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Volume XVII • Issue 43 • 2011 (Already published)
(Regular issue)
The Interstitial
Issue content
Title :  The interstitial, a new space of play between psychoanalysis and management
Author(s) :  Isabelle, Barth
Pages :  29 - 32
Type :  Editorial
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Title :  The interstitial space to make sense on the basis of the absurd. The exploration of productive unthinkable for the link between both directions
Author(s) :  Christian, Bourion ; Isabelle, Barth
Abstract :  In this emerging world, we know that the essential resource will no longer be the subject but the thought. As a result the quality and operationality of a scientific discipline will be inversely proportional to the volume of its unthoughts. The unthought is an empty space between concepts. Many societal phenomena are the subject of unthoughts, particularly within educational, commercial or religious organizations. However, the methodology of identification is specific: data cannot be collected on an « empty set » applying the methods used to collect data on full sets. It is however possible to proceed with this type of work taking inspiration from serendipity, Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and Grounded Theory (GT), collecting feedback, using the power of search engines and the appropriate software, as shown in the example developed at the end of the article.
Keywords:  brounded theory, evidence-based medicine, unthinking, business memory, implicit knowledge, serendipity, theory based, rooted theory
Pages :  33 - 48
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Thinking informal. Non-concept or meta-concept for management?
Author(s) :  François, Geoffroy
Abstract :  The aim of this paper is to explain the concept of informal within organizations. To that purpose we use two complementary theories: the organization theory and the institutional theory. In spite of undeniable contributions, informal remains inevitably linked with different concepts such as informal organization or informal institution. Few researches consider informal as a theoretical object. Thus we try to theorize informal and to understand this controversial concept. We conclude that informal because of its importance and interdisciplinarity has to be seen as a meta-concept in the study of organizations.
Keywords:  formal, formal, informal, informal, meta-concept, management
Pages :  49 - 62
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Action immersed in Ambiguity. Managers in Uncharted Territory
Author(s) :  Laurent, Bibard
Abstract :  Managerial action looks currently structurally impossible : due to an intensified short term / long term tension, actors are demanded to comply with more and more contradictory objectives. Added to political decisions to be made, an analysis of the reasons for the possibility of such contradiction is necessary. We show to what extent the dual constitution of people (at once feminine and masculine) makes room to contradictions as well as overcoming them.
Keywords:  short term, impossibility, impossible, long term, long term, pressure, sexuality, short term, tension, sexuality
Pages :  63 - 80
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  To direct the change starting from the concept of interstitial medium. Application in environment of inter-organisational co-operation
Author(s) :  Daniel, Bonnet
Abstract :  This article explores the assumption of the existence of an interstitial medium within the environments of inter-organisational co-operation. It establishes the thesis of a hodologic relation between the actors who organize in this medium the displacement of the transformations to be planned to carry out a strategic change.
Keywords:  interstitial, interstitial medium, transformation invariant, interstitial medium, ocnophilous relation, ocnophilic relation, holographic universe, hodologic universe
Pages :  81 - 100
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The effects of humour usage by sales managers on relation performance outcomes : an exploratory approach
Author(s) :  Isabelle, Barth
Abstract :  The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of humour usage by sales managers on several management and sales performance outcomes. The methodology is based on a qualitative exploratory approach (participative observation). The paper suggests many ways to use the results as a spring board by sales management researchers to accrue research efforts in understanding the truly rich role of humour. Some implications are suggested to entice organizations to emphasize salespeople’s humouristic skills as a competitive advantage.
Keywords:  commercial, conflicts, conflicts, socio-linguistic enunciation, humor, slling methods, socio-linguistics enunciation, management
Pages :  101 - 122
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  When areas of potential linkage disappear: the case of work intensification
Author(s) :  Brigitte, Nivet ; Jean-Claude, Casalegno
Abstract :  The « lived time » experienced by different actors may seem trivial. Yet, by showing "patience, " it is through this time that the Real dimension of work may be revealed. Employees reside in their own subjectivity. However, they are obviously not always aware of that fact. While most employees in an organization experience some form of suffering, it’s not just working conditions which are called into question but also the very meaning of collective action. This suffering also speaks of the strategy chosen by the leaders of the company. If many efforts produce limited results, it is because the company simply has not taken the right path. Listening to employees is thus a key activity of strategic management.
Keywords:  deliance, intensification of work, intensification of work, social bond, lived time, reliance, subjectivity of actors, subject, time lived, strategy
Pages :  123 - 148
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  When cashiers play with rules : a case of supermarket employees in France
Author(s) :  Mathias, Waelli ; Philippe, Fache
Abstract :  Starting from the distinction established by Erving Goffman between “primary” and “secondary adjustments”, this article aims to analyze the strategies and resistances of the supermarket cashiers. Based on an ethnographical fieldwork in France, the paper draws up a typology which reveals the specific contradictions of the work organization in retail.
Keywords:  secondary adaptations, cashiers, cashier, retail, resistance at work, retail, secondary adjustment, subjectivity, transgressions, subjectivity
Pages :  149 - 158
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Not-for-profit organisations and flaws in public policies: a Lacanian analysis
Author(s) :  Carine, Chemin
Abstract :  The article is a reading of the strategies of Not-for-profit organisations (NPOs) according to Lacan’s four “discourses”. Our aim is to demonstrate that there are different ways for managers to consider the cracks hidden in the environment, made up in this case of public policies. NPO 1 bases its strategy on spotting unused budget items or weaknesses in new legislation that put the “Master”, the local council or the Family Allowance Fund, in a position where it has to fulfil a legal obligation. This is a “slave” strategy. NPO 2 bases its strategy on a keen knowledge of the work of experts in the field, and it proposes to or imposes on local actors innovations that arise logically from this expert work. This is a “modern master” type strategy. The aim of NPO 3 is to propose projects to public authorities that correspond to needs observed in the field and to the wishes of voluntary workers in the NPO. These projects are not developed in relation to public authorities but through an internal dynamic based on the wishes of the volunteers. This NPO’s project is essentially hysteric and it reveals the flaws in public measures in a movement where seduction strategies are by no means absent.
Keywords:  social and solidarity economy, Lacan, public policies, psychoanalysis, public policies, social economy, psychoanalysis
Pages :  159 - 172
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The management of meaning to the test
Author(s) :  Philippe, Brodier
Abstract :  Only over the past ten years has committing suicide in one’s workplace made the headlines. As a consequence of such a tragic trend, various public figures of all stripes have voiced their opinion about it and attempted to interpret it either out of self-interest or by mere ideological stances, which has led to a very biased understanding of the scope of the situation. With a view to shaking ourselves free of prejudices, this study aims at throwing light on the gap between suicide and corporate management by explaining their links and dependencies through various analytical tools and concepts. The metapsychology of nervous breakdowns together with a narcissistic inclination can account for committing suicide. Thus, committing suicide in one’s workplace does not turn out to be the result of unbearable and heavy stress nor is it the tragic outcome of capitalism-bred constraints. Beyond the commonly-used analytical concepts, they are often fostered by tragic events such as those that happened in major companies like Renault or France Télécom while attempting to find out why those acts of despair took place in those very companies and not in others? In our liberal society and age of mass individualism in which every man and woman is free to provide some meaning to their life and in which work is devoid of meaning, it is sometimes difficult not to find a way of getting away from it.
Keywords:  narcissism, narcissism, psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis, stress, suicide, suicide at work, workplace suicide, management
Pages :  173 - 182
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The closure of the I space. The discourse of liberalism
Author(s) :  Serge, Lesourd
Abstract :  Recalling the principle of liberalism "Give me what I need and you with me what you need yourself," the author illustrates its limitations with the technique used to get American women to smoke. The author goes on to highlight that liberalism stops at the doors of dignity. Liberalism also stops at the doors of businesses where it is impossible to "succeed" to provide a result consistent with the desire, as cure or psychoanalyze, educate and govern.
Keywords:  dignity, dignity, exchanges, liberalism, liberalism, price, price, psychoanalysis, trade, psychoanalysis
Pages :  183 - 190
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  From Ulysses to Scapin through Machiavelli, or the self subverted by the Individual sometimes mischievous
Author(s) :  Dominic, Drillon ; Georges, Botet-Pradeilles
Abstract :  Between psychoanalysis and management, speaking of interstices is an understatement, also we could say abyss. The purpose of this paper is to show what spaces of freedom and action can get created if it confronts each other. Lacan said using one of its jokes: "When I am, I do not think myself" paraphrasing Descartes. The Jack of comedy is not in the position of his masters to which it is important to dominate, control, know, possess and seduce. He is indifferent to the hierarchical and territorial gains and drives his malicious game through invention, pleasure and adventure. Its subjective adjustment gives him a plasticity which becomes little by little its nature which makes it being a pleasant and necessary lesson of comedy. The self in its patterns, its conditioning, all materialistic and internalized peripheral constraints which constitute it, blurs to give place to a new vision, a new statement, and an emergence that surprises and introduces a new operation. Piaget saw there the accommodation process that brings organic or intelligent life to new equilibrium increasing stages ... The quest for buried larvae asked Darwin’s finches for a finer beak. The evolution malice gave it to them by its secret game which offers the means to the intents without relief of a conscience.
Keywords:  game, management, me, psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis, self, game
Pages :  191 - 211
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  What place can be recognized to the individual as a subject in organizational design?
Author(s) :  Renaud, Muller ; Stéphane, Leymarie
Abstract :  One could think that the introduction of human sciences in management has been the occasion to do so. Obviously, one should question what it requires to consider the individual as such in an organizational context. We will refer to Lacan’s notion of subject, at the intersection of philosophic tradition and Lacan’s clinical experience. Examining this notion will lead us to consider the subject as a posture of the individual who accesses to a representation of oneself in relationship with his environment that acts as a mirror. We will also contemplate the fact that one needs to take some distance of the organizational mirror in order to recognize oneself as a specific person. Thereafter, the individual as a subject may be considered as a interstitial posture between the individual and the organization as a mirror. Considering this understanding of the notion ob subject, we will consider how organizational theories grant some place to this posture. To do so we will resort to Morgan’s metaphorical classification of organizations. We will observe that the introduction of human sciences in management led to consider the structuring role of the organization in individual identity. However, we will notice that the understanding of individual need to distinguish oneself from the organizational mirror is still a major theoretical lack in management and organizational theories. Future research has to be done in the understanding of psychosocial hazards as a lack of possibility for the individual to take some distance with professional and organizational identity.
Keywords:  organizational theories, psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis, psychosocial hazards, subject, subject, organizational theory, psychosocial risks
Pages :  213 - 225
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  An introduction to Archetypic Systemic: a Jungian perspective on Organization. The case of a jazz orchestra
Author(s) :  Sylvain, Luc
Abstract :  In this article, we introduce an experimental organizational analysis methodology situated at the intersection of analytical psychology and Palo Alto’s systemic approaches. Using the C.G. Jung’s concepts of archetypes and the organizational symbolism corpus, we propose a metasymbolic narratology describing the unconscious system in which organizational members are involved. We support the idea that this narratology provides sense to all members of the organization through the reflexivity it offers about their organizational experiences. To illustrate, we present a longitudinal case study performed on a professionnal jazz band.
Keywords:  archetypes, archetypes, jazz orchestra, jung, jazz orchestra, systemic, systemic, leadership
Pages :  227 - 243
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Stealth and archetype of The Shadow. A link between psychoanalysis and management?
Author(s) :  Dominic, Drillon ; Jean-Pierre, Dumazert
Abstract :  This paper examines the link between psychoanalysis and management. Stealth behaviors (hidden, secret and fast) are not seen as such at work. With the framework of a qualitative study, we identify this behaviors perfectly, and attribute their key importance in decision-making and action selection. Then, we examine stealth with the Jung’s archetype of Shadow, opening a way between psychoanalysis and management, rationality and shadow.
Keywords:  stealth, shadow, psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis, stealth behavior, shadow, management
Pages :  245 - 259
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Housewives: what they are doing?
Author(s) :  Anne-Marie, Dieu ; Annie, Cornet ; Christine, Delhaye
Abstract :  The housewives are usually included in statistics as « inactives ». It could be strange to propose an article about them in a human ressources management topic. Our purpose in this article is to explain the relationship with the labour market of the so called housewifes and to put into the light the competences that they acquire outside the official labour market. We have conducted a research with hundred women that have stopped work more than two years for family reasons. This research was cary on in the french part of Belgium. We have noticed that the links between these women and the market labour were far more complex that usually assumed. The housewives have in fact a lot of activities during the period of withdrawal and these activities go beyond the scope of the house and the family. These activities give them psychological and symbolic rewards but are also sometimes a source of incomes. These women have a « dotted link » with the labour market and are not always aware of it. These activities, some « unthought of the human ressources management », give them the opportunities to develop competences that are transferable on the labour market place but that are not enough taken into account by the employers and de HR managers.
Keywords:  competency management, housewives, gender, skills management, housewives, labor market, workforce market, gender
Pages :  261 - 281
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Unemployed or in work? Understanding the intermittents du spectacle (workers in the entertainment industry without steady employment)
Author(s) :  Dominique, Leguet
Abstract :  Given that the job market is very sluggish, is a skills assessment something which exacerbates the problem? If the number of applications for skills assessment conducted by the entertainment industry seems to increase further in proportion to the hardening of their status, process guidance and assistance in project development is unfortunately not a favorable with the entire arts community. And integration of tools much more relevant in the process of skills assessment may not only enhance its reputation but certainly clarify projects consistent with the intermittent.
Keywords:  coaching, self-assessment, skills assessment, explanation, explanation, intermittent show, project, self-assessment, skills assessment, strategy, coaching
Pages :  283 - 292
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Understanding the prostitutes, intermittent torque? Prostitution in the process of reintegration. A complex path shown by the feedback of an educator
Author(s) :  Laurent, Melito
Abstract :  Reintegration of prostitutes in a particular part of the change were social and psycho-social person. This change sometimes takes the form of a critical disconcerting to people. It follows that rehabilitation is a process that involves a great moral force and fails easily.
Keywords:  reintegration, reintegration, prostitution
Pages :  293 - 300
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Trajectory of career of malagasy doctors expatriated to France
Author(s) :  Lovanirina, Ramboarison-Lalao
Abstract :  This article outlines the trajectory of career, of 34 malagasy doctors expatriated to France. Relying on the life story method, this qualitative study uses the developmentalist approach to international careers. The results clearly highlight two standard profiles: firstly, doctors with an interstitial career as a nurse who eventually occupy their profession of origin; secondly, those who definitively turn to the nursing profession. Furthermore, the interviews emphasise the socio-economic, motivational and cultural factors which may explain this expatriation.
Keywords:  professional expatriation, Malagasy doctors, professional expatriation, career trajectory, trajectory of career, developmentalist approach
Pages :  301 - 313
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  A dramaturgical analysis of the expatriate spouse role. The case of the Swiss diplomatic and consular staff
Author(s) :  Christel, Cudré-Mauroux ; Claudio, Ravasi ; Eric, Davoine
Abstract :  In this article, we focus on the social role played by expatriates’ spouses during international assignments. Many researchers emphasize the importance of the spouse for the success or the failure of international assignments. Some experts even consider the behavior of the spouse as the most important factor for the expatriation success. Today it is increasingly difficult for multinational companies to ignore the importance of spouses and to deny the expectations that organizational actors address to them in terms of social and professional roles. Following a « Goffman’s dramaturgical » role analysis, we study these role expectations on the basis of an exemplary case : the spouses of diplomatic and consular employees of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Forty spouses, men and women, were interviewed during our investigation. We present in a structured and detailed manner the various repertoires and sub-repertoires that are available to perform the expatriate spouse role.
Keywords:  dual career couples, dual career couple, expatriate management, expatriate spouse, expatriate management, social roles, social roles, expat spouse
Pages :  315 - 332
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Interstices Between Management Science, Engineering Science and Psychoanalysis: an Utopia?
Author(s) :  Thibault, de Swarte
Abstract :  This text starts by defining what is an interstice in general. Then the text focuses on interstices that can be observed at the “intersection” between engineering (mainly computer science) management science and psychoanalysis. Then, observations and interpretations are made on interstices and the role of imaginary processes in the field of computer science research. The next point deals with a more theoretical point, that is to say a reflection on the "ana-logics" and the discontinuities in both mathematics and science. Applications are given in computer science, management and psychoanalysis. I make a comparison between the role of analogical calculation in computer science on one hand versus the enumeration of analogies in psychoanalysis on the other hand. The text concludes on the interest of studying interstices between computer sciences, management science and psychoanalysis. What does the analysis of interstices really bring to management science? I think that it is both a space for freedom and a better degree of predictability. It seems particularly clear for high tech organizations where the questions raised by imaginary forces are strongly denied.
Keywords:  analogical, analog, management control, information technologies, interstices, management control, marketing, psychoanalysis, ICT, psychoanalysis
Pages :  333 - 346
Type :  Research paper
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved