need for recognition of the emotional demands of work, factors of PSR, by HR and management professionals, as well as the preservation of the workforce’s health and safety of the intervention, by allowing police officers to practice and sharpen this indispensable individual and collective resource that self-triggering vigilance is.
Keywords:  vigilance, self-triggering vigilance, emotions, management, police
Pages :  107 - 126
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  When meaning overpowers experience, a longitudinal study of synchronic and diachronic relations be-tween objective career success and career schema
Author(s) :  Jean, Pralong
Abstract :  Objective career success is a central concept in the study of trajectories because it allows comparative measurements of the respective positions of several individuals. The concept of career schema makes it possible to propose successful hypotheses to explain these differences in objective career success. But we still know very little about the feedback effects between success and schemas. This paper presents a longitudinal and quantitative study conducted on a sample of 582 French executives over four years. It allows us to test the effects of time on the relations between the variables. The results confirm that four career paths identified by previous works determine objective success synchronically. They reveal that schemas are determined by objective career success. This influence is time-lagged. The link between schemas and success is explained by the existence of a structural-functional loop
Keywords:  career, objective, career success, career schemas, longitudinal study
Pages :  127 - 144
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Learn to mine coals mines. From the technical description to the management of coalmining techniques: the evolution of mining exploitation lessons (from the 19th century to the interwar period)
Author(s) :  Luc, Rojas
Abstract :  During the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth century, the extraction of the coal represents an important economic issue. The technical education of future engineers becomes a means of promoting the industrial development of the country. However, the knowledge transmitted is not of the same nature from one period to another. In engineering schools, the lessons evolve from the simple technical description of machines to knowledge taking into account the technical, economic and social dimensions of a coalmine. During the interwar period, these teachings propose to manage technical as a resource and a capital for the company. history of managerial thought in France.
Keywords:  practice of engineers, technical education, management of a coalmine, industrialization, history of managerial thought in France
Pages :  145 - 162
Type :  Research paper
URL Cairn:
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved