Volume XXV • Issue 61 • 2019 (Already published) |
The digital organization |
The birth of the Internet has profoundly changed the external environment and the architecture of organizations. If each new wave of technical progress is confronted with the euphoria along with the dubitative reactions of real and potential users, the present evolutions of digital technologies (mobile applications, cloud computing, media and social networks, connected objects, artificial intelligence, 3D printing ...) continue to transform the activities and modes of operation of organizations. These digital technologies, rapidly disseminated and adopted, are changing the way in which organizations produce goods and services, interact with their environment and exploit opportunities in search of competitive advantages. The transformations brought about by this structural change are profound: digital technologies challenge organizations, which see their integration capabilities and their agility tested by these new technical innovations, lagging behind the benefits initially expected, leaving them doubtful about their "digital future". In addition, the actual changes that organizations have experienced because of this digital development are affecting not only their practices but also organizational theories. Yet organizational theories also lag behind in relation to the new organizational architectures that appear, and their analyses raise many questions for researchers. Thus, the contributions of this Special Issue on "Digital Organization” bring in new perspectives on the analysis of the impacts of the digitization of organizations, their logics and modes of operation. |
Title : |
The digital organization |
Author(s) : |
Pierre-Jean, Barlatier ; Thierry, Burger-Helmchen |
Abstract : |
The birth of the Internet has profoundly changed the external environment and the architecture of organizations. If each new wave of technical progress is confronted with the euphoria as with the dubitative reactions of real and potential users, nowadays the evolutions of digital technologies (mobile applications, cloud computing, media and social networks, connected objects, artificial intelligence, 3D printing ...) continue to transform the activities and modes of operation of organizations. These digital technologies, rapidly disseminated and adopted, are changing the way in which organizations produce goods and services, interact with their environment or exploit opportunities in search of competitive advantages. The transformations brought about by this structural change are profound: digital technologies challenges organizations, which see their integration capabilities and their agility tested by these new digital technologies, lagging behind the benefits initially expected, leaving them doubtful about their "digital future". In addition, the actual changes that organizations have experienced because of this digital development are affecting not only their practices but also organizational theories. Yet organizational theories are at fault in relation to the new organizational architectures that appear, and their analysis raises many questions for researchers. Thus, the contributions of this Special Issue on "digital organization” bring in new perspectives on the analysis of the impacts of the digitization of organizations, their logics and modes of operation. |
Keywords: |
digital organization, digital technologies, digitalization, digital transformation |
Pages : |
5 - 24 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0005 |
Type : |
Introduction |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-5.htm |
Title : |
Information technology usages and the dissolution of social control: the appropriation of a collaborative database |
Author(s) : |
Nicolas, Berland ; Claire, Ciampi |
Abstract : |
This research comes after prior works that aim at exploring new forms of mutual borrowing between information technologies and control. At the now admitted digital era, studying what technology usages mean for control is also a way of understanding organizational behaviours. Of interest here, are possible evolutions of social control practices as usages of a collaborative database spread in a new product development setting. An analytical tool is designed based on a literature review to enable the identification of social control practices. The case studied here suggests that the existing way of organizing is renegotiated through reciprocal adjustments ensuing storage and accessibility of work outputs in the database. These adjustments appear to lean towards an indirect supervision mechanism and to entail the dissolution of social control foundation. This result supports more and more studies that put forth the emergence of a new sociomaterial form of control. |
Keywords: |
social control, information technology, practices, longitudinal case study, sociomaterial reconfiguration |
Pages : |
25 - 59 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0025 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-25.htm |
Title : |
Incorporating digital technology within French art and design schools |
Author(s) : |
Thomas, Paris ; David, Massé |
Abstract : |
Today, the world of education and training is impacted by digital technology, which questions the ways of learning and teaching across all disciplines. Art and design schools are no stranger to these transformations, which encourage the emergence of new jobs, new creation tools and new creative spaces. Through the study of six French schools, this article explores the impact of digital technology in training in creative activities. It highlights several ways in which digital technology is introduced in these schools: the development of new tools, the emergence of new careers, and the drive demonstrated by certain individuals. Beyond this, it shows that digital technology encourages the creation of new study programmes; it tends to introduce greater complexity in teaching, a form of refocusing on creative activities and embrace a larger perspective from tools. Eventually, digital technology is leading schools to globally reflect on the role of technology in schools and to think about the creation of new environments and other places dedicated to technology. |
Keywords: |
digital transformation, digital training, creative school, creative industries, evolution of creative tools and professions |
Pages : |
61 - 74 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0061 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-61.htm |
Title : |
The agility model of digital companies as a cure for management''s ills? Some critical thoughts |
Author(s) : |
Ibrahima, Fall |
Abstract : |
Digital revolution brings a lot of hope towards the workers’ ability to put their true singularity into focus, which in turns nurtures their genius and is part of their well-being. Indeed, competition through innovation has intensified with the rise of many start-ups, which have become in many fields real economical jets. The collaborator’s vision as a real source of value creation has become a powerful idea. Nevertheless, despite several decades of research on theories and practices of management as well as managerial innovations, it is clear that "Man, a measure of everything" says Plato, does not necessarily benefit from such evolutions. |
Keywords: |
agility, company, digital revolution, management, worker |
Pages : |
75 - 81 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0075 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-75.htm |
Title : |
FabLab: What’s the point for an entrepreneur? |
Author(s) : |
Cécile, Fonrouge |
Abstract : |
FabLabs are physical places where you can experiment and fabric with digital tools. Previous research has documented this new reality. But very few works have really asked the question why is it worthy to be used by entrepreneurs? To answer this question, we give definitions of FabLabs using related concepts such as Third-Place, Community and Ecosystem. Based on those contrasts, research questions are designed. Then, we propose a participatory observation of a two years FabLab launching process. The results highlighted the function of FabLabs for entrepreneurs as transgression, socialization by action and digital appropriation. |
Keywords: |
entrepreneur, digital, FabLab, entrepreneurial support, social innovation |
Pages : |
83-103 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0083 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-83.htm |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Anne Sophie, Barbe ; Caroline, Hussler |
Abstract : |
This paper focuses on the decentralized evaluation systems implemented on sharing economy platforms. Adopting a Foucauldian approach on power, we chose to study them as an apparatus of power. The purpose of this article is to understand whether and how those evaluation systems influence platform users’ behaviors, and to provide renewed explanations of the standardization of behaviors at stake on those platforms. We conduct a single case study on BlaBlaCar carpooling system. We adopt a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with BlaBlaCar users. We highlight that users embed the evaluation systems in their behaviors in quite different ways: beyond the fear of being sanctioned, it is because users do rely on the rating system to envision themselves and to perceive and differentiate the others, that the system becomes influential. Users being differently governed by the evaluation system, the latter indirectly strengthens and protects some of them: the most experienced ones. |
Keywords: |
evaluation system, power, sharing economy, Foucault, digital platform |
Pages : |
105-124 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0105 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-105.htm |
Title : |
Do digital technologies create amnesic proselites? |
Author(s) : |
Jean-Claude, Boldrini |
Abstract : |
The digital revolution we are supposed to be in today had already been announced thirty years ago. Its reality will then be questioned in this paper, after defining the words “digital”, “revolution”, and “transition” and after presenting a short chronology of some digital technologies. Two case studies, over a few decades, will demonstrate that these evolutions have rather cyclical movements. To better understand this digital phenomenon, this paper proposes to rehabilitate the long term and invites the reader to revisit the academic works on the genetics of industrial objects, on their evolution path and on the development of their lineages. These analyses, extended to digital technologies, could clarify the strategies of innovation by putting them into perspective. |
Keywords: |
digital technologies, digital revolution, transition, innovation strategy, technology foresight |
Pages : |
125 - 150 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0125 |
Type : |
Research paper |
APA : |
Boldrini, J. (2019) Les prosélytes amnésiques des technologies numériques : pour une réhabilitation du temps long dans l’étude des trajectoires technologiques
. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO), XXV(61), pp. 125-150. DOI : https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0125 |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-125.htm |
Title : |
How can social media improve new services development? An exploratory study in a knowledge-intensive activity context |
Author(s) : |
Michaël, Benedic |
Abstract : |
The purpose of this article is to shed light on the individual practices, benefits and challenges related to the use of social media for new services development. The potential for innovation offered by the emergence of these tools is highlighted by the scientific and professional literature, but the benefits seem to be still largely untapped. In the context of knowledge-intensive business services, competitiveness highly depends on the ability to develop novel and tailor-made solutions. The challenges of using social media to meet the needs of the market and innovate are therefore particularly important. This exploratory research is conducted with a case study within a consulting firm. Consultants use a professional social network website to develop their news services in an intrapreneurship context. The results highlight contrasting effects of the use of social media according to the maturity of practices and the level of progress in the idea journey. |
Keywords: |
social media, new service development, individual practices, idea journey, social network |
Pages : |
151 - 169 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0151 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-151.htm |
Title : |
Rethinking the rationality models of the digital organization: Toward a reflexive ordinary rationality |
Author(s) : |
Hajer, Kefi ; Trevor, Moores ; Michel, Kalika |
Abstract : |
In the current context of digital transformation of the functioning modes and designs of the organizations, the purpose of this paper is to rethink the concept of rationality in order to provide new insights on how the choices made individually by social actors could contribute to shape sociotechnical change at the organizational and societal levels. We propose a theoretical synthesis of the principal conceptions of rationality in social sciences. That is, the dominant theory of rational choice and other critical approaches developed, among others, by Foucault, Habermas, Boudon, and Archer. Particularly, the paper revisits and reconciles the views developed by the latter two authors. Boudon preconizes an enlarged conception of rationality (called ordinary), as developed by Weber (1922) including the instrumentalist, normative and representational dimensions. We propose to associate the reflexivity modes to this model developed by Archer (2003) to define a new approach: the reflexive ordinary rationality, which is based upon three underpinning ideas: (1) The unit of analysis of social action is the individual ; (2) Social structures affect and are affected by individual actions ; (3) Behind each individual action, there is a system of reasons related to certain reflexivity modes that we can define. Hence, this paper proposes a new analytical framework to study the current and future sociotechnical changes related to the interactions between individuals and digital technologies. |
Keywords: |
rationality, reflexivity, critical realism, morphogenetic model, sociotechnical change |
Pages : |
171 - 188 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0171 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-171.htm |
Title : |
Author(s) : |
Alice, Friser ; Stéphanie, Yates |
Abstract : |
Faced with the growing local, national and sometimes international opposition to both private and public projects and decisions, it is difficult to reduce social acceptability to the judicious management of a project or the implementation of a policy at the time of its promotion or launch. Rather, social acceptability reflects people''s judgment of these projects and policies, following a dynamic process of social construction in which alternatives to a given situation are formulated. To build social acceptability, entrepreneurs and public decision-makers must therefore take note of the way in which progress is envisaged by societal actors and can no longer be limited to mobilising the traditional process of representative democracy. In this sense, many hope to channel this dynamic through societal dialogue forums. But these participatory bodies of intermediate democracy can no longer play the peace-building role they are attributed, because they remain places of debate where world visions clash, which will ultimately have to be the subject of arbitration. The contributions in this special issue shed new light on the potential and challenges of these participatory bodies to build compromises that can influence the trajectories of social acceptability. |
Keywords: |
social acceptability, participatory democracy, societal actors, compromise |
Pages : |
189 - 195 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0189 |
Type : |
Other |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-189.htm |
Title : |
Arts and organizations: from individuals to structures, the inseparable aesthetic dimension of politics |
Author(s) : |
Philippe, Mairesse ; Géraldine, Schmidt ; Yoann, Bazin |
Abstract : |
More than three decades after the first international special issue devoted to the relationship between art and organizations, and almost twenty years after the only RIPCO issue devoted to the arts, this special issue will take the aesthetic perspective to examine the articulation between the personal, interpersonal and structural dimensions of organizational life, and the role that art can play in it. We will explore how and why art and its practices could influence organizational behaviors, perceptions, representations and research. We live a time when calls for affect, creation, innovation, imagination, intuition, play and improvisation, supposedly necessary to manage
contemporary organizations in an increasingly complex and unpredictable world, are becoming more widespread. Our aim is therefore to synthesize the trends in the field, make them accessible to Francophone researchers and place French research on these subjects in an international perspective. Our objective, by taking the aesthetic perspective, is to rethink the link between the human and structures, in the editorial line of the journal, i.e. to reflect about the link between the subjective and concrete experience of members and the abstraction of organizational concepts and political processes, from the individual micro to the meso and the macro levels. How do the pragmatist, phenomenological, interactionist and constructivist perspectives, from which studies on organizational aesthetics are derived, help to understand the relationships between aesthetic, strategic, and political dimensions, in parallel with or in addition to neo-institutionalist, performative or cognitivist perspectives? |
Keywords: |
organizational aesthetics, art-based research, creativity, organizational symbolism, sense-making |
Pages : |
197 - 203 |
DOI : |
https://doi.org/10.3917/rips1.061.0197 |
Type : |
Other |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2019-61-page-197.htm |